Trump has the virus

That graph shows we sure were wrong to shut down schools huh? Not sure what else it shows to refute my point but enjoy your fear
not unless your plan was to keep kids at schools until a vaccine is found. Is your plan to turn all schools into boarding schools? Were you going to retire all of the older teachers? What about the grandparents that come in contact with the kids, or actually are guardians for the kids? So many questions.....but you have a lot of answers.
not unless your plan was to keep kids at schools until a vaccine is found. Is your plan to turn all schools into boarding schools? Were you going to retire all of the older teachers? What about the grandparents that come in contact with the kids, or actually are guardians for the kids? So many questions.....but you have a lot of answers.

The carnage in knox county from school openings has been epic.
not unless your plan was to keep kids at schools until a vaccine is found. Is your plan to turn all schools into boarding schools? Were you going to retire all of the older teachers? What about the grandparents that come in contact with the kids, or actually are guardians for the kids? So many questions.....but you have a lot of answers.
That's an individual choice but based on the numbers in our school those choosing to stay home are in the minority. Just keep the kids out of nursing homes since over 50% of the deaths happen there

The only question I have is when will everyone else return to school. Rest are answered
not unless your plan was to keep kids at schools until a vaccine is found. Is your plan to turn all schools into boarding schools? Were you going to retire all of the older teachers? What about the grandparents that come in contact with the kids, or actually are guardians for the kids? So many questions.....but you have a lot of answers.
If you think your grandchild is going to kill you, stay away from them.
If you are guardian of your grandchild and you think school will kill you, do the remote learning or homeschool.
If you're an old teacher that thinks school will kill you, teach the remote learning. Or learn to code.
I'd be willing to bet that number is significantly lower than those that took no precautions. Mask HELP to prevent spread. That's a proven fact. But they're not 100% effective. I don't think anyone has said they are.

Do you wear a seat belt when you drive that big brother has also mandated you must do? What about no texting while driving?

Seatbelt..No, if I'm by myself. Texting...quite a bit. Mask...About 90% no. Masks prevent far less than what they tell you. That is also proven. Enough passes thru that is a finer mist that travel further. I know people that wear them more than their underwear, practice social distancing like their life depended on it and got the virus. Me...nothing. I'll stick with my methods. And I work part time in a public setting and don't wear one there either. Nothing. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. But, my odds have been just as good or better. To each his own. I do wear a mask in certain situations.
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The humans here are representative of humans where you live, with respect to the virus.

Maybe. I mean, it might be a tad unique to have a wrestling star trying to put the health department in a choke slam.
why? You know if you go to a testing site, that you could give any name and address without showing ID. People do plenty of stuff to show that a system is broken.

One broke the seal on a test kit. sealed it right back up and sent it off without even taking the test, and it came back positive. If the powers that be are going to lie and fabricate numbers, I'm in no mood to comply with BS. Prove to me how people that do everything they are told still get sick, and I go mask free 90% of the time or better and catch nothing, then I will comply and get sick like them.
That is the exact opposite of what Trump was saying in front of the American people in February and March. We can easily prove that too. The timeline works against Trump. He was intentionally misleading the American people.
I am so looking forward to that day.


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