Trump has the virus

What part of this is untrue?
At the time, it was untrue and Trump knew it. He admitted as much to Woodward. The fact that the medical community figured out how to treat it and improved the numbers simply disproves his ā€œnobody loves me, everybody hates me, guess Iā€™ll accuse nurses of stealing PPEā€ narrative.
Curious... What state or the District of Columbia does Trump count against in tomorrow's CDC virus statistical report?
At the time, it was untrue and Trump knew it. He admitted as much to Woodward. The fact that the medical community figured out how to treat it and improved the numbers simply disproves his ā€œnobody loves me, everybody hates me, guess Iā€™ll accuse nurses of stealing PPEā€ narrative.
At the time it was untrue, but somehow morphed into truth....interesting
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Sorry, didnā€™t realize you were only pretending to attempt a serious discussion. My bad.
So how did things change? I know many people that have had it and it was incredibly mild. Several in my own home.... so Iā€™d really like to hear how his comments were untrue then, but became true.
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Lmfao. Name one politician you think genuinely cares about you and I'll call you a f***ing liar every time. Holy hell it runs deep.
Individually, no. No politician cares about any one particular individual. However, you can vote for someone who will improve your way of life one way or another. Unless your a millionaire business owner, and Iā€™m just about certain you arenā€™t, what has Trump done to improve your way of life?
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Individually, no. No politician cares about any one particular individual. However, you can vote for someone who will improve your way of life one way or another. Unless your a millionaire business owner, and Iā€™m just about certain you arenā€™t, what has Trump done to improve your way of life?
Prior to Covid, He certainly help many financially ( across most income brackets).
Individually, no. No politician cares about any one particular individual. However, you can vote for someone who will improve your way of life one way or another. Unless your a millionaire business owner, and Iā€™m just about certain you arenā€™t, what has Trump done to improve your way of life?
Well, he's improved my 401k 10 fold. He's made me feel like an American is actually the president. He's saved me a lot of money on federal income taxes. He's not taken any of my guns or any of my freedoms. Just to name a few.
Iā€™m curious too. Hope (pun intended) she files a lawsuit with lots of zeros on the end of it to make ole Tom squirm and cough up some cash just to settle. Or Just to harass the s*** out of him. Turn about is fair play and all...
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Wifes aunt died in 3 days.

Doctor friend had an RT die in same time span @ 41.

God, I hope that isnt the case. And im notna Trump fan.
How many of them had positive test results before showing any signs? How many of them had positive test results in less then a day?

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