Trump has the virus

The link at issue is below. You can read it yourself. Last time I checked we don't need doctors to tell us that the phrase "treatment guidelines" means treatment guidelines and not admission guidelines. It's people like @kiddiedoc and their loose speculation about herd immunity at 20% antibody rates that has led Hasidic communities (and other hard hit communities) to believe--quite wrongly--that they have herd immunity from the first wave.

Corticosteroids | Coronavirus Disease COVID-19
Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity have told their listeners on radio to be skeptical of doctors and lawyers when it is politically convenient to do so and conservatives don't tell them that they don't have the expertise or qualifications to question them.
In before @Weezer swoops in to tell us it's really all the same.
That's like saying Trump has shown himself to be sexually perverse, but not sniffing little girls level of perverse.

Neither candidate deserves to be POTUS. Sorry that your blind partisanship leaves you unable to see that.
That's like saying Trump has shown himself to be sexually perverse, but not sniffing little girls level of perverse.

Neither candidate deserves to be POTUS. Sorry that your blind partisanship leaves you unable to see that.
Oh, it's much more than just that.
That's like saying Trump has shown himself to be sexually perverse, but not sniffing little girls level of perverse.

Neither candidate deserves to be POTUS. Sorry that your blind partisanship leaves you unable to see that.
and neither does K Harris if something happened to Biden ( that is if he wins)
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There is brewing in the Trump Army a myth that his recovery from the virus is going to be some kind of weirdly religious sign of fate. Trump's video yesterday about the treatments being sent by God. Things like that. It will be interesting to see if it takes on some sort of super natural ambiance to it.

‘God-tier genetics’: A stunned MAGA world offers blame, adulation after Trump’s diagnosis

Yet the base’s response mirrors the way Trump has instructed his followers to react to any pandemic-related news: downplay, craft optimistic storylines and accuse the Democrats and media of obfuscation and vitriol. It’s how the president has reacted to nearly every unwelcome pandemic-related development in recent months, whether it was early concerns over personal protective equipment and hospital space, or a death toll that recently surpassed 200,000.

“He works 20 hours a day. I think he’ll be tough,” said Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow and a Trump surrogate flirting with the Minnesota governorship, in an interview. “He's a fighter. It'll be tough to keep him down.”

“You’ve never seen him sick. You’ve never seen him without energy,” Brenden Dilley, a self-described “MAGA life coach,” told his viewers on his radio show Friday. “[He’s] not walking around with weak-ass, p---- f------ genetics. He ain’t got those liberal genes. These are, like, god-tier genetics; top 1-percentile genetics.”
No, delusion results from conspiracy.

Dementia results from disease process, which is measurable and quantifiable. If you’ve had personal experience with someone unfortunate enough to go through that terrible affliction, in your opinion, generally, would they have the capacity to run for office?
LOL Ummmmmm no. Which is why Slow Joe shouldn't be running. And believe it or not, Alzheimers is a lot easier on the one that is 'suffering' than those that are not.

But do you think medication's effects can be measured as to effectiveness? What's your control group? How do you KNOW it is effective? Answer: You don't. You THINK it might be helping or not, but you really have no clue whether it is or not.

Been there, watched that.
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LOL Ummmmmm no. Which is why Slow Joe shouldn't be running. And believe it or not, Alzheimers is a lot easier on the one that is 'suffering' than those that are not.

Well he is, and he’s doing fine... so what does that say about your theory? He’s definitely holding up better than the other guy...
For taking medical advice from an actual doctor instead of a partisan lawyer (not you you’re just the paralegal messenger) pushing a political narrative? Ok 😂

I'm not providing or asking you to take medical advice. I'm talking about what words, written in the English language, mean. @kiddiedoc said I was a "dillweed" because the website in question was providing admission guidance. That was patently false. It is the NIH's treatment guidance for Covid-19. I called him on his error and he ducked out to "enjoy the weather." Just like you and Trump and the scourge of followers he has created, he can't admit when he's wrong when the truth is staring everyone in the face.
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Just because you wish something to be true doesn’t mean it is. Biden is still campaigning, Trump isn’t. Biden is still giving interviews, Trump isn’t. Biden didn’t sound demented in the debate, Trump sounded out of control. Biden is increasing his lead as of today, Trump isn’t.

If that makes you LOL, good for you and your healthy sense of humor.
I'm not providing or asking you to take medical advice. I'm talking about what words, written in the English language, mean. @kiddiedoc said I was a "dillweed" because the website in question was providing admission guidance. That was patently false. It is the NIH's treatment guidance for Covid-19. I called him on his error and he ducked out to "enjoy the weather." Just like you and Trump and the scourge of followers he has created, he can't admit when he's wrong when the truth is staring everyone in the face.
See that "box-o-rocks" sitting next to you? That's your twin.
I don't know what you mean by that. Do you mean they wouldn't be physically able or would not have the means of doing so. At least there wouldn't be any monetary or lack of coverage roadblocks.

BTW when the Gov't needed soldiers in Vietnam they didn't mind disproportionally forcing the poor white and blacks into servitude. They had plenty of funds to train, feed, arm and provide them healthcare. It would take far less to provide healthcare to the needy today.

I mean care would be rationed and just because they wanted to be admitted for precaution they wouldn’t be.
Well he is, and he’s doing fine... so what does that say about your theory? He’s definitely holding up better than the other guy...
I hope he can hold up under the stress of staying at home, only taking questions from cardi b and calling it a day at 9am. That sounds like potus hours?
the pageant reports are close to that though
Not really. Big difference between teenagers and prepubescent girls. Both are perverse, no doubt, but I wouldn't call them the same.

Still, I stand by neither should be POTUS.
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For taking medical advice from an actual doctor instead of a partisan lawyer (not you you’re just the paralegal messenger) pushing a political narrative? Ok 😂

Surely you are not referring to Conley. That press conference today -- whew! He was dodging legit questions left and right. He looked, sounded, and acted highly evasive.

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