Trump has the virus

He’s steering your attention successfully... Kinda like the MSM
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Let’s see now. Dude spends 3 days in the hospital getting treated for COVID, goes home prematurely, removes his mask and walks into an absolute COVID hotbed. He may have gone home but he is still contagious and doesn’t give one 💩 about exposing more people to this junk. If that doesn’t prove the absolute selfish arrogant narcissistic personality of this clown, I got nothing else for you. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. But there’s a segment that will lap it up and excuse it and that’s even more pathetic. And that’s why I’ve pretty much stopped commenting on here. Just not worth the time. See you on November 4th.
All I want to know is what medical basis you are using that he was discharged prematurely? I don’t really see why people think he would be discharged if he were not in good shape to be.
Cute anecdote. Now u are gettin least half correct. They all are. I interned for Gore and realized, hey I dont hate the man, he is just a fake. The whole charade is creepy. But I absolutely despise your party now, not for what they say, but what they have done.
Yea I started despise the GOP when I realized they were raising the debt faster then the Dems. Don’t get me wrong I hate them too.
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I'm very thankful for the medical advancements that have been made in only 8 months to improve the therapeutic success of treatment for CV19. I'm also relieved for the Trump family. Having a sick loved one is an experience I'm sure we can all relate to.

Prayers for continued recovery.
Pssssttt. If you maintain 2+2=4, he'll argue that it's 5 until he's blue in the face.

I think he was talking about Rubin, not ND40, although, sans the journalism and school parts, that is a common reaction to ND40’s posts so I could be mistaken.
It's so typical. Trump does something brash and thoughtless and I think "I don't think that was a good idea". Then CNN manages to be so shrill and sanctimonious that I end up just switching to Family Feud and swearing I'll never watch the news again.
There is a reason why most people watch hockey. For the fighting.
There is a reason why most people watch NASCAR. For the crashes.
There is a reason why most people watch CNN...
I saw a fairly young man drive by me today, in his car alone, and wearing a mask. Can somebody please tell me why, and will any of our liberals admit that it was one of them?

I see this pretty much every day, without actively looking for it....still makes me laugh every single time stupid and irrational does a person have to be to wear a mask, alone, in their own car??? Nobody else on board to get your germs or the inverse??
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lol. Good luck changing the constitution for the sole purpose of soothing your hurt a##holes. lololol.

Heh. FYI the Constitution doesn't establish a set # of SCOTUS judges. In fact, it's varied widely over the years.

Should the GOP presumably push their judge through prior to Trump's departure this January, it'd tilt the court 6-3 for the conservatives. Most people, including me, favor a balanced court. So, yeah, I'd expect Congress to expand the # of SCOTUS seats to 11, 12 or 13 in the event the Dems control Congress and the Presidency.
The hoops that have been jumped through , the circles that have been ran with heads of hair on fire in this thread since Trump tested positive for the rona is nothing less than impressive. Ive seen high hopes of death , I’ve seen where the 25th amendment needs to be looked at , Seen the VP totally ignored and Pelosi being interviewed and asked about taking over where she could kill the SCOTUS nominee , I’ve learned the general public doesn’t get the kind of care a POTUS and congress get , we all just get sent home to die , watched the disbelief that Trump was actually getting better and he was worse than anybody was telling us , now we are at the point to where he left the hospital too early , three days isn’t that long but actually it’s really long because I’ve never spent three consecutive days in a hospital, but my personal favorite so far is Trumps 74 year old fat azz , that just beat the rona looked like he was gasping for air while climbing stairs . ( ignoring the fact that he has a suit , a buttoned up shirt and a tie on) . Anecdotal story time .. at 52 and quiet healthy , I could barely make it upstairs inside our house when I had it , and if you told me I had to put a buttoned up shirt and tie on to do it , I would have given you a cussing when every breath I could deep breath in and get out . You bunch of monkeys behind the glass at the zoo site are making a lot of noise over him beating the rona . 😂
And who’re you making that assumption about? I know it’s not me because you know nothing about me and clearly aren’t talking about the point I’m making because I’m talking about facts, not opinions that Dems and MSM try to sell as facts.

I can tell all I need to know about you from your own narrow-minded postings. Don't try to say you've cornered the market on the truth. The only truths you know are the ones you decide exist because they mesh with your political beliefs. Go put your little tin foil hat back on.
That Andrea Mitchell witch/bitch needs to wear a mask at all times to cover her ugly pock marked face. It looks like it was set on fire and beaten out with a track shoe. I have seen her in person, and her skin makes Tulsi's look as smooth as a baby's ass.
I’ve heard from a source she was bobbing for French fries.
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