Trump has the virus

I think their could be another reason Trump would lie about this. He's made it pretty clear that if he doesn't get an election day win he will fight it through claims of rigged voting. His persona requires that he blame others for his failures, he never takes the blame. Claiming being covid positive could give him something to blame should he lose the election.
Fingers crossed we get an "anonymous source from within the WH" to tell the press he doesn't really have it.
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The president still performs if he has a cold.

SMH. You claim you're a nurse. If you really are, please let me know where you work so I could NEVER be in your care. Guessing you're also a Flat-Earther and Holocaust denier.

In the real world:

"British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday joined a global chorus in wishing President Trump and the first lady a "speedy recovery" from the coronavirus.

And if any world leader knows, intimately, what the virus can do, it is Johnson, whose medical odyssey saw him near death in an ICU, where, he confessed later, it “could have gone either way.”

Until Trump’s positive test, Johnson was the most famous world leader to be stricken.

Like Trump, Johnson was overweight, making him more vulnerable.

Like Trump, Johnson played down the threat of the pandemic, at least initially. He resisted early calls for a lockdown and boasted that he shook hands with people at a hospital.

The prime minister was stricken in March, as coronavirus cases were rising exponentially in Britain. He announced his diagnosis on March 27, and then spent 10 days ravaged by fever, self-isolated in an apartment at 10 Downing Street."
SMH. You claim you're a nurse. If you really are, please let me know where you work so I could NEVER be in your care. Guessing you're also a Flat-Earther and Holocaust denier.

In the real world:

"British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday joined a global chorus in wishing President Trump and the first lady a "speedy recovery" from the coronavirus.

And if any world leader knows, intimately, what the virus can do, it is Johnson, whose medical odyssey saw him near death in an ICU, where, he confessed later, it “could have gone either way.”

Until Trump’s positive test, Johnson was the most famous world leader to be stricken.

Like Trump, Johnson was overweight, making him more vulnerable.

Like Trump, Johnson played down the threat of the pandemic, at least initially. He resisted early calls for a lockdown and boasted that he shook hands with people at a hospital.

The prime minister was stricken in March, as coronavirus cases were rising exponentially in Britain. He announced his diagnosis on March 27, and then spent 10 days ravaged by fever, self-isolated in an apartment at 10 Downing Street."
Unless he's incapacitated he can still discharge his duties. I imagine they have phones and video capabilities at the WH but I could be mistaken. As we've seen from people on this very board, having corona does not equate to being in a coma.
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Unless he's incapacitated he can still discharge his duties. I imagine they have phones and video capabilities at the WH but I could be mistaken. As we've seen from people on this very board, having corona does not equate to being in a coma.

I'm not debating that. I take issue with our resident "nurse" stating that Trump has a "cold". The level of ignorance, denial and/or flat out stupidity is mind-boggling.
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Regarding the importance or unimportance of wearing masks, I do find it somewhat odd that republican politicians seem to be contracting the virus at a much higher rate than Democrats. Could it be because they attend Trump gatherings without masks? Surely not! I’ve been told by many esteemed scientists on this very board that masks are useless.
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SMH. You claim you're a nurse. If you really are, please let me know where you work so I could NEVER be in your care. Guessing you're also a Flat-Earther and Holocaust denier.

In the real world:

"British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday joined a global chorus in wishing President Trump and the first lady a "speedy recovery" from the coronavirus.

And if any world leader knows, intimately, what the virus can do, it is Johnson, whose medical odyssey saw him near death in an ICU, where, he confessed later, it “could have gone either way.”

Until Trump’s positive test, Johnson was the most famous world leader to be stricken.

Like Trump, Johnson was overweight, making him more vulnerable.

Like Trump, Johnson played down the threat of the pandemic, at least initially. He resisted early calls for a lockdown and boasted that he shook hands with people at a hospital.

The prime minister was stricken in March, as coronavirus cases were rising exponentially in Britain. He announced his diagnosis on March 27, and then spent 10 days ravaged by fever, self-isolated in an apartment at 10 Downing Street."
In the real world, there's plenty of time to evaluate his symptoms without invoking the 25th amendment in a panic.
More proof that no side corners the market on crazy. This is right up there with the birthers. It's crazy how people are conditioned to believe that all their political opponents are sinister.
Michael Moore has been a conspiracy nut for quite some time.
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Just thinking, Biden voters better pray Trump lives.

No one actually wants to vote for Biden, just against Trump. Remove him and Biden might get boat raced by Jo.
SMH. You claim you're a nurse. If you really are, please let me know where you work so I could NEVER be in your care. Guessing you're also a Flat-Earther and Holocaust denier.

In the real world:

"British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday joined a global chorus in wishing President Trump and the first lady a "speedy recovery" from the coronavirus.

And if any world leader knows, intimately, what the virus can do, it is Johnson, whose medical odyssey saw him near death in an ICU, where, he confessed later, it “could have gone either way.”

Until Trump’s positive test, Johnson was the most famous world leader to be stricken.

Like Trump, Johnson was overweight, making him more vulnerable.

Like Trump, Johnson played down the threat of the pandemic, at least initially. He resisted early calls for a lockdown and boasted that he shook hands with people at a hospital.

The prime minister was stricken in March, as coronavirus cases were rising exponentially in Britain. He announced his diagnosis on March 27, and then spent 10 days ravaged by fever, self-isolated in an apartment at 10 Downing Street."
Pretty ominous post for a virus with such a high survival rate.

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