Trump has the virus

...and Democrats were doing it too.

And they were wrong. But you suggested it’s excusable if a politician only had “a tweet or quote at the beginning.”

You walking that back when it‘s pointed out Trump made many many statements? I mean we’re not even through just his Feb. statements are you expecting I’m going to run out before I get to October?

“We’re going to be pretty soon at only five people... And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck.”

DJT 2/24/2020
Well I was gonna comply but then you botched the second line as that makes no sense. Soooo close...

How does that not make sense? This can be our first lesson in dissecting a punchline so you can move past the tier of humor that encompasses referring to someone as "girl" or "jimmy" over and over again.
How does that not make sense? This can be our first lesson in dissecting a punchline so you can move past the tier of humor that encompasses referring to someone as "girl" or "jimmy" over and over again.
It makes no sense because you botched the delivery which is as critical as the content. Bob Cratchit wasn’t a night nurse it was a horrible punch line that made no sense.

Now you owe me money for the humor lesson

👆 see that’s an example of a simple punchline delivery that requires no extrapolation. I’ll throw that one in for free.

Now let me watch the damn game young man!
No fever. Thats good. Truly hope he is back at home this week.
From all the information thus far it appears the move to Walter Reed was just precautionary which with his age and weight makes complete sense. All information from the medical community thus far is he is doing very well and that’s a good thing regardless of how you feel about his politics or him personally.
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It makes no sense because you botched the delivery which is as critical as the content. Bob Cratchit wasn’t a night nurse it was a horrible punch line that made no sense.

Now you owe me money for the humor lesson

👆 see that’s an example of a simple punchline delivery that requires no extrapolation. I’ll throw that one in for free.

Now let me watch the damn game young man!


Bob Cratchit was alive and an underpaid worker of Scrooge in a Christmas Carol.

Jacob Marley would be the Herman Cain in this scenario. I'd be paying the night nurse to dress up as Herman Cain.

I imagine you haven't read the story since before you felt the warmth of a woman so I can give you a pass for your dogshit criticism. Maybe you should stick to the Jimmy jokes.
From all the information thus far it appears the move to Walter Reed was just precautionary which with his age and weight makes complete sense. All information from the medical community thus far is he is doing very well and that’s a good thing regardless of how you feel about his politics or him personally.

Sound like you are right. And it makes sense. With his age and comorbidities a decline could be fast, so just go ahead and put him in safest place.

Bob Cratchit was alive and an underpaid worker of Scrooge in a Christmas Carol.

Jacob Marley would be the Herman Cain in this scenario. I'd be paying the night nurse to dress up as Herman Cain.

I imagine you haven't read the story since before you felt the warmth of a woman so I can give you a pass for your dogshit criticism. Maybe you should stick to the Jimmy jokes.
Ok you got me in the characters I botched that. But when you copied the original joke with staffer and went to night nurse it was still a dogshit punch line just keep it simple I’m a simple man.

I will venmo 500 bucks to the first Walter Reed staffer that dresses up like Herman Cain and tells Trump he will be visited by three ghosts tonight.
Sound like you are right. And it makes sense. With his age and comorbidities a decline could be fast, so just go ahead and put him in safest place.
Yep agreed. Love him or hate him the last damn thing we need is for him to have a highly negative outcome as a sitting POTUS that could trigger some really bad reactions from both camps.
From all the information thus far it appears the move to Walter Reed was just precautionary which with his age and weight makes complete sense. All information from the medical community thus far is he is doing very well and that’s a good thing regardless of how you feel about his politics or him personally.

I know nobody here believes WaPo, but they reported this morning that the move was precautionary. He seemed like he was deteriorating some yesterday and staff didn't want him to get to the point where he had to be wheeled out of the WH.

Edit: didn't see the off the record comments to the press pool before I posted this. Only his docs and inner circle know what the real situation is.

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