Trump at least 99 percent sure to run: good or bad for nation, GOP?

I guess this is what we have come to as a nation. At least the Romans had the entertaining drama of seeing which politician/general was going to be assassinated first. All we have are angry old men yelling at each other

BS...the young are more culpable with protesting, burning and looting. Not even close.
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When was the last time you voted for a presidential candidate you really thought was ideal?

When was the last time you voted against a presidential candidate you thought was bad?

It is much easier for politicians to make the case the other candidate is the wrong choice than make a case why they are the best choice.
When was the last time you voted for a presidential candidate you really thought was ideal?QUOTE]

Maybe therin lay the issue. There is no "ideal" except on an individual's litmus tests
Trump can win the nomination using the same formulae he did before if he chooses to run. I think it would be bad for the Rs because the Trump years conjure up too many negatives for too many voters culminating with that horrorshow at the Capitol that most Americans don't want to see repeated.
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That leaves out mayor Pete. He’s somewhat centrist, but has no track record of success or progress.

First, like I said, I think the Dems have to yield and let Harris have her turn. Would make too many constituencies mad if they did not give her the nod.

Second, I don't particularly like Buttigieg. He is well spoken and seems to be a moderate and is certainly not your typical bomb thrower these days. But he lacks specifics.

Speaking in generalities is as bad right now as just insulting people to delight your base.

Enough of both, already.
First, like I said, I think the Dems have to yield and let Harris have her turn. Would make too many constituencies mad if they did not give her the nod.

Second, I don't particularly like Buttigieg. He is well spoken and seems to be a moderate and is certainly not your typical bomb thrower these days. But he lacks specifics.

Speaking in generalities is as bad right now as just insulting people to delight your base.

Enough of both, already.

Oh please. Like you are some moderate centrist.
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#34 now a one off anecdotal indicts a group as "cultists"?. Should we not indict all teachers for their LGBT indoctrination as you suggested?

There's a very clear delineation between fans and adherents. I've been clear for the past several years about the division within the GOP and loyalty to party vs loyalty to person. Those who believe he won the election and still fly his banner and speak of conspiracy theories and go to his rallies with the reverence of a religious service do trip multiple categories on the cult identification index. Qualities & Characteristics of a Cult | Cult Research

At least I and other teachers like me stand up against the system that allows a minuscule minority of teachers to indoctrinate rather than educate. Those in the GOP who dared question Trumpism were shut down and ostracized by their fellow conservatives very quickly.
Apparently his one proviso is that his health is good.

None of us can predict how things will be in 2023/4. I'm guessing Biden does not run again and that the party has to let Harris have her turn. Obviously, she is extremely vulnerable unless things by then are really good. Assuming the status quo or close to it, the GOP will have an enormous built in advantage in 23/24.

If Trump runs, presumably he easily gets the nomination. Is that a good thing or a bad thing for the GOP and the nation?

If the leg-humpers could lose their Trump fixation, Nikki Haley could cake walk her way to the presidency (assuming Kamala is the Dem nominee)
There's a very clear delineation between fans and adherents. I've been clear for the past several years about the division within the GOP and loyalty to party vs loyalty to person. Those who believe he won the election and still fly his banner and speak of conspiracy theories and go to his rallies with the reverence of a religious service do trip multiple categories on the cult identification index. Qualities & Characteristics of a Cult | Cult Research

At least I and other teachers like me stand up against the system that allows a minuscule minority of teachers to indoctrinate rather than educate. Those in the GOP who dared question Trumpism were shut down and ostracized by their fellow conservatives very quickly.

You fail. You cannot delineate between person and vision or policy.
You literally callled Trump supporters as a whole as "cultists" because you drive by a house with such a display.
Great vetting system you got going
If the leg-humpers could lose their Trump fixation, Nikki Haley could cake walk her way to the presidency (assuming Kamala is the Dem nominee)

If your party could lose the meglomania to get the eff out of my life and move on from the cultural wars, I might vote Dem. But not the socialistic authoritarianism of the current path.
You fail. You cannot delineate between person and vision or policy.
You literally called Trump supporters as a whole as "cultists" because you drive by a house with such a display.
Great vetting system you got going

You see what you want to see and read into things what you want to read into them. The amount of effort that has to be put into posting in a way that will not be willfully misconstrued is tiring.

A reasonable neutral observer would agree with my version of discourse. But, you feel how you feel. I acknowledge your right to feel the way you do.
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If your party could lose the meglomania to get the eff out of my life and move on from the cultural wars, I might vote Dem. But not the socialistic authoritarianism of the current path.

I can agree with this.
If the leg-humpers could lose their Trump fixation, Nikki Haley could cake walk her way to the presidency (assuming Kamala is the Dem nominee)

I think that is almost certainly correct.

Trump v. Harris would just be more of the same culture wars theme we've had for the last 15 years, and people are tired of it. Across the board.
You see what you want to see and read into things what you want to read into them. The amount of effort that has to be put into posting in a way that will not be willfully misconstrued is tiring.

A reasonable neutral observer would agree with my version of discourse. But, you feel how you feel. I acknowledge your right to feel the way you do.

Oh are so self righteous as any of us. Me included.
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I think that is almost certainly correct.

Trump v. Harris would just be more of the same culture wars theme we've had for the last 15 years, and people are tired of it. Across the board.

How about leaving the cultural wars to the states? You for it?
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Bad because of trump.
Bad for GOP because no one else steps up.
Bad for nation because he is divisive, and others divide up more because of him.
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If the leg-humpers could lose their Trump fixation, Nikki Haley could cake walk her way to the presidency (assuming Kamala is the Dem nominee)

But the drop in lumber will pull Biden through..

Bad because of trump.
Bad for GOP because no one else steps up.
Bad for nation because he is divisive, and others divide up more because of him.

Who will not be devisive? You think some third party "centrist" will not. Some unicorn that will be an "ideal" President that will crush the DC machine that we witness today?
We are waaaaay behond that.
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Who will not be devisive? You think some third party "centrist" will not. Some unicorn that will be an "ideal" President that will crush the DC machine that we witness today?
We are waaaaay behond that.
Trump said stuff a president shouldnt.
People said stuff about Trump they wouldnt for any other president because of what Trump said. "He started it" style.

Anyone else wont have that specific issue.
Trump said stuff a president shouldnt.
People said stuff about Trump they wouldnt for any other president because of what Trump said. "He started it" style.

Anyone else wont have that specific issue.

So what. I dont care what he said...period. It doesnt matter one iota. Any President of any party, including thrid party, are going to say things that piss people off. Even non inflammatory is construed as inflammatory. It is the political art of rhetoric, and been going on since forever.
Now to debate his policy, ok then.
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So what. I dont care what he said...period. It doesnt matter one iota. Any President of any party, including thrid party, are going to say things that piss people off. Even non inflammatory is construed as inflammatory. It is the political art of rhetoric, and been going on since forever.
Now to debate his policy, ok then.
You dont care. But some people do. Its half the reason people voted for him to piss off the libs. That's divisive. That's the whole point to my argument.

As long as the next person doesnt do stuff specifically to piss people off, and guards their tongue half the time, that would be an improvement over Trump.

Then you add in the dumb crap that came out of his mouth because he had zero filter.
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