Trump has the virus

I believe most presidents want the average American citizen to prosper. Sometimes they have different opinions on who should prosper the most.

They want the average American to think that they are doing ok enough to vote for them. The scariest person to a politician is a person that has no need of a politician.
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Maybe. He was the last POTUS that refused to use the office as a stepping stone to riches.
Not that they necessarily give a **** but I don’t think either Bushes tried to use it as a stepping stone. I mean they were pretty damn wealthy before hand.
In what appears to be a nice gesture of civility, the Biden campaign has pulled all television ads which are negative in nature from their ad rotation until Donald Trump has been released from the hospital.

The Trump campaign has not yet reciprocated the gesture.
won’t last long. The Biden campaign and the Democratic Party today are the most hypocritical, vile, unethical and insulting group of people we have ever seen in politics ever. Trump is a counter puncher, he only goes after someone after they have slammed him.


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