Trump has the virus

President Trump will be fine and will continue to work from the White House. My guess is he will test negative in about 10 days and then let the public know what worked to cure his symptoms and endorsing it for others to take. JMO
You are being very judgmental and ageist. The "vast majority" huh? Once again, you don't know that beyond your own personal relationships... which will hardly constitute a majority.
He literally has an entire social media team in charge of doing this exact thing. That's what they're paid to do. I've watched 70+yo on this site struggle to just post pictures.
I'd be skeptical of any 78yo being capable of navigating social media and putting out coherent messages. Double that for someone with social media divisions on the payroll. It is before The daily lid so perhaps he dictated it

I'm 73 and I'd say that out of say 40-50 people I know in the age range of 70-85 most are active on social media. And they certainly are very capable of putting out coherent messages.
Not the hill to be dying on.

I'm not dying. The guy is being ageist.
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Weren't they just doing what needed to be done to line their own pockets? Isn't that what everyone does in your mind?
Why so much hate for the way McCain lined his pockets? I guess you're more of a fan of how Trump lines his pockets.

Did trump line his pockets while in office?
It's not a speech and he isn't debating the American people. Start campaigning if you really want to speak directly to them. It's one of those old, cheesy political tactics that showed how truly used up he really is
Chris Wallace was asking him questions. He answered the questions talking to the American people and Chris Wallace. Your criticism seems misguided. Don't all people during Political debates look at the camera at some time or another?
I'm 73 and I'd say that out of say 40-50 people I know in the age range of 70-85 most are active on social media. And they certainly are very capable of putting out coherent messages.
As I said earlier, my dad is 79 and all of his friends on Facebook are of a similar age... and he wastes just as much time on Facebook as I do here. The apple didn't fall very far.
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Nope. I've seen it.

It's just what I thought to myself when viewing the comments regarding the last "debate." Really nothing to do with "Fight Club" as you referenced. But the scene that Zep posted up was apropos IMO. Both of those "candidates" are their own enemy.

Who would want to claim victory regarding their performance in that thing? Both camps did. It's like winning a best clown contest. You may have won but you are still a clown.

I guess that's what you get when you put two clowns in the center ring to perform. You get a clown show. Why did we expect anything else?
It was like watching a train full of hot mess and a train full of hundreds of fully loaded dumpsters crash and catch fire.
A mask wouldn't have made a lick of difference. If you are wearing a mask and someone farts in the room, would you still smell it?
If the person who gave it to him was wearing one he might have had a better chance of not getting it. He was on Marine 1 with Hope and she wasn't wearing a mask.
I'm willing to bet that when this is all said and done we will find out that this virus has spread like wildfire and more than 1/2 of our population has been infected.

I'd be willing to bet you are wrong, unless this carries out into late 2021 without a vaccine. Anti-body testing certainly suggests otherwise.
Chris Wallace was asking him questions. He answered the questions talking to the American people and Chris Wallace. Your criticism seems misguided. Don't all people during Political debates look at the camera at some time or another?
At some times yes. But the "I'm going to talk directly to the American people now" schtick is cheesy and played
I'd be willing to bet you are wrong, unless this carries out into late 2021 without a vaccine. Anti-body testing certainly suggests otherwise.
Even in NYC, the worst zip codes are barely over 50% on the antibody tests, and you gotta believe a lot of people getting the tests are doing so because they believe they had it. They're not a randomized sample of the population at large. Many zip codes are in the low teens, or even lower.
If any leftie looks at rightie conspiracy theories with disdain, then those lefties who create their own version are simply looking in the mirror.
It's always been amazing (but makes total sense) to be how really partisan people, or how people at the ends of the political spectrum, have almost identical personality types and dispositions. They are diametrically opposed politically, but have the same personality traits.

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