Trump has the virus

F Trump. Remember when he mocked HRC when she had pneumonia?

He's just a douche. Period.

Honestly, I pray he won't die. I *want* him to experience the absolute humiliation of the upcoming brutal defeat.

Looking forward to watching him squirm, sue, lie, cheat, yell, threaten... all the things you voted him into office for. :)

I hate to see him go to the hospital and I wish him well and hope he recovers quickly just like I would anyone else. But I honestly don't believe Donnie ever gave a **** about the hundreds of thousands who have died and have lingering health issues. I have never once heard him say my prayers and thoughts are with the families and people who have suffered through this horrible disease. He might have but I never heard it.
I hate to see him go to the hospital and I wish him well and hope he recovers quickly just like I would anyone else. But I honestly don't believe Donnie ever gave a **** about the hundreds of thousands who have died and have lingering health issues. I have never once heard him say my prayers and thoughts are with the families and people who have suffered through this horrible disease. He might have but I never heard it.


At some point (maybe?) the blind Trump fans will wake up someday and be like...

"Whoa... wtf was I thinking. For some reason, I thought a billionaire New York City trust account / reality TV loudmouth a-hole actually cared for middle class America. WTF was I thinking?"
I respect that.

In contrast, I believe our choices have consequences. DJT chose to minimize the risk of the "hoax", and literally (likely) has caused the deaths of people - directly or indirectly - by holding huge political rallies for his own self-serving benefit. And he did so against the very recommendations of his own CDC experts.

Life is about choices. Donald is a self-absorbed jerk, and has acted solely for the benefit of one Donald J. Trump. I choose to let him pay his own piper.
What I hear you saying is “play stupid games, win stupid prizes?”
Odds are he'll survive, but he may have complications.

In the interim, Pence presumably *should* be sworn in to assume his duties (solely due to social distancing), his campaign rallies should shut down, and all his bluster about the big "hoax" lay bare the fact that this science-denier just got whammied by Mother Nature.
I guess you don't understand the ramifications of Trump surviving this. Whatever treatment Trump gets, wouldn't that be the way to address future cases? Obviously, he didn't have a vaccine, so that is taken off the table. But what if he is given hydroxychloroquine? Or some other remedy? Or the fact that a 70+ year old man actually can survive coronavirus? What does that do to the die-die-die narrative that the media is painting about killing grandma and grandpappy?
I’m as liberal as anyone on this board, and I’m praying for the health and recovery of the president and first lady. The hospitalization of a president is a serious concern for our nation. There is no joy and no thought of political advantage - at least not in this home.

It does not matter what he’s said or what he’s done. How each of us reacts is a reflection of our character, not his.
If I can be serious for a moment, this post above ^^^^ is reality. This is a bad situation for the country to be in. I think everyone knows that I don't like the guy at all... but I honestly do hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.
I guess you don't understand the ramifications of Trump surviving this. Whatever treatment Trump gets, wouldn't that be the way to address future cases? Obviously, he didn't have a vaccine, so that is taken off the table. But what if he is given hydroxychloroquine? Or some other remedy? Or the fact that a 70+ year old man actually can survive coronavirus? What does that do to the die-die-die narrative that the media is painting about killing grandma and grandpappy?
I'm not sure the President being hospitalized is the ray of sunshine you seem to think it will be.
I hate DJT but I haven't been this teary eyed about our nation since 911. I'm overwhelmed with not wanting him to die.

What you are probably teary eyed over is how much this new development will speed up ACBs confirmation. Buckle up the turtle is about to stand on the pedal .
Anyone who support the new communist party is a marxist, or an idiot.
That's just talking point fodder that low IQ people spit out. Absolutely no one I know on the Left is a communist or marxist. Although communism is an attractive but unattainable ideal.
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I guess you don't understand the ramifications of Trump surviving this. Whatever treatment Trump gets, wouldn't that be the way to address future cases? Obviously, he didn't have a vaccine, so that is taken off the table. But what if he is given hydroxychloroquine? Or some other remedy? Or the fact that a 70+ year old man actually can survive coronavirus? What does that do to the die-die-die narrative that the media is painting about killing grandma and grandpappy?
He wouldn't be the first.
I guess you don't understand the ramifications of Trump surviving this. Whatever treatment Trump gets, wouldn't that be the way to address future cases? Obviously, he didn't have a vaccine, so that is taken off the table. But what if he is given hydroxychloroquine? Or some other remedy? Or the fact that a 70+ year old man actually can survive coronavirus? What does that do to the die-die-die narrative that the media is painting about killing grandma and grandpappy?

When has anyone said there is 100% mortality rate?

This isn't Outbreak.
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I’m as liberal as anyone on this board, and I’m praying for the health and recovery of the president and first lady. The hospitalization of a president is a serious concern for our nation. There is no joy and no thought of political advantage - at least not in this home.

It does not matter what he’s said or what he’s done. How each of us reacts is a reflection of our character, not his.
Solid post. This situation has international and national ramifications far beyond our normal partisan bs and the last thing we need.
Yar. I think you just described the past 4 years.
Meh. I’ve got it on good authority that this virus is totally blown out of proportion. No big deal. I’m sure he will be fine. It’s probably just time for his annual physical.

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