Trump and Money Laundering

Finally... finally! They’ve got him now! 🤣

I hope Trump wins in Nov 'cause the alternative is a guy with dementia but if the election doesn't go as I hope, one nice thing is that we won't have this sort of crap coming up time and time again. If Trump gets another 4 yrs from the American voter, the Dems will continue this kind of thing everyday. They'll accuse him of more bogus things than you can imagine
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Been seeing a lot lately on how Trump may be using Turnberry in Scotland to launder money. Adam Davidson of the New Yorker appears to have a story in the works on it. This is from Mother Jones. Scottish authorities are looking at possible money laundering. Even if he's not laundering money, this is not a good thing for Trump since he's throwing a lot of money down the drain apparently.

The biggest Trump financial mystery? Where he came up with the cash for his Scottish resorts.
It was from Deutsche Bank and Jeffery Epstein.

Why do you think Trump had him killed?
And then he is using it to buy properties in the UK to build gold resorts???

So he's "laundering money" from someone else, but then given the ability to keep it for capital projects?

I'm not following.

Laundering money is lucrative. Trump has such bad credit I imagine it's the easiest way for him to get capital. If your lender of record is Deutsche Bank, you're already dirty.
Laundering money is lucrative. Trump has such bad credit I imagine it's the easiest way for him to get capital. If your lender of record is Deutsche Bank, you're already dirty.
Bad credit ........bwahhhh bwaaahhh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Well, it's not the Chinese. I hope you figure this out someday but I highly doubt it.

So the Russians... as far back as 2006, were working with Trump, to funnel money to him... which he in return used to build casinos and resorts... and then in return... 10-12 years later... Trump would knockout 16 other GOP candidates... knockout the handpicked DNC nominee... and get elected president... so he could do what in return???
Laundering money is lucrative. Trump has such bad credit I imagine it's the easiest way for him to get capital. If your lender of record is Deutsche Bank, you're already dirty.
So Trump laundered enough money to earn at least a $400 million vig?
Yep.... getting closer to the election .... they’ll be slinging all kinds of smear tactics around
Skim the BBC article, it looks like they are looking into where he got the money to buy the golf courses before he became president. I don't know if its true or not, but there were rumors floating around about this for years before he ran for President. I think at one point there were some alleged mob ties that may have included money laundering with some of his construction projects in the 80s or 90s.

Everyone in construction has come across people with mob ties. Its impossible not to. You CANNOT deal with union labor and not meet or know them.

They are as much a part of construction as the steel in the buildings.
Skim the BBC article, it looks like they are looking into where he got the money to buy the golf courses before he became president. I don't know if its true or not, but there were rumors floating around about this for years before he ran for President. I think at one point there were some alleged mob ties that may have included money laundering with some of his construction projects in the 80s or 90s.
OK, then explain to me how the mafia could have used Trump to launder money.
Skim the BBC article, it looks like they are looking into where he got the money to buy the golf courses before he became president. I don't know if its true or not, but there were rumors floating around about this for years before he ran for President. I think at one point there were some alleged mob ties that may have included money laundering with some of his construction projects in the 80s or 90s.

Everyone in construction has come across people with mob ties. Its impossible not to. You CANNOT deal with union labor and not meet or know them.

They are as much a part of construction as the steel in the buildings.
This may help shed some light on it: Trump Turnberry triples losses, down $13 million from last year

From the article:
The president has 17 golf operations around the world. But unlike his licensing operations where he has sold his name for fee, he has spent hundreds of millions to buy and improve the clubs, a bold bet that he can buck the industry trend of bankruptcy and losses.

The numbers from Scotland so far have not been encouraging.

At Trump's Turnberry resort on the Irish Sea, which has hosted several Open Championships, losses topped 10.8 million pounds ($13.2 million) last year, triple the loss from a year earlier, though much of that came from a hit in foreign exchange. Taking that out and one-time and non-cash costs, the club lost 210,000 pounds, or $257,000. Revenue jumped 20%.
Been seeing a lot lately on how Trump may be using Turnberry in Scotland to launder money. Adam Davidson of the New Yorker appears to have a story in the works on it. This is from Mother Jones. Scottish authorities are looking at possible money laundering. Even if he's not laundering money, this is not a good thing for Trump since he's throwing a lot of money down the drain apparently.

The biggest Trump financial mystery? Where he came up with the cash for his Scottish resorts.

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