Trump has the virus

Thus why you haven't seen many deaths do to heart attacks or strokes etc.. the last 8 months.

Pure echo chamber crap. 200,000 excess deaths in the US this year.

Per Johns Hopkins:


"...We can observe trends from the number of deaths reported each year, on a weekly basis. When we see large deviations in the numbers for a time period, we call that excess deaths. Looking at 2020 since March, the raw number of excess deaths is 200,000 more people than a normal year. When we try to understand that, COVID-19 is the most rational and likely explanation. If you don't believe it's COVID-19, try to pinpoint why this year has been so different than any other. Why would a new disease that kills people not be the cause?"
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Pure echo chamber crap. 200,000 excess deaths in the US this year.

Per Johns Hopkins:


"...We can observe trends from the number of deaths reported each year, on a weekly basis. When we see large deviations in the numbers for a time period, we call that excess deaths. Looking at 2020 since March, the raw number of excess deaths is 200,000 more people than a normal year. When we try to understand that, COVID-19 is the most rational and likely explanation. If you don't believe it's COVID-19, try to pinpoint why this year has been so different than any other. Why would a new disease that kills people not be the cause?"
but but but but....they had other stuff.....but but but.....they said if we did nothing millions would die. Look on 200K have died in 8 months, you should be happy. President Obama wanted death panels to ration out healthcare! :rolleyes:
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“We are reporting those deaths that have laboratory confirmation, meaning that they have been tested and a laboratory test indicates that they were COVID positive,” she said. “As we learn more about the disease, there may have been less typical presentations of COVID-19 that were not appropriately attributed to COVID because there wasn’t a test done because the suspicion was not there.”

Ezike said that the state is being careful to make sure to weed out deaths where the patient had COVID-19, but died in a manner completely detached from the virus, such as gunshot wounds or motor vehicle crashes.

Not the hard hitting denial you are looking for there Titan.
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“We are trying to make sure that things that aren’t related at all to the COVID diagnosis are removed, but if someone has another illness, like heart disease, and then had a stroke or other event, it’s not as easy to separate that and say COVID didn’t exacerbate that existing illness. That would not be removed from the count,” she added.

"Trying"...just not very hard huh?
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Remains to be seen . I know a guy that had it , took no meds for it , got over it , and his wife is still being exposed to it on the regular . He doesn’t seem to have it again or at least no symptoms of it like the first time . Immune systems are amazing huh ? 🤷‍♂️

Edit : the guy lied .. he took NyQuil.
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Nope.....still got it. Weird flex that he is being treated with stem cells from guess are you all going to go through these mental gymnastics?

The mental gymnastics of a 74 year old overweight man beating a virus in a couple days....those gymnastics moves are needed on your end coronabro.
but but but but....they had other stuff.....but but but.....they said if we did nothing millions would die. Look on 200K have died in 8 months, you should be happy. President Obama wanted death panels to ration out healthcare! :rolleyes:
Pure echo chamber crap. 200,000 excess deaths in the US this year.

Per Johns Hopkins:


"...We can observe trends from the number of deaths reported each year, on a weekly basis. When we see large deviations in the numbers for a time period, we call that excess deaths. Looking at 2020 since March, the raw number of excess deaths is 200,000 more people than a normal year. When we try to understand that, COVID-19 is the most rational and likely explanation. If you don't believe it's COVID-19, try to pinpoint why this year has been so different than any other. Why would a new disease that kills people not be the cause?"

I have a hard time with this article due to the fact a comparison of deaths for 2020 to the previous five is not included. Also, please read the first comment below the article, which indicates a lot of your supposed excess deaths came from the month of April.(NYC, NJ, etc.).

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