Trump has the virus

Yeah it's ageist to believe a guy with declining faculties and an entire social media division in charge of his online persona didn't post the tweet this morning.
That is not what I have been objecting to... You said that you would be skeptical of any 78 year being capable of navigating social media and posting coherent messages.

And for something as serious as this... I do believe that at the very least Biden dictated the message.
He literally has an entire social media team in charge of doing this exact thing. That's what they're paid to do. I've watched 70+yo on this site struggle to just post pictures.
Me going down the road in my 412 horsepower 4 speed 1970 AMX.


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How did he so it? I think if he did it would be front page on every paper.

Unfortunately, Presidents have qualified immunity. Make no mistake, once he leaves office, the feds will be descending on him and his entire family for tax fraud, campaign fraud, pretty much any kind of fraud you can think of. My only hope is he leaves the White House on Inauguration Day in cuffs.
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That is not what I have been objecting to... You said that you would be skeptical of any 78 year being capable of navigating social media and posting coherent messages.

And for something as serious as this... I do believe that at the very least Biden dictated the message.
I stand by it. Most 78yo are not tweeting
Odds are he'll survive, but he may have complications.

In the interim, Pence presumably *should* be sworn in to assume his duties (solely due to social distancing), his campaign rallies should shut down, and all his bluster about the big "hoax" lay bare the fact that this science-denier just got whammied by Mother Nature.
I still say the reaction to this virus is overblown... by design.
That is not what I have been objecting to... You said that you would be skeptical of any 78 year being capable of navigating social media and posting coherent messages.

And for something as serious as this... I do believe that at the very least Biden dictated the message.

We know.
That doesn't make it a hoax. It's danger is not in the survival rate, it's danger is in how easily it is spread, and how many people have contracted it.

A really high survival rate with a really high number of cases = A really high number of deaths
Can you really say it spreads any faster than any other virus?
Also, if the virus is a “liberal hoax” according to many MAGAs, why are they flooding Twitter with thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery?
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I'd be willing to bet you are wrong, unless this carries out into late 2021 without a vaccine. Anti-body testing certainly suggests otherwise.

It was here and spreading much earlier than what is admitted, it was in TN in January. Not to mention with as many asymptomatic infections as there has been I think my money is safe.
Even in NYC, the worst zip codes are barely over 50% on the antibody tests, and you gotta believe a lot of people getting the tests are doing so because they believe they had it. They're not a randomized sample of the population at large. Many zip codes are in the low teens, or even lower.

the antibody tests are not very accurate.
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It was here and spreading much earlier than what is admitted, it was in TN in January. Not to mention with as many asymptomatic infections as there has been I think my money is safe.
I know someone that contracted it in November. Had severe symptoms but she got through it.

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