Trump has the virus

I have a hard time with this article due to the fact a comparison of deaths for 2020 to the previous five is not included. Also, please read the first comment below the article, which indicates a lot of your supposed excess deaths came from the month of April.(NYC, NJ, etc.).

Whom to believe... you or Johns Hopkins. Decisions, decisions...
Just think... if it hadn't been for abortion, Trump may have died.

I wonder how many liberals now would trade millions of baby deaths for one Donald Trump death?

Strong spin.

Seriously, that's impressive.
The mental gymnastics of a 74 year old overweight man beating a virus in a couple days....those gymnastics moves are needed on your end coronabro.
how do you figure he beat the virus.....they are pumping him so full of steroids and Regeneron just to get him stable. 2nd week crash is coming.
Not a chance. They hate Donald Trump, but not enough to end African American genocide.
Oh noes should go to the news media right now. African American women are being forced to have abortions....Who is kidnapping them and forcing abortions on them? You are a quack are the perfect example that degrees mean absolutely zero.
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Oh noes should go to the news media right now. African American women are being forced to have abortions....Who is kidnapping them and forcing abortions on them? You are a quack are the perfect example that degrees mean absolutely zero.

It's his opinion pertaining to abortion........I'd say ask and discuss medical issues with him to determine the validity of his degree's and how they pertain to his profession and ability to be a good Dr. or not......but, hey, judge an engineer on his prowess of sexual proclivity, and lack of good judgement concerning the ability to avoid a situation that is so easily preventable.......

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