Trump Assassination Attempt(s)

The man was “shot”
In the ear and there’s absolutely no damage to his ear..
He is an ultra vane billionaire with a work of art combover. He was going one of two ways, a bloody skin flap so that we all are reminded GE was shot, or a makeup job for the ages where he looks perfect (in his mind. He didn’t like the feel of blood trickling in his ear canal 🤷🏻‍♂️
I really never get embarrassed. Sorry.

How do you type with your hands massaging Biden’s junk?
That's a sign of a psychopath. Now I get why you have TDAS.

“Yes, psychopaths are unlikely to experience embarrassment and other self-conscious emotions.”
I can name one your boy is funding. And I can name another he ended terribly.

Now name a war Trump started. Or ended as bad as slow Joe. I will wait
Trump was the Commander-in-Chief that signed the Afghan withdrawal agreement with Taliban, Feb 20th 2020.

The withdrawal was as much a sh!t show during Trump's tenure (July 2020 - Jan 2021) as with Biden's (Jan 2021 - Sep 21) tenure of the withdrawal.

I respect Biden less than Trump, but neither of those imbeciles gets to blame Afghanistan solely on the other.
Trump was the Commander-in-Chief that signed the Afghan withdrawal agreement with Taliban, Feb 20th 2020.

The withdrawal was as much a sh!t show during Trump's tenure (July 2020 - Jan 2021) as with Biden's (Jan 2021 - Sep 21) tenure of the withdrawal.

I respect Biden less than Trump, but neither of those imbeciles gets to blame Afghanistan solely on the other.
I have no respect for Biden or Trump. (Or Harris for that matter). But when it comes to the Afghan withdrawal, Biden fubared that far worse than anything Trump did. And truthfully, the actual blame probably falls on poor planning by the Pentagon, but Biden was POTUS, so he gets the blame.
I have no respect for Biden or Trump. (Or Harris for that matter). But when it comes to the Afghan withdrawal, Biden fubared that far worse than anything Trump did. And truthfully, the actual blame probably falls on poor planning by the Pentagon, but Biden was POTUS, so he gets the blame.
30 - 70 is the best I can do.

That agreement started going south under Trump's watch, and he let it keep rolling down hill. I can agree Biden screwed his end up worse.
How did it start going south? What happened?
2020–2021 U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan - Wikipedia On 10 March 2020, US Central Command (CENTCOM) rejected reports that the US military had developed a plan to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan. General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., chief of CENTCOM, stated that the plan was to reduce the number of US troops in Afghanistan to 8,600 over a 14-month period.[64] The US Army later confirmed that more troops would be sent to Afghanistan in the summer of 2020.[65] According to CENTCOM, the US had reduced its Afghan troop numbers to 8,600 by 18 June 2020, in accordance with the US–Taliban deal.[66] On 1 July 2020, following media reports of Taliban participation in an alleged Russian bounty program to target US troops, the US House Armed Services Committee voted for a National Defense Authorization Act amendment to set additional conditions to be met before President Trump could continue the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, including requiring an assessment on whether any country has offered incentives for the Taliban to attack US and coalition troops, along with prohibiting funding to reduce troop numbers to below 8,000, and again at 4,000, unless the administration certified that doing so would not compromise American interests in Afghanistan.[67][68] The US Senate rejected an attempt by Senator Rand Paul's amendment to the NDAA, which would have required the withdrawal of all US forces from Afghanistan within a year and bring an end to the 19-year war.[69] In August 2020, US intelligence officials reportedly assessed that the Iranian government had also offered bounties for American soldiers in Afghanistan.[70] Iran was accused of having made payments to the Haqqani network that were linked to at least six attacks in 2019, including the sophisticated attack on Bagram Air Base on 11 December 2019.[70] According to CNN, the Trump administration "never mentioned Iran's connection to the bombing, an omission current and former officials said was connected to the broader prioritization" of the US–Taliban deal and withdrawal from Afghanistan.[70] The alleged Iran-Taliban ties were cited as part of the justification for the assassination of Qasem Soleimani.[71][72] On 8 August, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said that the United States would reduce troop levels to below 5,000 by the end of November 2020.[73]

On 17 November 2020, acting US Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller announced further withdrawals of troops by 15 January 2021, leaving 2,500 troops across both Afghanistan and Iraq, down from the previous amount of 4,500 and 3,000, respectively.[74][75][76][77] US National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien issued a statement on behalf of President Trump that it was his hope the incoming Biden administration would have all US troops "come home safely, and in their entirety" by their previously agreed 1 May 2021 deadline.[77] Joe Biden had previously signaled his support for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan during his presidential campaign,[78] although he left room for the possibility that the US would be "open to maintaining a small number of troops in the country whose mission would focus solely on counterterrorism operations".[79] O'Brien added that the remaining troops in Afghanistan were to defend American diplomats, the American embassy, and other agencies of the US government operating in Afghanistan.[77] The announcement was criticized by United States Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island.[74][75][77]

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned in a statement that "the price for leaving too soon or in an uncoordinated way could be very high".[76] Critics said that the Afghan withdrawal would undermine the fragile security situation in the region and that the troop reductions would hamper the ongoing peace talks between Taliban fighters and the government of Afghanistan.[74][75][76] According to a senior defense official the conditions used to measure the drawdown were based on whether national security would be threatened by a reduction in Afghanistan to 2,500 troops. "We do not feel that it is," said the official. The other condition was, "can we maintain a force posture in Afghanistan that permits us to carry out our mission with our allies and partners?"[75] The announcement created anxiety in Afghanistan because there was a fear of a Taliban resurgence and US troops were considered a hedge against the group. Atiqullah Amarkhel, a retired Afghan Army general and military analyst, told The New York Times that the Taliban "are stronger than in the past, and if the Americans leave and don't support and assist the Afghan Army they won't resist long, and the Taliban will take over."[76]

The Trump administration completed its reduction of forces to 2,500 troops in January 2021, the lowest number of American soldiers in Afghanistan since 2001.[80] By January 2021, there were more than seven contractors for each US military service member remaining in Afghanistan, amounting to over 18,000 contractors,[81] according to figures from US Central Command.[81]

That's my main criticism, and I think its caused by inexact communications protocol. The moment they had a person doing something they could not explain, and particularly given that he was armed, that should have led to him being rushed away. I've not studied the particulars, but understand that the investigation has shown a lack of easy and timely communication to the right people to do so, and that needs to be fixed for all details, not just his.
Anybody remember the good ole days of Jan6th...when the Feds in a suburban planted an IED right outside the entrance to the Democrats HQ in D.C...WITH the VP of the US Kamala inside the building!!!

Then when it was discovered by passers by, the cops sat in their vehicle and completely ignored it for a while? Allowing people to casually keep walking through the area like it was no big deal? Then the Dimwits hid the fact that it ever happened, not making any statements about it in order to gain precious political capital and positive press for we only learned about it much later on when somebody leaked the information to the public? Then, the media paid it almost zero attention, as if it had never happened at all except for the few right leaning sources still around...

Anybody remember that? The bomb in Washington DC?

What ever came of that obvious farce? That alleged attempt to detonate a bomb at the Dimwits building in our nations Capitol and kill the sitting Vice President...that the Democrats never want talk about? Ever. Never even mention it.

Zero media coverage. What did the FBI and/or SS ever figure out about that? Anybody know the results of that surely extensive investigation? I am sure the extremely partisan (thanks Obama!) FBI that has spied on, lied about, charged with bogus crimes etc against Trump spared NO expense in solving that caper right?

Lmao. Ridiculous. Our 3 letter agencies are an absolute sham, an embarrassment to this country and a constant assailant of our rights to privacy to boot. The Democrat party is den of vipers and degenerates, completely devoid of any morals or even shame. They lie, steal, poison and kill with zero remorse. I don't even have the words to state how terrible they are or how much I hate them.

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