Trump has the virus

"...Biden also regularly wears a mask in public, something Trump mocked him for at Tuesday night’s debate.

“I don’t wear masks like him," Trump said of Biden. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from me, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

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Sorry, but equating not wearing a mask to Trump getting the virus is not scientific. Wearing a mask is to prevent transmission, albeit debateable,
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I suspect his hospitalization is out of an abundance of caution. This would be really fast for this illness to require hospitalization.
Wifes aunt died in 3 days.

Doctor friend had an RT die in same time span @ 41.

God, I hope that isnt the case. And im notna Trump fan.
I'm just surprised they had the audacity to try and tell us "Trump has no comorbidities" as if we can't see him walking around an easy 50+ pounds overweight.

This is just another point in the "we need an age cap on the presidential nominees" point for me. Got an overweight guy in his mid 70s up against someone knocking on the door of 80 during a pandemic that kills the elderly at a pretty high rate.
I suspect his hospitalization is out of an abundance of caution. This would be really fast for this illness to require hospitalization.
In all seriousness, this is accurate. They can't take any chances. If he is at all symptomatic (and even a slight fever meets that definition) then he should be taken to Walter Reed and placed under the best care possible.
Wifes aunt died in 3 days.

Doctor friend had an RT die in same time span @ 41.

God, I hope that isnt the case. And im notna Trump fan.
That’s a scary thought. I know of lady that also died quickly (maybe a week) after showing symptoms.
I suspect his hospitalization is out of an abundance of caution. This would be really fast for this illness to require hospitalization.

Do you think we honestly have a clear understanding of all of his comorbidities? I don't.
I am definitely not a Trump fan at all but don’t want to see anyone die or maimed because of COVID.

Any guesses as to why he’s hospitalized are speculative. He’s the POTUS so will obviously need closer monitoring even with minor symptoms. The biggest red flag to me is the antibody cocktail
Do you think we honestly have a clear understanding of all of his comorbidities? I don't.

Spit balling here...

Overweight. Borderline morbidly obese.
Horrible diet. Few greens or fiber.
Hence, high blood pressure / hypertension (medication).
Gout and/or osteoarthritis (see: videos of him incapable of lifting a glass).

“Even when controlling for a huge number of comorbidities, age is still the most important predictor of death,” said Marm Kilpatrick, an infectious disease biologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Spit balling here...

Overweight. Borderline morbidly obese.
Horrible diet. Few greens or fiber.
Hence, high blood pressure / hypertension (medication).
Gout and/or osteoarthritis (see: videos of him incapable of lifting a glass).

“Even when controlling for a huge number of comorbidities, age is still the most important predictor of death,” said Marm Kilpatrick, an infectious disease biologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

I betcha there are more. He's got a sweet tooth too. He's known as "two scoops" Donny for a reason.
I guess you don't understand the ramifications of Trump surviving this. Whatever treatment Trump gets, wouldn't that be the way to address future cases? Obviously, he didn't have a vaccine, so that is taken off the table. But what if he is given hydroxychloroquine? Or some other remedy? Or the fact that a 70+ year old man actually can survive coronavirus? What does that do to the die-die-die narrative that the media is painting about killing grandma and grandpappy?
Well most people have some common sense and understand the fact that Trumps doctors and Healthcare are a hell of a lot better than grandma and grandpappy's.
I betcha there are more. He's got a sweet tooth too. He's known as "two scoops" Donny for a reason.

FWIW, I call dibs on Melania.

[I apologize profusely in advance for my inappropriate, thoughtless and wholly cold-hearted comments... but, yeah, I still call dibs].
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Spit balling here...

Overweight. Borderline morbidly obese.
Horrible diet. Few greens or fiber.
Hence, high blood pressure / hypertension (medication).
Gout and/or osteoarthritis (see: videos of him incapable of lifting a glass).

“Even when controlling for a huge number of comorbidities, age is still the most important predictor of death,” said Marm Kilpatrick, an infectious disease biologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Keep hope alive
I hate to see him go to the hospital and I wish him well and hope he recovers quickly just like I would anyone else. But I honestly don't believe Donnie ever gave a **** about the hundreds of thousands who have died and have lingering health issues. I have never once heard him say my prayers and thoughts are with the families and people who have suffered through this horrible disease. He might have but I never heard it.
President Trump cares for the people of the United States and those who have died as much or more than you or I do. He wears a different hat than you or I. He has to balance the current crisis and lives lost versus the long term effect on our nation as a whole. He is dealing with issues and responsibilities that neither you or I cannot fathom. Both of us would be woefully inadequate in handling the responsibility of a president. I know President Trump does care about all US citizens and hopes they have the best lives possible even though is opinions of making that happen may differ from you.

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