Trump has the virus

I’m sure it gets to you when you contribute to someone’s alcoholism, they die, get killed or kill someone in a wreck, liver damage or domestic violence etc. Anything for a wage or tip huh?

AirVol, are you feeling somber this evening?

People choose to drink. No one chooses to die from a virus.
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Lmao. No anger on my end. I just thought you looked really dumb offering fake compassion thinking anyone, especially me, would buy it.

You're still new. You have a thing or two to learn here. Have a good evening.
So what is your drug of choice today? You seem to be especially spirited this afternoon.
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And just because China, a communist country, does shutdowns, that means that we should have followed behind them?

Imagine the media backlash if Trump would have issued a travel ban to China AND a shutdown/lockdown of the United States in January/February?

Probably would have been substantial. I still would have applauded it.

If a communist powerhouse is halting its own economy, then it certainly raises cause for concern. Don't act like your red thong wouldn't get in a bunch if Putin shut down his factory productions countrywide amidst a mysterious outbreak of a contagion.
They should just avoid shutting down. Let's see how bad it gets, right?

Yes, creating a worldwide depression will lead to more deaths and suffering than Covid. You know it's estimated that between 3 and 7 million Americans died of starvation and the effects of malnutrition during the great depression, want to experience that?
AirVol, are you feeling somber this evening?

People choose to drink. No one chooses to die from a virus.
There's always an exception . . .

Probably would have been substantial. I still would have applauded it.

If a communist powerhouse is halting its own economy, then it certainly raises cause for concern. Don't act like your red thong wouldn't get in a bunch if Putin shut down his factory productions countrywide amidst a mysterious outbreak of a contagion.

And the WHO was telling the world China had it under control, aren't they supposed to be the experts?
Yes, creating a worldwide depression will lead to more deaths and suffering than Covid. You know it's estimated that between 3 and 7 million Americans died of starvation and the effects of malnutrition during the great depression, want to experience that?
Why not. Some of these assholes could use the weight loss.
And the WHO was telling the world China had it under control, aren't they supposed to be the experts?

No one said the experts were always right, but they're certainly right more often than they are wrong.

I don't see why Trump's opinion on public health should rival a fart's whiff of theirs in your eyes.
I'm good on this for tonight. I will be drinking beer at Suttree's with friends watching the game if anyone wants to say hi or take their crack at the title.

(You can maintain your protest of sportsball. I won't make you gaze upon the television)
Most educated and informed adults haven't been hiding in the corner. It's not about absolute extremes, yet you and your ilk always use that as the comparison. How about some moderation and a mature acknowledgment of it
Oh no... I'm one of the few that have been asking for moderation and common sense.

No one was preventing you from wearing a mask or cloth over your face if you felt the need to protect yourself. The pushback from people like me comes when you start mandating that I have to wear a mask... and start shutting down certain businesses while allowing others to open.

If you can't see where moderation and common sense fell of the rails, it would start on those 2 events.
I watch his speeches and press conferences. I read his tweets. I know for a fact he constantly lies and makes false claims
I’m not even disputing that he does. I’m just saying there are a lot of lies told about him by the Dems and MSM. What he said about the people in Charlottesville is a great example. He very clearly denounced white nationalists and neo-Nazis in the very same sentence where he mentioned fine people on both sides but that’s not the way the Dems and MSM tell it. If you think he’s racist, fine. If you think he’s lying when he denounces White supremacists, fine. I’m just saying that the Dems and MSM constantly lie about things he says or does and it happens so much it is far past the point of being absurd as it’s every single day. Vote for Biden, vote for Trump, vote 3rd party, I don’t care. I’m just hoping people to do it with their eyes open, as much as possible anyway. I’m sure there’s a lot of shenanigans on both sides that never come to light.
Trump had been told by top scientists in the first couple of months how bad it could be, which is why he relayed that to Woodward
And again, the experts' dire predictions turned out to be overblown. Had Trump come out and told the public what he told Woodward, he would have been engaging in spreading unnecessary panic based on faulty data from China and our experts.
No one said the experts were always right, but they're certainly right more often than they are wrong.

I don't see why Trump's opinion on public health should rival a fart's whiff of theirs in your eyes.

He’s got to balance public health and the economy where health experts only have 1 thing to consider.
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I said the left's feelings about Trump would be similar to the right's feelings about RBG.
Varied........covering the whole spectrum. Some a little happy, some not happy at all, even a few nuts that might be giddy.
Maybe you should process a little more deeply.

Not going to happen. You need a processor to be able to process. Impotent in the processing department

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