Trump has the virus

It's not a speech and he isn't debating the American people. Start campaigning if you really want to speak directly to them. It's one of those old, cheesy political tactics that showed how truly used up he really is
Can't count the times Trump will be addressing the nation and only manages to look at the camera for a few seconds. I don't think Trump would have the ability to do what biden did without a teleprompter.
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The ability to launch a nuclear counter attack helps me sleep easy.
It is what it is. Nukes are about posturing if you ever have to actually launch one they’ve kinda majorly failed in their deterrent role don’t ya think? But part of that posturing is the saber rattling ability in showing you still have the ability to use them.

This is standard CONOPS any time the country is in any form of national distress.
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Odds are he'll survive, but he may have complications.

In the interim, Pence presumably *should* be sworn in to assume his duties (solely due to social distancing), his campaign rallies should shut down, and all his bluster about the big "hoax" lay bare the fact that this science-denier just got whammied by Mother Nature.
The president still performs if he has a cold.
Can't count the times Trump will be addressing the nation and only manages to look at the camera for a few seconds. I don't think Trump would have the ability to do what biden did without a teleprompter.

Yeah that Lincoln Project video would be brutal if it wasn’t so funny.
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Can't count the times Trump will be addressing the nation and only manages to look at the camera for a few seconds. I don't think Trump would have the ability to do what biden did without a teleprompter.
What did Biden do? He stammered and offered nothing but the same talking points he's been repeating for months. Wow, look at Joe repeat fixed lines over and over!
McCain and Romney are what they need to be to keep lining their pockets. Or at least McCain was.
Well in your mind everyone does what they need to do in order to line their pockets, and I guess you think that is the way it is supposed to be as long as they can do it without breaking some law.
So you pick the person who lines their pockets by doing what you think most helps you line your own pockets.
If you think that is by having a centrist, then you pick the McCains and Romneys of the rep. party.
Posting the same video over and over is annoying and spamming. You posted it 3 times on one page. Learn to multi-quote if you want to address multiple posters
And I stopped linking it, per your request. As often happens here, when Trump mocks the disabled or the ill, there is no response from the Trumpers. But as soon as a Republican gets sick, if there's not an immediate outpouring of support from the Dems, there are all these lamentations from the Trumpers that Dems have lost all decency and Republicans never wish ill of anybody. It's a lot of huey. The Trump mocking Clinton video is a reminder of that. Heck, McConnell couldn't even wait until Ginsberg's body was cold to say he would rush a nominee through.
It is what it is. Nukes are about posturing if you ever have to actually launch one they’ve kinda majorly failed in their deterrent role don’t ya think? But part of that posturing is the saber rattling ability in showing you still have the ability to use them.

This is standard CONOPS any time the country is in any form of national distress.

I understand the process and protocol. I just find it disturbing we play gamesmanship with world destruction and the people with control of the buttons I wouldn't trust to walk my dogs.
The president still performs if he has a cold.
He doesn't have a cold. He has a potentially deadly virus, which is easily spread. And the report that I just saw has indicated that Trump is showing "mild symptoms". I don't believe that they would have admitted to Trump being in any way symptomatic, unless the symptoms were pronounced.
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You don't know that. You certainly can't prove it.
I'd be skeptical of any 78yo being capable of navigating social media and putting out coherent messages. Double that for someone with social media divisions on the payroll. It is before The daily lid so perhaps he dictated it
Well in your mind everyone does what they need to do in order to line their pockets, and I guess you think that is the way it is supposed to be as long as they can do it without breaking some law.
So you pick the person who lines their pockets by doing what you think most helps you line your own pockets.
If you think that is by having a centrist, then you pick the McCains and Romneys of the rep. party.

John McCain was a POS, so much so he was the first R candidate in my voting age lifetime I didn't cast a vote for. Romney followed in McCains mold but is just a tad bit more spineless.
I understand the process and protocol. I just find it disturbing we play gamesmanship with world destruction and the people with control of the buttons I wouldn't trust to walk my dogs.
I believe the E-6 is only manned by military and I believe when it’s operational either a 3 or 4 star has control of the football. Of all the means to launch to be afraid of the E-6 should be at the bottom of your list.

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