Trump has the virus

Let’s see now. Dude spends 3 days in the hospital getting treated for COVID, goes home prematurely, removes his mask and walks into an absolute COVID hotbed. He may have gone home but he is still contagious and doesn’t give one 💩 about exposing more people to this junk. If that doesn’t prove the absolute selfish arrogant narcissistic personality of this clown, I got nothing else for you. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. But there’s a segment that will lap it up and excuse it and that’s even more pathetic. And that’s why I’ve pretty much stopped commenting on here. Just not worth the time. See you on November 4th.
So you think he should have to wear a mask while at home?
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He’s a giant douche canoe. Met him at a wrestling camp. Snarky little weasle-like creep.

Cute anecdote. Now u are gettin least half correct. They all are. I interned for Gore and realized, hey I dont hate the man, he is just a fake. The whole charade is creepy. But I absolutely despise your party now, not for what they say, but what they have done.
Let’s see now. Dude spends 3 days in the hospital getting treated for COVID, goes home prematurely, removes his mask and walks into an absolute COVID hotbed. He may have gone home but he is still contagious and doesn’t give one 💩 about exposing more people to this junk. If that doesn’t prove the absolute selfish arrogant narcissistic personality of this clown, I got nothing else for you. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. But there’s a segment that will lap it up and excuse it and that’s even more pathetic. And that’s why I’ve pretty much stopped commenting on here. Just not worth the time. See you on November 4th.

We’ll be right here, neckbeard, waiting for you to self-combust....

That Andrea Mitchell witch/bitch needs to wear a mask at all times to cover her ugly pock marked face. It looks like it was set on fire and beaten out with a track shoe. I have seen her in person, and her skin makes Tulsi's look as smooth as a baby's ass.

Pretty much all Democratic left-wing ding bats are ugly. There might be 1-2 that are decent looking.
It IS difficult to read that statement and NOT think about the 200,000 dead Americans and their families. They have had the worst year of their lives and to have the President just dismiss the disease in that way is insulting.

But, we’ve come to expect it by now.
So the other 329,800,000 people need to stay in their homes and be afraid to go outside?
I don't buy into that 200k number - too many co-morbidities and people getting hit by busses getting classified as covid deaths. I also question the number of "positives", I'd be far more interested in seeing the number of new positives as I think we all know that re-test positives are getting lumped in. My wife has a colleague who works in the nicu who by policy can't go back to work until she has two consecutive negative tests. She's been tested for eight weeks straight as "positive", despite her last symptom being almost two months ago. Clearly a limitation of the test.... but a reported positive nonetheless.
Who are you and what have you done with Septic?
It IS difficult to read that statement and NOT think about the 200,000 dead Americans and their families. They have had the worst year of their lives and to have the President just dismiss the disease in that way is insulting.

But, we’ve come to expect it by now.
Exactly. He should be in the fetal position clutching pearls with grief.
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Let’s see now. Dude spends 3 days in the hospital getting treated for COVID, goes home prematurely, removes his mask and walks into an absolute COVID hotbed. He may have gone home but he is still contagious and doesn’t give one 💩 about exposing more people to this junk. If that doesn’t prove the absolute selfish arrogant narcissistic personality of this clown, I got nothing else for you. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. But there’s a segment that will lap it up and excuse it and that’s even more pathetic. And that’s why I’ve pretty much stopped commenting on here. Just not worth the time. See you on November 4th.
Will you actually have the nerve to go to the polls, or will you be too skeered? I'll actually be going to the polling place. I hope it is full of Trump voters.

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