Trump has the virus

He doesn't have a cold. He has a potentially deadly virus, which is easily spread. And the report that I just saw has indicated that Trump is showing "mild symptoms". I don't believe that they would have admitted to Trump being in any way symptomatic, unless the symptoms were pronounced.

If he has to be intubated or otherwise incapacitated they will transfer power to Pence, simply showing symptoms is not enough.
I'd be skeptical of any 78yo being capable of navigating social media and putting out coherent messages. Double that for someone with social media divisions on the payroll. It is before The daily lid so perhaps he dictated it
That is dumb. My dad is 79 and spends a lot of time on Facebook.
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Here’s a thought. Let’s make fun of Joe Biden for wearing a mask and not having large campaign rallies. Oh wait...
Here’s a thought. Let’s count all the people that did everything big brother told them to, wore the mask religiously, and still got the virus...
And I stopped linking it, per your request. As often happens here, when Trump mocks the disabled or the ill, there is no response from the Trumpers. But as soon as a Republican gets sick, if there's not an immediate outpouring of support from the Dems, there are all these lamentations from the Trumpers that Dems have lost all decency and Republicans never wish ill of anybody. It's a lot of huey. The Trump mocking Clinton video is a reminder of that. Heck, McConnell couldn't even wait until Ginsberg's body was cold to say he would rush a nominee through.
There was plenty of response and his mocking the disabled had been posted dozens of times in here.

What was also posted in here was the response from the left when someone like Herman Cain died from covid-19. You reinforced that class response this morning didn't you?
Hers another thought. Let’s count all the people who have never even been tested in FL and got letters of positive virus tests in the mail.
John McCain was a POS, so much so he was the first R candidate in my voting age lifetime I didn't cast a vote for. Romney followed in McCains mold but is just a tad bit more spineless.
Weren't they just doing what needed to be done to line their own pockets? Isn't that what everyone does in your mind?
Why so much hate for the way McCain lined his pockets? I guess you're more of a fan of how Trump lines his pockets.
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Cool anecdote. Does he employ a social media division and stop doing anything after 930am?
That's not the point. You said that you would be skeptical of any 78 year old being capable of navigating social media and putting out coherent messages. That's ridiculous.
I’m not going to spoil it for you, if you haven’t seen it.

Maybe I’ve missed something?
Nope. I've seen it.

It's just what I thought to myself when viewing the comments regarding the last "debate." Really nothing to do with "Fight Club" as you referenced. But the scene that Zep posted up was apropos IMO. Both of those "candidates" are their own enemy.

Who would want to claim victory regarding their performance in that thing? Both camps did. It's like winning a best clown contest. You may have won but you are still a clown.

I guess that's what you get when you put two clowns in the center ring to perform. You get a clown show. Why did we expect anything else?
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What did Biden do? He stammered and offered nothing but the same talking points he's been repeating for months. Wow, look at Joe repeat fixed lines over and over!
And to think Trump need a teleprompter to do the same thing and still stammers around repeating the same things he has been repeating for months.
Weren't they just doing what needed to be done to line their own pockets? Isn't that what everyone does in your mind?
Why so much hate for the way McCain lined his pockets? I guess you're more of a fan of how Trump lines his pockets.

I'm fine with a person lining their pockets but not off the taxpayers back and blood of our soldiers.
That's not the point. You said that you would be skeptical of any 78 year old being capable of navigating social media. That's ridiculous.
I still am. The vast majority have no clue or interest. Especially true for a guy with declining faculties.

Maybe he took a half hour and hammered it out. Good for him. Take the rest of the day off too recover
And to think Trump need a teleprompter to do the same thing and still stammers around repeating the same things he has been repeating for months.
Trump offered as much as Biden. Both offered very little to the American people
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I still am. The vast majority have no clue or interest. Especially true for a guy with declining faculties.

Maybe he took a half hour and hammered it out. Good for him. Take the rest of the day off too recover
You are being very judgmental and ageist. The "vast majority" huh? Once again, you don't know that beyond your own personal relationships... which will hardly constitute a majority.
Here’s a thought. Let’s count all the people that did everything big brother told them to, wore the mask religiously, and still got the virus...

I'd be willing to bet that number is significantly lower than those that took no precautions. Mask HELP to prevent spread. That's a proven fact. But they're not 100% effective. I don't think anyone has said they are.

Do you wear a seat belt when you drive that big brother has also mandated you must do? What about no texting while driving?
Can't count the times Trump will be addressing the nation and only manages to look at the camera for a few seconds. I don't think Trump would have the ability to do what biden did without a teleprompter.
You don't think he could do what Biden does without a teleprompter? Trump is horrible with a teleprompter or reading from a script.

Trump wouldn't be able to do what Biden did because Trump is great at the ad hoc, off the cuff speaking in front of a crowd and feeding off the crowd reaction. Him in a room with a camera by himself would be incredibly awkward, just like it seemed for Biden.
I'd be willing to bet that number is significantly lower than those that took no precautions. Mask HELP to prevent spread. That's a proven fact. But they're not 100% effective. I don't think anyone has said they are.

Do you wear a seat belt when you drive that big brother has also mandated you must do? What about no texting while driving?

I'm willing to bet that when this is all said and done we will find out that this virus has spread like wildfire and more than 1/2 of our population has been infected.
You are being very judgmental and ageist. The "vast majority" huh? Once again, you don't know that beyond your own personal relationships... which will hardly constitute a majority.
Not the hill to be dying on.


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