Trump has the virus

Meh, I ignore online thoughts and prayers as much as I ignore day to day advice from politicians.

Maybe you should live like that also.

If I had actually said "thoughts and prayers" his statement would have meaning. I did not and it does not.
I see we only like to follow Sweden's lead when it suits the narrative.

Call me when you're willing to pay their tax rates and adopt their communal policies.
And their whiteness?

Really bad example of whataboutism here. They followed a different model than the surrounding countries, which are essentially the same socioeconomically. They had a pretty aggressive spike and then a continuing decline with absolutely no mitigation other than protecting the elderly in retirement and nursing homes.

No shutdown. No mask mandate.
And their whiteness?

Um, sir, where did that come from?

Are we funneling the bourbon before noon now?

Their only densely populated city is Stockholm, and it's not even going to rank in the top 50 here in the US in terms of density. The comparison is ****ing dumb and you should stop trying to validate it.
Um, sir, where did that come from?

Are we funneling the bourbon before noon now?

Their only densely populated city is Stockholm, and it's not even going to rank in the top 50 here in the US in terms of density. The comparison is ****ing dumb and you should stop trying to validate it.

Dumb people consistently attempt to validate dumb ****. Numerous example around here
I'm not voting for Biden, that is 100% certain. But I'm not sure I can bring myself to vote for Trump. I'm conflicted on that. That will probably be an election day decision.

Holy ****. The fact that you're even thinking about it. The trillions in 2020 debt alone should completely end that thought for any libertarian.
Everything in order....first infection....then hospitalizations.....then death....everything has an order

Sure, if you want to remain viewing it from the standpoint of a simpleton.

France spiked above its previous first wave 5 weeks ago, and no spike in deaths. The possibilty exists that the spike in cases is among younger people and thus no spike in hospitalizations or deaths.
Sure, if you want to remain viewing it from the standpoint of a simpleton.

France spiked above its previous first wave 5 weeks ago, and no spike in deaths. The possibilty exists that the spike in cases is among younger people and thus no spike in hospitalizations or deaths.
Sometimes I feel sorry for you, but then I remember who you are.
Um, sir, where did that come from?

Are we funneling the bourbon before noon now?

Their only densely populated city is Stockholm, and it's not even going to rank in the top 50 here in the US in terms of density. The comparison is ****ing dumb and you should stop trying to validate it.
So, then you’d agree that what MOST places need is not what others need? I’d say Sweden compares favorably to a large number of US cities.

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