Trump has the virus

I had an aunt and a few friends I knew had family members that died. That had nothing to do with Trump. Or Pelosi or Biden, for that matter.

You guys have politiized a virus when the truth is that a virus is going to do what a virus is going to do. We should have let it run its course and not shutdown the world. In 5 years (hopefully sooner), we are going to look back on these lockdowns as a major human disaster.
It was the failures of Capitalism, highlighted by the Pope, why we are leading the world in covid deaths.
I think he lead by example by continuing on with business as usual and not hiding in the corner or getting everyone worked up into a frenzy of a virus with a 99% survival rate.

You should write a book on economics and pandemic response, Ras. You're clearly a docotoral candidate for shouldacouldawoulda-ism.
He stood up in March and said it was going away soon. That 15 people had it and soon it would be gone. There's plenty of hard fact examples of him misleading the public

I can see why it's difficult for you to debate this specific subject. You're not informed

And he was wrong but that didn't lead to any deaths. What should he have said?
I think he lead by example by continuing on with business as usual and not hiding in the corner or getting everyone worked up into a frenzy of a virus with a 99% survival rate.
Most educated and informed adults haven't been hiding in the corner. It's not about absolute extremes, yet you and your ilk always use that as the comparison. How about some moderation and a mature acknowledgment of it
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Biden and Pelosi were wrong too
The truth is that no one had good information at the time. Why can't we at least agree to that?

China's info was dubious, so we couldn't trust what we were hearing out of there.

And the health officials at the time were not suggesting masks would stop the spread.

Instead of playing politics, why can't we acknowledge that what I'm saying is the truth.
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It's in bham's OP, sweetheart. It details that China was doing unprecedented shutdowns in January.
And just because China, a communist country, does shutdowns, that means that we should have followed behind them?

Imagine the media backlash if Trump would have issued a travel ban to China AND a shutdown/lockdown of the United States in January/February?
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I'm assuming none of those were your friends or family.

It hits you different when it is.
I’m sure it gets to you when you contribute to someone’s alcoholism, they die, get killed or kill someone in a wreck, liver damage or domestic violence etc. Anything for a wage or tip huh?
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Angry? Feeling sorry for you and your misplaced anger, yes.
Good Night

Lmao. No anger on my end. I just thought you looked really dumb offering fake compassion thinking anyone, especially me, would buy it.

You're still new. You have a thing or two to learn here. Have a good evening.
The truth is that no one had good information at the time. Why can't we at least agree to that?

China's info was dubious, so we couldn't trust what we were hearing out of there.

And the health officials at the time were not suggesting masks would stop the spread.

Instead of playing politics, why can't we acknowledge that what I'm saying is the truth.
Trump had been told by top scientists in the first couple of months how bad it could be, which is why he relayed that to Woodward

I agree with some of your opinions and disagree with others..OK;)

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