Trump: He Could Easily Be Reelected

Think of aaaaaaaallllll of us boomers about to retire and have nothing to do but be political busy bodies.

This country is about to turn hard right and stay there for a while.

Until millenials can vote from their damn phone while they wait for their Uber this country is gonna stay red for a while. Millenials and Gen X’ers can’t be bothered with such a waste of time as voting.

Buckle up libs. It’s gonna be a tough ride!

Delusional thought. There's never been a time in this country's history when a hard right ideological stance was successful on any issue. Center right-center left governing has proven to be the most successful for our country.

And there are far more boomers who are centered in their ideology than those that lean hard right

You're living in a fantasy land right now. It will end when it fails
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:birgits_giggle: And I always question those who stress their own intelligence. Makes me wonder what they're covering for. I'm not the smartest man in the room, but I'm not the dumbest either. I'm comfortable with what I know, and willing to admit when I don't know. I never assume my opinion is right, and the opinion of others is wrong. I accept they are just different. I'm not too stubborn to admit I'm wrong when it's proven that I'm wrong. No one's perfect. Sometimes our biggest stumbling block is our own ego, and I try never to trip over my own. When you convince yourself you must be right, that there's no chance you're wrong, that's when you make a fool of yourself.

Some on here take a simple fact and extrapolate a narrative they believe so hard to be true they shut themselves out of honest and frank discussion. And when you point out holes in their theory, they call you names, then make subtle adjustments to their tale and begin claiming truth anew. Until of course you point out the holes in their new story. Then they repeat the process of name-calling and self editing, all the while claiming their brilliance. You guys crack me up with this. It's not limited to the more liberal posters, but they do tend to use the tactic with the most gusto.

Sometimes this place can be great theater.


Now there is some breaking news. Thanks for enlightening us
Delusional thought. There's never been a time in this country's history when a hard right ideological stance was successful on any issue. Center right-center left governing has proven to be the most successful for our country.

And there are far more boomers who are centered in their ideology than those that lean hard right

You're living in a fantasy land right now. It will end when it fails

I e always said this country will be destroyed from the inside, not the outside.

Liberalism is a surefire way to do that.
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When someone says people like me is the reason for a Trump presidency then that idiot comment is on them. It's not like FOX and the right wing media has been pushing the anti-liberal agenda for decades. I didn't vote for him and the people that did need to take responsibility for their own actions. Seems the one that did think they are winning as well. I don't hear any praise for that and nor should I because that misguided thought is, like I said, "idiotic". You might want to evaluate your own comment and realize what I said is 100% true.

Keep rereading. It may come to you.

Maybe not.

Probably not.
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Think of aaaaaaaallllll of us boomers about to retire and have nothing to do but be political busy bodies.

This country is about to turn hard right and stay there for a while.

Until millenials can vote from their damn phone while they wait for their Uber this country is gonna stay red for a while. Millenials and Gen X’ers can’t be bothered with such a waste of time as voting.

Buckle up libs. It’s gonna be a tough ride!

Do you mean hard right as defined as enforcing law or new law? Enforcing current law to me would be moderate...
Do you mean hard right as defined as enforcing law or new law? Enforcing current law to me would be moderate...

Policy decisions. Some of which will result in laws. And why should enforcement of law line up with a particular party? While we currently see the left flagrantly ignoring federal immigration law in CA why do you think that’s a proud thing for any party? If the law is unrepresentative of policy platform why is it a law. Don’t ignore it, modify it or vacate it.
You're making me older than I am. I didn't live through Wallace as a candidate. The first POTUS I remember was Carter. I was two when he was elected. The first election I remember was 1980, and I thought RR was the ****. He was the last POTUS I truly remember liking. I've never looked into George Wallace.

I was a junior in college when Reagan was elected. I still remember it vividly. It was one of a handful of epiphanies I've experienced.
When someone says people like me is the reason for a Trump presidency then that idiot comment is on them. It's not like FOX and the right wing media has been pushing the anti-liberal agenda for decades. I didn't vote for him and the people that did need to take responsibility for their own actions. Seems the one that did think they are winning as well. I don't hear any praise for that and nor should I because that misguided thought is, like I said, "idiotic". You might want to evaluate your own comment and realize what I said is 100% true.

Hey Mickey......


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Policy decisions. Some of which will result in laws. And why should enforcement of law line up with a particular party? While we currently see the left flagrantly ignoring federal immigration law in CA why do you think that’s a proud thing for any party? If the law is unrepresentative of policy platform why is it a law. Don’t ignore it, modify it or vacate it.

The point is enforcing the law is considered hard right
On the over all, even intelligent people can be ignorant. I've known many booksmart people who had no common sense, and vice versa. And I always question those who stress their own intelligence. Makes me wonder what they're covering for. I'm not the smartest man in the room, but I'm not the dumbest either. I'm comfortable with what I know, and willing to admit when I don't know. I never assume my opinion is right, and the opinion of others is wrong. I accept they are just different. I'm not too stubborn to admit I'm wrong when it's proven that I'm wrong. No one's perfect. Sometimes our biggest stumbling block is our own ego, and I try never to trip over my own. When you convince yourself you must be right, that there's no chance you're wrong, that's when you make a fool of yourself.

Some on here take a simple fact and extrapolate a narrative they believe so hard to be true they shut themselves out of honest and frank discussion. And when you point out holes in their theory, they call you names, then make subtle adjustments to their tale and begin claiming truth anew. Until of course you point out the holes in their new story. Then they repeat the process of name-calling and self editing, all the while claiming their brilliance. You guys crack me up with this. It's not limited to the more liberal posters, but they do tend to use the tactic with the most gusto.

Sometimes this place can be great theater.

There's some truth and wisdom in your post, but you do realize that even though your glasses may not be tinted as deeply red as some, they are tinted red nonetheless; resulting in some inconsistencies in your evaluations and assessments.
The point is enforcing the law is considered hard right

It is? So not enforcing the law is a left ideology? That what you wanna say?

Also I’m against ignoring the law. Which is what CA is doing. To me there are differences. You can acknowledge a law and mitigate the consequences. To our right ignore it is wrong I believe.
It is? So not enforcing the law is a left ideology? That what you wanna say?

Also I’m against ignoring the law. Which is what CA is doing. To me there are differences. You can acknowledge a law and mitigate the consequences. To our right ignore it is wrong I believe.

I am for enforcing laws..F CA
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When someone says people like me is the reason for a Trump presidency then that idiot comment is on them. It's not like FOX and the right wing media has been pushing the anti-liberal agenda for decades. I didn't vote for him and the people that did need to take responsibility for their own actions. Seems the one that did think they are winning as well. I don't hear any praise for that and nor should I because that misguided thought is, like I said, "idiotic". You might want to evaluate your own comment and realize what I said is 100% true.

Understanding the argument people are making against you would help you immensely. What some are arguing is that the DNC, which they feel you represent here, overplayed their game by force feeding Hillary Clinton as their nominee. You're right in that it didn't start there, but the DNC rigging their own primaries to guarantee she was the candidate didn't help.

The truth is, many Republicans didn't give Trump a chance in hell of winning the nomination. They underestimated America's disgust of the status quo. And given the Republicans actually let their primaries play out rather than manipulating the outcome, well, some people ended up shocked.

Then it was the turn of the DNC's turn to underestimate the public's disdain for politics as usual. They thought they had a slam dunk with Hillary. Years of political chicanery, um, I mean service, the whole break the glass ceiling hoopla... They just knew they had it won. Then the election happened. Didn't see that one happening.

Both sides share blame for Trump being in office. They stopped paying attention to the wants and desires of American citizens outside the realm of politics. Plenty of people are tired of the politics as usual game. They want to see change. That's what Trump sold, and that's what people bought. Both parties need to wake up and realize the American people are tired of the power game they play.
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I am for enforcing laws..F CA

Lol. Biopsy I just realized it was you I was talking to. Thought it was another poster. My bad bro.

Honestly though I don’t view enforcement of law as a particular political stance. They are on the books. Enforce them or vacate them.

Now the zealousness with which laws can be enforced can indeed have political motives.

And no that’s not what’s happening with immigration. We haven’t enforced our immigration laws in so damn long that any enforcement of them seems zealous.
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Just for the sake of debate.

Back to the George Wallace years.

How would you access the average intelligence of Wallace supporters compared to that of the supporters of his opponents?

I think it was lower.
Depends upon how one defines intelligence. The electorate contains many people who aren't educated on both sides . They may or may not be intelligent.

I feel sure that you value the grade level of school education since you drive the short bus. I know a bunch of really smart people that you would look down on due to their educational level.
President Trump will be reelected. The Leftists have no message other than Russia, a Prostitute, and Sanctuary Cities.

"Take over the Democratic Party and return it to the people. They have failed us miserably ... Fire all pundits, predictors, pollsters and anyone else in the media who had a narrative they wouldn't let go of and refused to listen to or acknowledge what was really going on. Those same bloviators will now tell us we must 'heal the divide' and 'come together.' They will pull more hooey like that out of their ass in the days to come. Turn them off." —filmmaker Michael Moore

Mister Moore, nothing has changed.
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Understanding the argument people are making against you would help you immensely. What some are arguing is that the DNC, which they feel you represent here, overplayed their game by force feeding Hillary Clinton as their nominee. You're right in that it didn't start there, but the DNC rigging their own primaries to guarantee she was the candidate didn't help.

The truth is, many Republicans didn't give Trump a chance in hell of winning the nomination. They underestimated America's disgust of the status quo. And given the Republicans actually let their primaries play out rather than manipulating the outcome, well, some people ended up shocked.

Then it was the turn of the DNC's turn to underestimate the public's disdain for politics as usual. They thought they had a slam dunk with Hillary. Years of political chicanery, um, I mean service, the whole break the glass ceiling hoopla... They just knew they had it won. Then the election happened. Didn't see that one happening.

Both sides share blame for Trump being in office. They stopped paying attention to the wants and desires of American citizens outside the realm of politics. Plenty of people are tired of the politics as usual game. They want to see change. That's what Trump sold, and that's what people bought. Both parties need to wake up and realize the American people are tired of the power game they play.

I cannot help that their argument is horse crap and if you want to tie your horse to that crap wagon that is on you.
I had a couple that just moved from Milwaukee at the house today. At some point politics came up and not surprising they voted for Obama twice and Hillary this time. BUT both say they will vote for Trump if things keep going like they are.
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This one would be good.

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I had a couple that just moved from Milwaukee at the house today. At some point politics came up and not surprising they voted for Obama twice and Hillary this time. BUT both say they will vote for Trump if things keep going like they are.

Exactly. They’ve realized that global elitist politics don’t serve everyday Americans. You need a CEO in the Oval Office, that puts America first, regardless of what the other powerful global elitist say or propogate.
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Depends upon how one defines intelligence. The electorate contains many people who aren't educated on both sides . They may or may not be intelligent.

I feel sure that you value the grade level of school education since you drive the short bus. I know a bunch of really smart people that you would look down on due to their educational level.

Educational level is a decent indicator but we all know traditionally educated people who are morons and people with little to no traditional education that are brilliant. I would go with some combination of IQ, ability to reason, and wisdom.

The wisest person I ever knew was my mom's Aunt Alice. Born and raised in Rockwood TN as a coal miner's daughter. Not sure, but I doubt she went beyond 6th grade. I was about 18 when I first realized this as I overheard a conversation between a group of adults, many college educated, about a guy from Rockwood who had been arrested for murder.

For a lot of people, WWJD is their go to.

Mine is GAA; Go Ask Alice. (What would Alice say)

George Wallace supporters were on average low IQ, non thinkers.
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