Actually it was the 2nd time I asked you, but all good. Thx for responding.
1. Federal Reserve. The mission of the Federal Reserve is "to foster the stability, integrity, and efficiency of the nation's monetary, financial, and payments systems so as to promote optimal economic performance". You claim the Fed has completely failed its mission. How so? Be specific.
2. Unaccountable Bureaucracy. What unelected people that make laws are you referring to? Are you talking about federal judges who are appointed by the President?
3. Election Cycles. Agree that election cycles can result in both shortsighted and whiplash fiscal national policies. However, many of the important functions of the federal government seemingly are apolitical. What fiscal policy changes concern you most?
ATF gun laws like the pistol brace that turned millions into felons overnight. bump stock bans(from Trump), the various rules on barrel length, suppressors, things like that.
Fauci and the CDC locking down the nation for 2 years, another thing to thank Trump for.
all of these EPA ones are ones I have directly been affected by in my line of work.
the EPA banning the most common types of refrigerants used in HVAC systems the country over, and even home appliances like fridges and freezers. they banned the old refrigerant, but the new refrigerant is slightly flammable, and now required in every new appliance coming to a home near you. and even after multiple industry professionals all raised the concern about the increased danger to people's lives, the EPA stuck with "its for the environment".
the EPA banning wood burning stoves.
shutting down the coal plants, leading to more energy insecurity in the nation and increased prices.
going back to the EPA and a lot of the "clean" air regulations requires that home HVAC systems run more continuously to get "good" fresh air into a house. meaning most systems run about 90% of the time, instead of the 65ish% of the time previously. meaning that we spend more energy than we used to, even with more efficient systems.
Obama's clean water act, the EPA and various other burearcy was able to manipulate into restrictions that banned some people and businesses from doing various repairs or expansions that were non-sensical. you have to stay 75ft away from a water way. a water way is anything that is intended to hold water, ever, even if only after a 100 year storm, and even if its a buried stream. I worked on one project that was impossible to get approved that was just repairs, and the owner lost the house later after it was condemned. all because some pencil pushers looked at a map, and said this house is too close to a nonexistent stream, it was about 50 feet away. the old rule was 25 feet. we took it to court, but ended up losing because of multiple federal bureaucracies pulling from the clean water act even if the act itself said nothing about the conditions in place.