Trump has the virus

No President ever has lied like Trump....and CNN isn't in the league with Trump either. Silly rationalization without ANY MERIT
Hilarious. I agree with you and it still isn’t enough for you. See how this works for you. CNN lies all the time and allows liars to spread lies on their show. How many times did they have Brennan, Comey, Schiff, etc. on their show claiming they had proof of Trump colluding with Russia? How many times did someone employed by CNN state as a fact that Trump colluded with Russia, Trump is a Russian agent, or something along those lines (and equally as stupid)? They weren’t saying there’s a chance it happened and it needs to be looked into further for verification. They were saying it happened. How many times has CNN repeated the lie about what Trump said regarding Charlottesville? He very clearly said there are fine people on both sides not including white nationalists and neo-Nazis but that’s not the BS lies told by CNN and others, including Biden himself. Every single Dem, every single member of CNN, MSNBC, and the like spread these exact same lies word for word. The latest is this denouncement of white supremacists BS. Trump has clearly done so many times and there’s video to prove it. If you don’t believe him that’s fine, I don’t care, but for those saying he hasn’t ever denounced those groups or won’t, that’s a lie. Every single day these groups tell multiple lies about Trump. Biden lies about all this stuff PLUS all of his agenda items. He says, “I don’t want to end fracking.” Really, because there’s video of you saying the opposite. Which is the lie? He says he’s not in agreement with the Green New Deal but his campaign website says otherwise. He makes up stories about war, college, how he met his wife, and says he won’t raise taxes in one breath then says he will remove tax cuts in the next. He claimed not to know anything about Flynn but his unmasking request says otherwise, not to mention the briefing meeting. Between lying about his agenda, his life, and Trump, I guarantee you Biden lies more than Trump. You just don’t want to see it. Eventually you all with figure out that jokes and sarcasm aren’t lies. Yes, Trump embellishes, exaggerates, and flat lies at times. For example, I don’t believe he didn’t know who David Duke was and I don’t believe he was being sarcastic when talking about the infamous injecting cleaner comments but most of what CNN and others claim are lies are not actually lies. If the Dems and MSM hadn’t lost their sh1t when it comes to Trump then they’d probably have a decent shot to win, even with Joe, but I’m telling you now that, assuming Trump is healthy, he will win re-election.
"this is their new hoax"

I wonder what the "this" was that he was referring to? Care to apply some context?
Sure. Trump was talking about how the Dems and MSM have blown this out of proportion. It isn’t that the virus isn’t real, it’s that they’ve weaponized it for political purposes. Let me know if you need any additional explanations. Have a great evening Sep!
I'm not providing or asking you to take medical advice. I'm talking about what words, written in the English language, mean. @kiddiedoc said I was a "dillweed" because the website in question was providing admission guidance. That was patently false. It is the NIH's treatment guidance for Covid-19. I called him on his error and he ducked out to "enjoy the weather." Just like you and Trump and the scourge of followers he has created, he can't admit when he's wrong when the truth is staring everyone in the face.
Oh no we all agree that you are a dill weed and he took issue with the web page. He’s got a medical degree and actual training on COVID treatment protocols. All you have offered is “Nuh uh that’s not what the web page says” and your paralegal degree doesn’t Trump his knowledge.
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Surely you are not referring to Conley. That press conference today -- whew! He was dodging legit questions left and right. He looked, sounded, and acted highly evasive.
No I was referring to our local female paralegal lecturing one of our doctors.
The superspreading continues. Thx Donny! You da man!

What is a "Claudia Conway"? And why does it matter ... at any point? Since she's a Tok Tok kind of personality, does it mean CV can now be transmitted electronically? BTW, I do know the answers, but a 15 year old girl should both not be seen and not be heard these days. Basically this is simple confirmation of a fact we all know; if you are close to a person with a communicable disease and don't take precautions, you will almost certainly get it.
Sure. Trump was talking about how the Dems and MSM have blown this out of proportion. It isn’t that the virus isn’t real, it’s that they’ve weaponized it for political purposes. Let me know if you need any additional explanations. Have a great evening Sep!

Watch the clip. Starts at about 1:00 point. Trump is saying it's a hoax because it's been overblown for political purposes in the same way (in his estimation) as the impeachment. In other words, he's saying the underlying element, whether that be coronavirus or his "perfect conversation" with Ukraine, should not be treated as a serious problem. So saying "this is their new hoax" does imply that the coronavirus is not that big of a problem. How could the Democrats be weaponizing the coronavirus if it really was a serious problem?
Watch the clip. Starts at about 1:00 point. Trump is saying it's a hoax because it's been overblown for political purposes in the same way (in his estimation) as the impeachment. In other words, he's saying the underlying element, whether that be coronavirus or his "perfect conversation" with Ukraine, should not be treated as a serious problem. So saying "this is their new hoax" does imply that the coronavirus is not that big of a problem. How could the Democrats be weaponizing the coronavirus if it really was a serious problem?
Do you even read what you write?
So some hypothetical idealologist that hasn't presented any ideas yet, but exists in some netherworld. I'm all for someone that can make our world better, but they haven't made themselves known.
Hypothetical? Ron Paul ring a bell? There are plenty of small govt minded people out there but the major parties are not interested.
Watch the clip. Starts at about 1:00 point. Trump is saying it's a hoax because it's been overblown for political purposes in the same way (in his estimation) as the impeachment. In other words, he's saying the underlying element, whether that be coronavirus or his "perfect conversation" with Ukraine, should not be treated as a serious problem. So saying "this is their new hoax" does imply that the coronavirus is not that big of a problem. How could the Democrats be weaponizing the coronavirus if it really was a serious problem?
Once we got a handle on what was happening the response to covid was a hoax. It destroyed lives and the economy and the Dem candidate wants to double down on that. Stupid
Once we got a handle on what was happening the response to covid was a hoax. It destroyed lives and the economy and the Dem candidate wants to double down on that. Stupid
Actually, I don't think you have a handle on what's happening on the virus front. Letting this virus circulate unabated, given what we know about this virus, is doubling down on stupid.
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Once we got a handle on what was happening the response to covid was a hoax. It destroyed lives and the economy and the Dem candidate wants to double down on that. Stupid
What we did in response to coronavirus is a fact. You may think it was overkill, but that's not what it means to be a hoax. A hoax involves a misrepresentation. So what was the "hoax" Trump was referring to?

Further, at the time of this speech (late February) there was no lockdown anywhere in the US, so your explanation holds no water. So nice try. Please play again.

Definition of HOAX
Trump is still entitled to medical privacy.

Meh, not really.

First, he's POTUS and he has an illness which is potentially fatal.

Second, he has frequently made an issue of Biden's health. And by frequently I mean about 70 times in the last month. Hardly seems like its okay for him to now hide behind medical confidentiality as an excuse to give a false impression of his own health.

Third, even if you are right, then the solution is for the doctor to say that he cannot speak to the lung scans. Leave it at that. Don't say "normal or improving" and refuse to elaborate as that gives the distinct impression that its not normal.

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