Trump: He Could Easily Be Reelected

Awwwww does that make you feel better? How sweet.

It is amazing that you simply cannot comprehend why you lost the election.

Macedonian meme farms and Russian collusion! Duh, you damn tRumplican! How many times do we have to go over this?

Awwwww does that make you feel better? How sweet.

It is amazing that you simply cannot comprehend why you lost the election.

I'm aware of most of the factors that contributed. The biggest will always be that enough people were manipulated into thinking that Trump was a better choice.
Mick, can you try to say something intelligent before calling everyone else idiots?
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I'm open to logic. I'm open to opinions as long as they are stated as opinion rather than fact. I'm open to honest, frank discussion. Calling everyone idiots because they disagree with you, that's the by-product of a weak mind. Try making convincing arguments rather than the continual hissy fits you throw.
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Does capital KNEW mean Biblically?

I mean, Bill did get around.

Yep. She claims it was not willingly but I don’t know if I believe her. I know she despises the man while the rest of her family worships him.
I'm open to logic. I'm open to opinions as long as they are stated as opinion rather than fact. I'm open to honest, frank discussion. Calling everyone idiots because they disagree with you, that's the by-product of a weak mind. Try making convincing arguments rather than the continual hissy fits you throw.

Just for the sake of debate.

Back to the George Wallace years.

How would you access the average intelligence of Wallace supporters compared to that of the supporters of his opponents?

I think it was lower.
Just for the sake of debate.

Back to the George Wallace years.

How would you access the average intelligence of Wallace supporters compared to that of the supporters of his opponents?

I think it was lower.

Not falling for the trap. Wallace the Dem is supported by less than intelligent supporters, hence Repubs should do the same against Trump.

This is a thought provoking comment Luther and something to ponder, but equating Trump supporters to racists because they are not intelligent is so DNC.

Top down and bottom up, to squeeze out any thought of individualism.True authoritarianism.

Who decides what is "right"? The electorate decides at any given time, and is subject to change.
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Just for the sake of debate.

Back to the George Wallace years.

How would you access the average intelligence of Wallace supporters compared to that of the supporters of his opponents?

I think it was lower.

You're making me older than I am. I didn't live through Wallace as a candidate. The first POTUS I remember was Carter. I was two when he was elected. The first election I remember was 1980, and I thought RR was the ****. He was the last POTUS I truly remember liking. I've never looked into George Wallace.
On the over all, even intelligent people can be ignorant. I've known many booksmart people who had no common sense, and vice versa. And I always question those who stress their own intelligence. Makes me wonder what they're covering for. I'm not the smartest man in the room, but I'm not the dumbest either. I'm comfortable with what I know, and willing to admit when I don't know. I never assume my opinion is right, and the opinion of others is wrong. I accept they are just different. I'm not too stubborn to admit I'm wrong when it's proven that I'm wrong. No one's perfect. Sometimes our biggest stumbling block is our own ego, and I try never to trip over my own. When you convince yourself you must be right, that there's no chance you're wrong, that's when you make a fool of yourself.

Some on here take a simple fact and extrapolate a narrative they believe so hard to be true they shut themselves out of honest and frank discussion. And when you point out holes in their theory, they call you names, then make subtle adjustments to their tale and begin claiming truth anew. Until of course you point out the holes in their new story. Then they repeat the process of name-calling and self editing, all the while claiming their brilliance. You guys crack me up with this. It's not limited to the more liberal posters, but they do tend to use the tactic with the most gusto.

Sometimes this place can be great theater.
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Mick, can you try to say something intelligent before calling everyone else idiots?

When someone says people like me is the reason for a Trump presidency then that idiot comment is on them. It's not like FOX and the right wing media has been pushing the anti-liberal agenda for decades. I didn't vote for him and the people that did need to take responsibility for their own actions. Seems the one that did think they are winning as well. I don't hear any praise for that and nor should I because that misguided thought is, like I said, "idiotic". You might want to evaluate your own comment and realize what I said is 100% true.

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