Trump has the virus

It’s not a waste if you realize that the MSM is lying about Trump non-stop. If you don’t vote for him because you think he’s a jerk, don’t like his policies, or some other reason then fine. Just don’t accept the BS lies from the MSM and Dems.

Another person who declares that any facts that disagree with what he believes must be a lie. It's so brain dead.
Another person who declares that any facts that disagree with what he believes must be a lie. It's so brain dead.
And who’re you making that assumption about? I know it’s not me because you know nothing about me and clearly aren’t talking about the point I’m making because I’m talking about facts, not opinions that Dems and MSM try to sell as facts.
The CNN meltdown is epic. "Its like N Korea...landing the helicopter and taking off the mask..while he still infected..

Wish I could add the shrill
It's so typical. Trump does something brash and thoughtless and I think "I don't think that was a good idea". Then CNN manages to be so shrill and sanctimonious that I end up just switching to Family Feud and swearing I'll never watch the news again.
Not as much as he lies about himself.
If you say so. No one lie counts Biden or CNN but Biden constantly peddles all of the MSM’s lies about Trump, lies about his agenda, and even lies about his life so I’m betting it’s way more than you think it is. He just doesn’t have the MSM up his ass like Trump does.

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