Trump has the virus

No it wouldn’t. Stop making baseless generalizations (who am I kidding I know you can’t) several of us myself included clearly stated we respected her and mourned her death while not agreeing with her politics. But that is no basis to not do their jobs and fill the seat.
Everyone on the right didn't have the same feelings about her health and death.
Just as, not everyone on the left has the same feeling about Trump's health and ultimate death.

I sure hope Trump is not respected at anywhere near the same level as RBG.
They are polar opposites on the respectability continuum.
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Everyone on the right didn't have the same feelings about her health and death.
Just as, not everyone on the left has the same feeling about Trump's health and ultimate death.

I sure hope Trump is not respected at anywhere near the same level as RBG.
They are polar opposites on the respectability continuum.
I know nimrod that’s why I told you to stop making sweeping generalizations that they did FFS
MSNBC is saying the WH tried to cover-up and the WH is not truthful about Trump's "mild symptoms"
I know nimrod that’s why I told you to stop making sweeping generalizations that they did FFS
I said the left's feelings about Trump would be similar to the right's feelings about RBG.
Varied........covering the whole spectrum. Some a little happy, some not happy at all, even a few nuts that might be giddy.
Maybe you should process a little more deeply.
I said the left's feelings about Trump would be similar to the right's feelings about RBG.
Varied........covering the whole spectrum. Some a little happy, some not happy at all, even a few nuts that might be giddy.
Maybe you should process a little more deeply.
Bull ****.
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MSNBC is saying the WH tried to cover-up and the WH is not truthful about Trump's "mild symptoms"

They are reporting that or wondering aloud about that? I have seen plenty of reporters from many sources asking exactly what the symptoms are. That is not the same thing as saying affirmatively that things are worse than has been disclosed.

As an aside, someone asked here during the debate whether Trump looked like he was sweating throuigh his makeup. I said he looked shiny. One begins to wonder ....

The Obama administration did not have a policy to separate families arriving illegally at the border. Family separations rarely happened under the Obama administration, which sought to keep families together in detention. Then, based on a court decision, it released families together out of detention.

Separations under Trump happened systematically as a result of his administration’s policy to prosecute all adults crossing the border illegally. After mounting public pressure and criticism, Trump signed an executive order to stop separating families. Around 2,800 children have been reunited with their families because a court ordered the Trump administration to do so.

I suppose next you're going to tell me Obama mocked a reporter with a disability and disparaged a gold-start family

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