Trump: He Could Easily Be Reelected

Anyone who actually knows me would laugh at your ignorant assertion that I am chapped.

That we elected a clown as our President is fairly bewildering, but knowing the intellect of citizens like you, it isn't that far fetched. You're a poster boy for the dumbing down of America. Be proud
I need to call the U.T. Econ department, and ask for my money back.
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I am a classic liberal, which means my ideology is centered.

I'm 55 years old and by every single tangible or intangible measurement, it's anything but failure.

It's not too late to stop living you life based on a bunch of dumb narratives you've bought into. If you work at it, you might can achieve success as well. Let me know if you need any help

No one is buying this.
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Well, you're actually trying to get everyone to buy into your liberal agenda when you're on a conservative web site.

Not true. Not only is it not true, it's an outright lie that I'm trying to sell a liberal agenda. Read my posts. Certainly I disagree with some of the hardcore conservatism here, but I haven't pitched anything but a centered ideology.
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Anyone who actually knows me would laugh at your ignorant assertion that I am chapped.

That we elected a clown as our President is fairly bewildering, but knowing the intellect of citizens like you, it isn't that far fetched. You're a poster boy for the dumbing down of America. Be proud

See, that's my dilemma. I'm convinced that '72 is a good, intelligent, and successful person. I can almost comprehend the support from the racist, or the idiot, or the overly gullible, or the financially self absorbed.....but people like '72 are the enigma with which I struggle.
See, that's my dilemma. I'm convinced that '72 is a good, intelligent, and successful person. I can almost comprehend the support from the racist, or the idiot, or the overly gullible, or the financially self absorbed.....but people like '72 are the enigma with which I struggle.
Some things are just beyond your comprehension, Luther. You just will have to live with the fact that you aren't omniscient.
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Well, you're actually trying to get everyone to buy into your liberal agenda when you're on a conservative web site.

Conservative web site? How so?

I guess you think that a majority of conservative posters would equate to it being a conservative web site. That explains a lot.
See, that's my dilemma. I'm convinced that '72 is a good, intelligent, and successful person. I can almost comprehend the support from the racist, or the idiot, or the overly gullible, or the financially self absorbed.....but people like '72 are the enigma with which I struggle.
It is far better to struggle with an enigma than a boa constrictor.
Some things are just beyond your comprehension, Luther. You just will have to live with the fact that you aren't omniscient.

I know. I honestly think that fact helps me a little in the long run. At least I'm hoping.
Not since the election huh....

Hey, it won't surprise me one bit if Trump gets reelected. Of course, 2020 is still a long way away. With interest rates rising, you never know how quickly people can turn. His born again Christianity may not be so important to some if the economy turns and it won't necessarily be his fault. Probably won't be unless that banking dereg comes back to haunt him
Hey, it won't surprise me one bit if Trump gets reelected. Of course, 2020 is still a long way away. With interest rates rising, you never know how quickly people can turn. His born again Christianity may not be so important to some if the economy turns and it won't necessarily be his fault. Probably won't be unless that banking dereg comes back to haunt him

American liberals continue to play out the five stages of grief in response to Donald Trump’s win. Rubbing their eyes the morning after, they were in denial, as Hillary Clinton waited to concede. Once reality began to set in they responded in anger. Now they appear to be in bargaining mode, trying to figure out just how LITTLE they might need to evolve – not merely to keep Trump in his box, but also to keep him from winning again.

If the pattern continues to hold, depression will soon follow when American liberals reckon with just how intractable the opposition is across the country. And acceptance, finally, might someday allow for more productive moves, to reinvent themselves beyond their loss.

The problem with Democrats is substance, not style | Samuel Moyn | Opinion | The Guardian
Anyone who actually knows me would laugh at your ignorant assertion that I am chapped.

That we elected a clown as our President is fairly bewildering, but knowing the intellect of citizens like you, it isn't that far fetched. You're a poster boy for the dumbing down of America. Be proud
IF Trumps' election to you is 'bewildering', then you really do have your head in the sand. Was America 'dumbed down'? Seriously?

Time to scrape the "I'm with Her" sticker off your car.
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