Trump has the virus

For a virus as deadly as Covid? Three days is a miracle and the same amount of days between the resurrection of Jesus. Coincidence?

A few days ago Trump had the COVID, they wished his death, and thought of invoking 25th....sorry but....

For a virus as deadly as Covid? Three days is a miracle and the same amount of days between the resurrection of Jesus. Coincidence?
I was impressed that Trump was able to get his fat butt up those steps. That was the miracle. Of course, that doesn't have anything to do with COVID.
Let’s see now. Dude spends 3 days in the hospital getting treated for COVID, goes home prematurely, removes his mask and walks into an absolute COVID hotbed. He may have gone home but he is still contagious and doesn’t give one 💩 about exposing more people to this junk. If that doesn’t prove the absolute selfish arrogant narcissistic personality of this clown, I got nothing else for you. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. But there’s a segment that will lap it up and excuse it and that’s even more pathetic. And that’s why I’ve pretty much stopped commenting on here. Just not worth the time. See you on November 4th.

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