Trump Is an Ideological Authoritarian

It's gotten crazy. I'll never forget the first time I remember it when I was in college and a girl tried to convince me that Bill Clinton was the Antichrist. Even 19 year old me knew that was stupid.
Gave you a like but I'm not so sure that the Antichrist is not behind that particular political party...
So... Your point in all of that? The point of this thread was merely to point out that Trump wants people to do what he wants people to do, but doesn't force them to?

Now that you've pointed that out, I feel like my day has been validated. Thanks.

Why do I need more of a point than "Trump is an ideological authoritatian"? Why do I need to elaborate and tell y'all how to feel about it? Why does it bother you so much that I am saying this?
Why do I need more of a point than "Trump is an ideological authoritatian"? Why do I need to elaborate and tell y'all how to feel about it? Why does it bother you so much that I am saying this?
It doesn't bother me a bit. My greatest emotion on this produces a smirk. I'm just trying to figure out what point you were trying to make.

Your desperate attempts to save face aside, it's like you showed up at Normandy with a pop gun, took countless fatal shots, and now you're bleeding out on the log ride claiming you took your objective.
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I changed one word. What else specifically changed?

Certainly not the definition...

Authoritarianism - Wikipedia

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Under an authoritarian regime, individual freedoms are subordinate to the state, and there is no constitutional accountability and no rule of law. Authoritarian regimes can be autocratic, with power concentrated in one person, or can be a committee, with power shared among officials and government institutions. The political scientist Juan Linz synthesized authoritarian political systems as possessing four qualities:

  1. Limited political pluralism, realized with legalistic constraints on the legislature, political parties, and interest groups;
  2. Political legitimacy based upon appeals to emotion, and identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat enemies of the people, socio-economic underdevelopment, and guerrilla insurgency;
  3. Minimal social mobilization consequent to legalistic constraints, such as political suppression of all anti-regime activities;
  4. Informally defined executive powers, which extend and allow government authority into every sphere of life.

1. He hasn't limited or constrained political opposition, parties or interest groups. Nor has he made any comments to that extent.

2. All politicians appeal to emotions. However, I'm not sure he's ever claimed the government knows best and is needed to solve all the world's problems. This actually sounds more like liberals than Trump.

3. Nope, he hasn't done this either. Nor has he mentioned it.

4. Hasn't suggested this either.

As we can see from the Wiki definition of authoritarianism, it's actually clear the Democrats are more authoritarian than Trump.
You don't understand.

Trump wants people to do what he wants people to do, but allows them to not do what he wants them to do. Lie to yourself if you must.


Bump stocks.


It's idea logical.
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You don't understand.

Trump wants people to do what he wants people to do, but allows them to not do what he wants them to do. Lie to yourself if you must.


Bump stocks.


It's idea logical.

I'm not sure any of Huff's posts here have been logical.
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Certainly not the definition...

Authoritarianism - Wikipedia

1. He hasn't limited or constrained political opposition, parties or interest groups. Nor has he made any comments to that extent.

2. All politicians appeal to emotions. However, I'm not sure he's ever claimed the government knows best and is needed to solve all the world's problems. This actually sounds more like liberals than Trump.

3. Nope, he hasn't done this either. Nor has he mentioned it.

4. Hasn't suggested this either.


Erroneous. Do you know what ideology means?

I'll make it real simple, if a congressman frequently pops off with socialist ideas but fails to make America more socialist, is he/she an ideological socialist?

The answer is obviously yes, and if you argue this point, you're only doing it for the sake of argument. You can't really believe the contrary.
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Erroneous. Do you know what ideology means?

I'll make it real simple, if a congressman frequently pops off with socialist ideas but fails to make America more socialist, is he/she an ideological socialist?

The answer is obviously yes, and if you argue this point, you're only doing it for the sake of argument. You can't really believe the contrary.
Did you misspell congressperson?

Why couldn't he/she be a failed socialist?
Did you misspell congressperson?

Why couldn't he/she be a failed socialist?
Or why couldn't they just be a politician saying things they think will help them politically while not believing them or implementing them? Just saying something didn't mean it's your ideal.

Heck, Obama talked all the time about transparency. He was far from an ideological transparent...icist...
Erroneous. Do you know what ideology means?

I'll make it real simple, if a congressman frequently pops off with socialist ideas but fails to make America more socialist, is he/she an ideological socialist?

The answer is obviously yes, and if you argue this point, you're only doing it for the sake of argument. You can't really believe the contrary.
And obviously Republicans are all ideological fiscal conservatives.
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Or why couldn't they just be a politician saying things they think will help them politically while not believing them or implementing them? Just saying something didn't mean it's your ideal.

Heck, Obama talked all the time about transparency. He was far from an ideological transparent...icist...
Yeah, whenever one uses "idealogical" as a qualifier it can mean a lot of different ways of doing nothing substantive.
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Erroneous. Do you know what ideology means?

I'll make it real simple, if a congressman frequently pops off with socialist ideas but fails to make America more socialist, is he/she an ideological socialist?

The answer is obviously yes, and if you argue this point, you're only doing it for the sake of argument. You can't really believe the contrary.

Which still doesn't mean Trump is an ideological authoritarian. Especially given the definition I posted.
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Erroneous. Do you know what ideology means?

I'll make it real simple, if a congressman frequently pops off with socialist ideas but fails to make America more socialist, is he/she an ideological socialist?

The answer is obviously yes, and if you argue this point, you're only doing it for the sake of argument. You can't really believe the contrary.

In the case of politicians who espouse conservative views on the campaign trail and not get any of them done...they earn the title RIÑO.

Perhaps we can give Trump a status of AINO?
Such fancy words are not necessary. Trump is just a blowhard, cheap, douchebag. Even his supporters I think at this point are beginning to realize that their strutting Emperor has no clothes.
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In the case of politicians who espouse conservative views on the campaign trail and not get any of them done...they earn the title RIÑO.

Perhaps we can give Trump a status of AINO?

The difference is nothing is stopping a RINO from behaving like a conservative. Checks and balances are stopping Trump from doing the things he wants to do.

As we've established, he's tried to obstruct justice but staffers disobeyed him. He's confiscated bumps stocks. He's bypassed congress to sell weapons to the most authoritarian state in the Middle East. Don't forget about Assange. He has done some things that are in congruence with his ideological authoritarianism.
Such fancy words are not necessary. Trump is just a blowhard, cheap, douchebag. Even his supporters I think at this point are beginning to realize that their strutting Emperor has no clothes.
Are you just finding out that Trump is a loudmouthed, self-promoting, blowhard New Yorker? That doesn't bother me because he is competent.

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