Trump at least 99 percent sure to run: good or bad for nation, GOP?

He'll most likely run but I see him stepping out early and throwing his support /supporters to another candidate.
Momma Trump is already on record stating she's not interested in getting the band back together.
If our choices in the next election are Trump or Harris, we should all just commit mass suicide. Why drag it out?
Things were so dreadful and awful under Trump. Check out the stats like Black UE and income gap disparity, if one where to use wokeness measures, or whatever in a personal realm.
The other side called him a Putin agent. Rest assured Putin is happier now.

Nothing but "mean tweets"

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No citation here, I extremely seldom ever harp on grammar, but your content and substance is so often absurd, and then you lobbed up that low hanging fruit, eh ... you served it up and in a moment of weakness I took a rip. Color me a opportunist. Carry on !
Apology accepted.
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You dont care. But some people do. Its half the reason people voted for him to piss off the libs. That's divisive. That's the whole point to my argument.

As long as the next person doesnt do stuff specifically to piss people off, and guards their tongue half the time, that would be an improvement over Trump.

Then you add in the dumb crap that came out of his mouth because he had zero filter.

Try another line of thought. I've never liked Trump or what he stood for, and I never will. However, the GOP is an emasculated slug. If not someone like Trump, it would have been another ball-less piece of crap like a Bush who would have immediately folded to the DC establishment. Trump lit the swamp (including the press) and forced them to show who and what they are (if anybody was looking and listening). The real issue is we need another someone who will torch the place, break stuff, and wallow in the mud with the pigs when required ... but it sure would be nice if he could speak comprehensively and not act like a pompous ass in doing his job. Our problem is we have made it so difficult to be heard, the person has to yell louder than anyone else and that leaves out most qualified people who think first and talk later.

As for fiscal conservatism, that's dead and buried. Politicians buy votes. They buy votes by bribing the electorate with all kinds of "free stuff". That was postulated long ago about the democratic process - it works in a republic, too, with those we elect as a go between the people and the treasury.
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This is why we need to be able to vote "NO" for candidates. Perhaps if we could reject them all instead of voting for the least offensive, we'd make progress in getting better candidates. Of course, there is a huge drawback to adding another choice ... we already have enough problems simply counting what we have and not getting negative vote swings.

Agreed, but ... we have what we have now, no way to fix that, but to either educate better or pray for devine intervention.
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Trump said stuff a president shouldnt.
People said stuff about Trump they wouldnt for any other president because of what Trump said. "He started it" style.

Anyone else wont have that specific issue.

We lost respect for federal leadership decades and several presidents ago. Trump is just the same process with a different slant.
No I don’t want Trump to run again but when Nov 2024 comes around and if it’s Trump vs some idiot like Biden or Harris and they’re playing games not even letting a 3rd party candidate get on the debate stage again then I’ll vote Trump once on Election Day, twice in early voting, and ten times by mail in ballot.

Mean Tweets/$2.00 gas 2024

Can we please get ranked choice voting now FFS?!

NO! That makes as much sense as the way TX does electric utilities and we saw how that worked out last winter. Our election system can't even handle simple stuff. GA did runoffs and screwed a lot of stuff up. KISS ... keep it simple.
Not a Trump fan, but ... a million miles better than the incompetent fools running us in the ground presently ! Why oh why can’t the populace entertain an independent candidate ?

For the same reason we had to have a NC in football rather than being happy with more interesting bowl games.
Trump/Harris would be a disaster.

But the the right and left folks will still flock to their guy/gal like good sheep. And after the election they will still b***** about spending, cronyism, incompetence, and stupid wedge issues and wonder why it never changes.
Apology accepted.

I apologize for nothing, your content is still so lacking, but, hey .... feel free to jump on my misgivings in grammar when the opportunity arises. I am sure it will, my thumbs have either gotten bigger or my eyesight is bad, both are probably true, one for certain. 😏
Trump/Harris would be a disaster.

But the the right and left folks will still flock to their guy/gal like good sheep. And after the election they will still b***** about spending, cronyism, incompetence, and stupid wedge issues and wonder why it never changes.

It would be entertaining to say the least. Probably the first time one presidential candidate actually called the other a slut ... with reason. We could hope it might scare the country straight; and we'd take elections and our "representatives" more seriously; but considering the national propensity toward diversity and "reality", I doubt it.
It would be entertaining to say the least. Probably the first time one presidential candidate actually called the other a slut ... with reason. We could hope it might scare the country straight; and we'd take elections and our "representatives" more seriously; but considering the national propensity toward diversity and "reality", I doubt it.
What's your definition of slut? I'm guessing it might include more than you believe

There would be nothing entertaining from either of those idiots
How about leaving the cultural wars to the states? You for it?

Within reason.

Wouldn't you agree that the citizens of Alabama cannot vote by majority rule to force all black persons to leave the State?

There are limits to state's rights.
It would be entertaining to say the least. Probably the first time one presidential candidate actually called the other a slut ... with reason. We could hope it might scare the country straight; and we'd take elections and our "representatives" more seriously; but considering the national propensity toward diversity and "reality", I doubt it.
Trump nailed a porn star while his wife was pregnant. I don't think he has a leg to stand on.
Trump’s campaign got out maneuvered at every turn during the election by a half - wit
with dementia who wasn’t particularly bright even without dementia. Maybe let someone else have a shot.
I apologize for nothing, your content is still so lacking, but, hey .... feel free to jump on my misgivings in grammar when the opportunity arises. I am sure it will, my thumbs have either gotten bigger or my eyesight is bad, both are probably true, one for certain. 😏
LOL. Like I really thought you were apologizing. Just seeing how easily you can be triggered. Looks like you're a pushover.
I'd prefer both parties run centrists who, as you might put it, come in with a clean slate and priority on long term economic progress. Leave the culture wars out of it this time, IMO.
Dream on. The way American political parties have shifted so as to monetize and mobilize their respective fringes, there is no longer any possibility of either party ever having a centrist capable of securing the nomination again. The base will not allow it. The Dems got away with nominated at least a „perceived centrist“ in Biden one last time just because they would have nominated a pack of gum to beat Trump. Of course the party decision makes could rest easy knowing that Biden was an easily steerable shell of his former moderate self that could be made to sign anything. His job was simply to get elected and then other hands took over immediately.
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I think that is almost certainly correct.

Trump v. Harris would just be more of the same culture wars theme we've had for the last 15 years, and people are tired of it. Across the board.

You really don't understand, do you?

Trump continuing to rile up the left and get them to show their true colors is only going to help conservatives in the long run. There is no way he runs in 24, but he's certainly helping pave the road for a GOP Congress and White House in the next elections.
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You really don't understand, do you?

Trump continuing to rile up the left and get them to show their true colors is only going to help conservatives in the long run. There is no way he runs in 24, but he's certainly helping pave the road for a GOP Congress and White House in the next elections.

No way he runs?

I think you underestimate his ego.
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I wouldn’t want the job, (and it is s a job) or supposed to be anyway, but, let us all pray that the populace isn’t as so uninformed and media driven as it seems.

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