Trump: He Could Easily Be Reelected

Think of aaaaaaaallllll of us boomers about to retire and have nothing to do but be political busy bodies.

This country is about to turn hard right and stay there for a while.

Until millenials can vote from their damn phone while they wait for their Uber this country is gonna stay red for a while. Millenials and Gen X’ers can’t be bothered with such a waste of time as voting.

Buckle up libs. It’s gonna be a tough ride!
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Anyone who actually knows me would laugh at your ignorant assertion that I am chapped.

That we elected a clown as our President is fairly bewildering, but knowing the intellect of citizens like you, it isn't that far fetched. You're a poster boy for the dumbing down of America. Be proud

Is there a reason you continuously attack the intelligence of those who disagree with you? I'm assuming you believe you're somehow superior, but honestly, you sound like Trump on twitter, the man you claim to detest. Leaves me wondering if you're actually insecure about just how smart you are? I've never known truly intelligent, people comfortable with who they are, feel the need to pump up their own ego while trying to knock the intelligence of others. Seems like the strategy of a weak mind. But that's just my opinion.

Also, this assumption that only what you want correlates as to what's best for America, well, that just smacks of pomposity. Another Trump like quality. For someone claiming to hate the man, you two have very similar personality traits.
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Is there a reason you continuously attack the intelligence of those who disagree with you?
It's page 5 of the liberal playbook. Look at luther's posts.... Mick's... LG... etc. All will fall back to claiming an inability of others to apply 'critical thinking', or a lack of wisdom. It's what they do.
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Is there a reason you continuously attack the intelligence of those who disagree with you? I'm assuming you believe you're somehow superior, but honestly, you sound like Trump on twitter, the man you claim to detest. Leaves me wondering if you're actually insecure about just how smart you are? I've never known truly intelligent, people comfortable with who they are, feel the need to pump up their own ego while trying to knock the intelligence of others. Seems like the strategy of a weak mind. But that's just my opinion.

Also, this assumption that only what you want correlates as to what's best for America, well, that just smacks of pomposity. Another Trump like quality. For someone claiming to hate the man, you two have very similar personality traits.

I think people who supported George Wallace in '64, '68, '72. and '76 were on average less intelligent than people who did not support him.

Not sure if that's an elitist attitude or not. I do acknowledge that a few "intelligent" people supported Wallace and many idiots supported his opponent. But we're just talking generalities.
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Trump could be reelected because there are a bunch of deplorable stupid people in America. I'm not going to name names but we all know who you are that would vote for him. You can raise your hand in the racist thread and deep state Bigfoot chronicle threads.
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Trump could be reelected because there are a bunch of deplorable stupid people in America. I'm not going to name names but we all know who you are that would vote for him. You can raise your hand in the racist thread and deep state Bigfoot chronicle threads.

People like you will get him re-elected just like y'all got him elected.
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Where were all these racists in 2012 or 2008? They were like this black man is cool but to hell with a white woman?
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If you would vote for him because of your disdain for me then you are deplorable.

If i were to vote for him, it would have little to do with you. but if you don't see the trump victory as a major backlash against the liberal attitude you're projecting, you're an idiot.
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If i were to vote for him, it would have little to do with you. but if you don't see the trump victory as a major backlash against the liberal attitude you're projecting, you're an idiot.

Why did you say it would be because of people like me then? Think about that you Trump loving reject. Society would love to pass you by.
No I’ll vote for him because of disdain for the leftist screeching socialist libtard I know you guys are gonna roll out. That’s what he meant.

He had/has to win the primary first. Can't blame this on Hillary or libtards or anyone else. It is 100% on the people who voted for him. Quit deflecting and own it.
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He had/has to win the primary first. Can't blame this on Hillary or libtards or anyone else. It is 100% on the people who voted for him. Quit deflecting and own it.
Awwwww does that make you feel better? How sweet.

It is amazing that you simply cannot comprehend why you lost the election.
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He had/has to win the primary first. Can't blame this on Hillary or libtards or anyone else. It is 100% on the people who voted for him. Quit deflecting and own it.

Wtf are you taking about. He won the primary as the dark horse nobody wanted. Now he’s the incumbent. It’s his if he wants it.

And after all I guess we could just rig the primary!!!😂😂😂

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