Trump has the virus

Individually, no. No politician cares about any one particular individual. However, you can vote for someone who will improve your way of life one way or another. Unless your a millionaire business owner, and I’m just about certain you aren’t, what has Trump done to improve your way of life?
Good Lord.
Individually, no. No politician cares about any one particular individual. However, you can vote for someone who will improve your way of life one way or another. Unless your a millionaire business owner, and I’m just about certain you aren’t, what has Trump done to improve your way of life?
Cut regulations. Dramatically improved the permitting process and as a result increased productivity exponentially. I’m actually bidding government jobs now.
So how did things change? I know many people that have had it and it was incredibly mild. Several in my own home.... so I’d really like to hear how his comments were untrue then, but became true.
He says in defense of the hospitalized man.

The statistic is what changed. Sorry, I didn’t think anybody would legitimately argue that the rest of it wasn’t downplaying.
That's a beautiful quorum the GOP has for an official vote on ACB's nomination. Be a shame if something happened to it.
Individually, no. No politician cares about any one particular individual. However, you can vote for someone who will improve your way of life one way or another. Unless your a millionaire business owner, and I’m just about certain you aren’t, what has Trump done to improve your way of life?
I am not a Trump fan, and who to give credit here isn’t easy, but the wealth gap is shrinking under his presidency according to the fed

Opinion | The Wealth Gap ShrinksCF9B92B4-0C59-43FB-A143-37FFDD2FD598.png
Try to put your thinking cap on for a second.

1) they wouldn’t just send the President to Walter Reed unless it was warranted. They also wouldn’t have given him an experimental drug if it wasn’t needed.

2) Melania didn’t go, so clearly she is better off than him.

Thus, the tweet is accurate. But continue to scream “but muh media!!”.

It’s Jim Acosta .
Here’s a thought. Let’s make fun of Joe Biden for wearing a mask and not having large campaign rallies. Oh wait...

Let’s make fun of all the people who have shamed people for months for not wearing a mask because “it protects other people.” He got it from someone else, not the other way around. How about wishing the President of the USA a speedy and symptom free recovery? Oh wait...that doesn’t fit the Dem narrative.
I don't suffer fools.

I've paid my debts for my sins in life. So should he.

Old Testament... eye for an eye.
Yet here you are being one. Your debts continue to be made and you will continue to pay, it isn't over until you learn. . .

Anyone else think it's ironic that president bone spurs will be laid up in the same place as all those wounded "losers" and "suckers" who serve our country?

I think it’s ironic that the media is still quoting and convincing some that they have all these “ sources” without producing proof . Is that close enough ?

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