Trump has the virus

Who wants to bet that two weeks from now the White House will release a statement which claims that Donald Trump was 100% cured by Hydroxychloroquine?
See thing is that the virus is the ultimate truth. It can’t be spun. So whatever the outcome is for Trump it will be the truth....hopefully he will pull through it and be ok
In what appears to be a nice gesture of civility, the Biden campaign has pulled all television ads which are negative in nature from their ad rotation until Donald Trump has been released from the hospital.

The Trump campaign has not yet reciprocated the gesture.
They would if Biden was sick. That is the difference.
Biden's only consideration for pulling negative attack ads should be about potential backlash.
What reasonable person has taken over your account?! Confess!

Yes that’s the only reason they’re trying to play that game they don’t want to look like assholes. See @Ten_Titans posts on fake empathy that’s exactly what this is. The Trump campaign correctly said piss off.
Anyone else think it's ironic that president bone spurs will be laid up in the same place as all those wounded "losers" and "suckers" who serve our country?
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