Trump Assassination Attempt

There’s a problem...and it's a major one. "The bullet seems to be flying about twice as fast as it ‘should’ have been" as reported by a professional photographer.

More tomboobery.

Crooks was the mastermind. He was the sole triggerman.

The debate starts as to whether the Biden admin willfully and knowingly put Trump at risk with the size of his detail....

It's either administrative incompetence or intentional neglect. I can buy both arguments...
Did they ever address the reports of him having multiple offshore accounts? Seems strange to me.
And a registered Republican. Own it.
Ok well, I would be willing to bet the Nashville shooter was a liberal.. own it.. she was crazy lol.. not being mean, but see how silly you sound? Who cares what these people voted as, they were all crazy which supersedes everything .. plus Crooks had a cray cray liberal mama, so there’s that 😂 he was just a messed up lil dude seeking attention with no girlfriend I bet
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It was reported early on. Not sure if it was true.
Oh wow.. that would be crazy if true.. he was reportedly a really smart kid and a social outcast, not a good combo in this day and age fir young people with all the revved up interactions all around them, combine it with mental illness and it’s a recipe for disaster
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Ok well, I would be willing to bet the Nashville shooter was a liberal.. own it.. she was crazy lol.. not being mean, but see how silly you sound? Who cares what these people voted as, they were all crazy which supersedes everything .. plus Crooks had a cray cray liberal mama, so there’s that 😂 he was just a messed up lil dude seeking attention with no girlfriend I bet
You certainly capture the high points!😉

There were reports in the 1st week that dude had encrypted offshore accounts in 3 foreign countries. What I find far more interesting than that is the reports that this broke, loser fresh outta HS kid also had multiple cellphones including 1 that was GPS tracked to have recently travelled to very close proximity to the FBI office/HQ there as well. He also had complicated explosive devices (plural) in his van parked at the rally....they could be detonated from a distance using a signal from a device he had on his person. That kind of stuff isnt on youtube...and in fact I would bet that if someone went searching for info about how to build any weapon similar to that, the NSA/FBI/CIA etc would be all over a person quickly. Yet somehow this outcast weirdo fresh outta HS was a master bombmaker. Where did he get that training? What was found at his home during the searches? What evidence is there regarding him testing/detonating previous and likely simpler devices as he honed his skill at building explosive devices? Skills require hands on training and physical testing...importantly these devices ALSO REQUIRED explosive materials. Where did this kid get explosive materials in 2024 America? How? He clearly didnt have a chemistry he didnt make the chemicals etc himself. You cant go buy the ingredients either at stores . We arent talking about a Uhaul truck full of fertilizer like the OKC bombing...which still took lots of know-how from an evil bastard Kazinski who was a genius with an IQ of like 160+. These were said to be small devices that could be detonated remotely. Far more complex. Yet these were supposedly made by a completely average HS educated only kid from Nowhere, PA with zero outside help or training? What was in this kids cellphone search history? Who were his contacts and every single call he made in the last 2 years? How did he gain the knowledge to build those devices? Or even allegedly use a range finder tactically? What about his skills from 140 yards using only iron sights, no scope on his rifle? Thats a very difficult shot with iron sights from that distance. Especially with his heart allegedly pounding out his chest bc a cop FINALLY stuck his head above the roofline and looked this kid straight in his face immediately before the shots were fired? There are so many unanswered questions, so much BS by the SS, DHS and this administration. So many things that make no sense at all, that are clearly nonsense...and other than a select few Republicans, our government wants to pretend this never happened and sweep their dirty deeds under the rug. There are many more issues than the few in this post as well. I am ready for a trusted, outside source to do a recap video/document covering what all we know now about this incident. There is clearly a bunch of BS going on. I want answers because I do not believe for a second that this dumb, untrained kid acted alone. In fact, i think its quite foolish to believe that he did.
There were reports in the 1st week that dude had encrypted offshore accounts in 3 foreign countries. What I find far more interesting than that is the reports that this broke, loser fresh outta HS kid also had multiple cellphones including 1 that was GPS tracked to have recently travelled to very close proximity to the FBI office/HQ there as well. He also had complicated explosive devices (plural) in his van parked at the rally....they could be detonated from a distance using a signal from a device he had on his person. That kind of stuff isnt on youtube...and in fact I would bet that if someone went searching for info about how to build any weapon similar to that, the NSA/FBI/CIA etc would be all over a person quickly. Yet somehow this outcast weirdo fresh outta HS was a master bombmaker. Where did he get that training? What was found at his home during the searches? What evidence is there regarding him testing/detonating previous and likely simpler devices as he honed his skill at building explosive devices? Skills require hands on training and physical testing...importantly these devices ALSO REQUIRED explosive materials. Where did this kid get explosive materials in 2024 America? How? He clearly didnt have a chemistry he didnt make the chemicals etc himself. You cant go buy the ingredients either at stores . We arent talking about a Uhaul truck full of fertilizer like the OKC bombing...which still took lots of know-how from an evil bastard Kazinski who was a genius with an IQ of like 160+. These were said to be small devices that could be detonated remotely. Far more complex. Yet these were supposedly made by a completely average HS educated only kid from Nowhere, PA with zero outside help or training? What was in this kids cellphone search history? Who were his contacts and every single call he made in the last 2 years? How did he gain the knowledge to build those devices? Or even allegedly use a range finder tactically? What about his skills from 140 yards using only iron sights, no scope on his rifle? Thats a very difficult shot with iron sights from that distance. Especially with his heart allegedly pounding out his chest bc a cop FINALLY stuck his head above the roofline and looked this kid straight in his face immediately before the shots were fired? There are so many unanswered questions, so much BS by the SS, DHS and this administration. So many things that make no sense at all, that are clearly nonsense...and other than a select few Republicans, our government wants to pretend this never happened and sweep their dirty deeds under the rug. There are many more issues than the few in this post as well. I am ready for a trusted, outside source to do a recap video/document covering what all we know now about this incident. There is clearly a bunch of BS going on. I want answers because I do not believe for a second that this dumb, untrained kid acted alone. In fact, i think its quite foolish to believe that he did.
They are definitely not forthcoming with the’s what they do, and what the state now does as well.. ie the Nashville shooter.. I believe we will never get the full details.. you only get the information that they want you to know
There’s a problem...and it's a major one. "The bullet seems to be flying about twice as fast as it ‘should’ have been" as reported by a professional photographer.

More tomboobery.

View attachment 673423

lol. what is Kamps justification on this? do they even have an estimated speed? or is this more of the "it will blow your lungs out" type of opinion?

do you also think the bullet should have ripped his skull apart as it passed?
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A neat fact recently released. The Sec Service were supplemented by DHS. When asked what the specific training was for the Trump rally, it was a "two-hour webinar".

rofl. Doesn't sound like Trump was much of a priority. MOF, the entire tomboobery of this fiasco points to a sincere (purposeful?) lack of implementation and execution [sic]. As a relevant aside, there were no comms between the Feds and the locals, or DHS and SS for that matter, even though radios were offered....and refused.

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