Trump has the virus

So the left's conspiracy sphere (contraQanon?) is already pushing a "he's faking covid +" theories.
Trump seems to always be one step ahead of the media, Dims and some Reps. Maybe he doesn’t have Rona, maybe he needs to get away from the WH for whatever reason, no rallies, no daily press brief etc. Maybe there’s a mole inside the WH that is known and he and certain staff had to get away.

Flame away, but yeah I’ve had a few.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
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Not in defense.... I’m merely asking you... someone that should understand that words mean things.... what is untrue about this?
but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it's very mild. They'll get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor. They don't even call a doctor," Trump said.
"You never hear about those people. So you can't put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and — or virus. So you just can't do that," he continued. "So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work but they get better
is this what you’re referring to as downplaying? Looks like the truth to me

The irony of him constantly mocking Biden and saying how Covid is no big deal - while he takes a helicopter to Walter Reed for just testing positive is pretty hilarious.
Not in defense.... I’m merely asking you... someone that should understand that words mean things.... what is untrue about this?
but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it's very mild. They'll get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor. They don't even call a doctor," Trump said.
"You never hear about those people. So you can't put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and — or virus. So you just can't do that," he continued. "So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work but they get better
is this what you’re referring to as downplaying? Looks like the truth to me
That's a half-truth that omits the other half of the truth in order to downplay the severity of the virus.
So will the BIG donald supporters vote for Pence if he is moved to the top of the ticket. Pence doesn't have the same "brand" as least not in public.
Trump seems to always be one step ahead of the media, Dims and some Reps. Maybe he doesn’t have Rona, maybe he needs to get away from the WH for whatever reason, no rallies, no daily press brief etc. Maybe there’s a mole inside the WH that is known and he and certain staff had to get away.

Flame away, but yeah I’ve had a few.
Yeah he convinced military doctors to fake his results. Come on man.
My business will survive, we survived Obama.
Lol. My business boomed under Obama and Trump alike. No president will make my business fail because I'm not running a business so poorly that the minor perturbation between D and R control cause me any friction worth fretting over.
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Lol. My business boomed under Obama and Trump alike. No president will make my business fail because I'm not running a business so poorly that the minor perturbation between D and R control cause me any friction worth fretting over.

What industry are you in?
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A Biden administration won’t be the panacea you make it out to be. His proposals on his website are business killers. What he’s proposing would make the .gov the biggest it’s ever been.
I asked which of Biden's proposals would make it better for the average American family a couple of times on here, and all I got was some kind of extension of Obamacare for Medicaid for poor people. I then asked if the average family was poor. Still don't have an answer.
I'll survive. If I run out of money, my wife and I are capable of getting a job doing something.

I could sell out and probably be ok without having to work for someone else. I hope this mini storage deal happens, that’s security.
A Biden administration won’t be the panacea you make it out to be. His proposals on his website are business killers. What he’s proposing would make the .gov the biggest it’s ever been.
You made me look up a word. I never have to do that on this forum. Congrats... and good word, by the way!
I asked which of Biden's proposals would make it better for the average American family a couple of times on here, and all I got was some kind of extension of Obamacare for Medicaid for poor people. I then asked if the average family was poor. Still don't have an answer.

They don’t have a ****ing clue.

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