Trump has the virus

I'll be damned, I'm pulling for Trump.
Anyone wishing for death is unnecessary. As much as I have disdain for the man, I don’t want him to die. It seems, as is usual, that he now understands the severity of the issue so maybe instead of downplaying it, he will be sympathetic to it.
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The entertainment value of the faux outrage and pearl clutching from the very same people who cheer for him to “troll” others wore off faster than expected. I think 2020 is giving me ADHD.
Anyone wishing for death is unnecessary. As much as I disdain the man, I don’t want him to die. It seems, as is usual, that he now understands the severity of the issue so maybe instead of downplaying it, he will be sympathetic to it.
Maybe this is his "Come To Jesus" moment.
President Trump cares for the people of the United States and those who have died as much or more than you or I do. He wears a different hat than you or I. He has to balance the current crisis and lives lost versus the long term effect on our nation as a whole. He is dealing with issues and responsibilities that neither you or I cannot fathom. Both of us would be woefully inadequate in handling the responsibility of a president. I know President Trump does care about all US citizens and hopes they have the best lives possible even though is opinions of making that happen may differ from you.
How do you know this? You've spoken to him at length? Do you hear empathy in his voice when he speaks? When he talks about sucked and losers, that hits you right in the sweet spot?

**** I’d done the same thing. Why would I care if somebody, who drone bombed an American citizen without trial, sent me positive thoughts? I don’t need that scum wishing me luck. Honestly F Obama. Dude sucked, and is only remembered as a half decent president because the media holds his bath water.
How do you know this? You've spoken to him at length? Do you hear empathy in his voice when he speaks? When he talks about sucked and losers, that hits you right in the sweet spot?
So you know his inner thoughts that he doesn’t care about Covid victims? I base my opinion that the average person does care for victims and their families and I believe President Trump is like most of us. It doesn’t mean that he likes everybody just like the rest of us know people or groups of people that we do not agree with.
How do you know this? You've spoken to him at length? Do you hear empathy in his voice when he speaks? When he talks about sucked and losers, that hits you right in the sweet spot?

I've learned from the politics forum, this is the #1 thing the lefties here look at in politicians. It's like all you guys can talk about.

Nevermind the fact that empathy is counterproductive in a job that is about making the best decisions for 330 million people... These dudes could send you all away to death camps, and if they used the right words and tone of voice, you guys would sing their praises for the entire train ride. Zero substance required.
Even people in 1918 grasped the simple concept that masks reduce transmission. Yet... you fail to learn from history.


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So you agree as I said "transmission". I have not made masks a political issue at all. Air Filtration has been a part of my career for decades, and although I am no physician, the molecule of the COVID is smaller micron than even the N95. The N95 is even only 95% effective for its particulate rating, which is even a bigger partical size than the COVID. Here is gets into viral loads which I am not knowlegable. Sure if one coughs or sneezes, it may certainly help IMO. The exhaled CO2 and possible COVID from your breathe escpaes from any mask
President Trump cares for the people of the United States and those who have died as much or more than you or I do. He wears a different hat than you or I. He has to balance the current crisis and lives lost versus the long term effect on our nation as a whole. He is dealing with issues and responsibilities that neither you or I cannot fathom. Both of us would be woefully inadequate in handling the responsibility of a president. I know President Trump does care about all US citizens and hopes they have the best lives possible even though is opinions of making that happen may differ from you.

You're just projecting feelings. You don't know what I care about or don't. You really don't know what Trump cares about or doesn't.
I've learned from the politics forum, this is the #1 thing the lefties here look at in politicians. It's like all you guys can talk about.

Nevermind the fact that empathy is counterproductive in a job that is about making the best decisions for 330 million people... These dudes could send you all away to death camps, and if they used the right words and tone of voice, you guys would sing their praises for the entire train ride. Zero substance required.

No. Empathy is a basic human emotion that most people have the ability to feel. Really, only sociopaths feel no empathy towards their fellow man.
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Anyone wishing for death is unnecessary. As much as I have disdain for the man, I don’t want him to die. It seems, as is usual, that he now understands the severity of the issue so maybe instead of downplaying it, he will be sympathetic to it.
He did not downplay it even though he used the words in one phone interview
Look at all the the dozens or perhaps hundreds of actions and statements he has made regarding the severity of Covid. It’s just like the recent “Proud Boys” clap. Not once has Trump endorsed White Supremacy”. In fact he has condemned hundreds of times in his presidency but it is never enough for the Far Left politicians and liberal media.
FWIW, I call dibs on Melania.

[I apologize profusely in advance for my inappropriate, thoughtless and wholly cold-hearted comments... but, yeah, I still call dibs].
You don't call dibs on her, guy with the fattest wallet wins.
He did not downplay it even though he used the words in one phone interview
Look at all the the dozens or perhaps hundreds of actions and statements he has made regarding the severity of Covid. It’s just like the recent “Proud Boys” clap. Not once has Trump endorsed White Supremacy”. In fact he has condemned hundreds of times in his presidency but it is never enough for the Far Left politicians and liberal media.
Saying “it is what it is” isn’t downplaying it? Refusing to wear masks while attending large rally’s isn’t downplaying it?
No. Empathy is a basic human emotion that most people have the ability to feel. Really, only sociopaths feel no empathy towards their fellow man.
First of all, sympathy and empathy are two different things, and you shouldn't conflate them.

Second, for a well adjusted adult, empathy is reserved for a select few people. If you act on empathy for everyone you meet, you are going to neglect the people closest to you, who rely on you. Everyone knows this, it's just convenient to act like it's not true. Treat everyone with the same empathy you treat your kid or your wife. Let me know how that works out for you.

Now expand that to include 330 million people. You can act on empathy for a few, at the expense of everyone else. This is explained by Paul Bloom in his book Against Empathy...

But everyone already knows this, which is why politicians don't actually act on empathy, they just pretend to have empathy. Like I said, you guys value that pretend empathy above all else, which is wild to me.
Saying “it is what it is” isn’t downplaying it? Refusing to wear masks while attending large rally’s isn’t downplaying it?
“It is what it is”no that is not downplaying but actually an acknowledgement of the statistics. You are taking the statement out of context. Trump has endorsed masks again repeatedly. He has worn masks when social distancing suggestions are needed. Apparently your political bias against Trump is clouding your objective analysis.
He did not downplay it even though he used the words in one phone interview
Look at all the the dozens or perhaps hundreds of actions and statements he has made regarding the severity of Covid. It’s just like the recent “Proud Boys” clap. Not once has Trump endorsed White Supremacy”. In fact he has condemned hundreds of times in his presidency but it is never enough for the Far Left politicians and liberal media.
"Well, I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number. Now, and this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it's very mild. They'll get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor. They don't even call a doctor," Trump said.
"You never hear about those people. So you can't put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and — or virus. So you just can't do that," he continued. "So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work but they get better."

Donald J. Trump 3/4/2020

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