Trump plans ban on flavored e-cigs

I have taken 3 golf ball full shots. One in the right forearm about 150 yards from the hitter with an iron on the way down. Two was between the shoulder blades from about 225 yards. Three was just above my right eye from about 40 yards. The last 2 were drivers. The one to the back took me to my knees. The one to the head knocked me flat, and almost out. None of the balls hit the ground first. The one to the noggin was a line drive and sounded like a gunshot inside my head, and I saw a bright white flash of light. It probably would have killed me if it was 2 inches to the right and to the temple. I finished the round in all cases.

That's the best explanation yet for your errant posts :)
I have taken 3 golf ball full shots. One in the right forearm about 150 yards from the hitter with an iron on the way down. Two was between the shoulder blades from about 225 yards. Three was just above my right eye from about 40 yards. The last 2 were drivers. The one to the back took me to my knees. The one to the head knocked me flat, and almost out. None of the balls hit the ground first. The one to the noggin was a line drive and sounded like a gunshot inside my head, and I saw a bright white flash of light. It probably would have killed me if it was 2 inches to the right and to the temple. I finished the round in all cases.
You're a magnet. I'll play with you any time so i know I'm safe.
I am anti prohibition in most all cases but I agree with this one.

Kids are vaping these cotton candy...amazing mango...peach cobbler..etc. flavored nicotine juice and they are getting addicted...of course...just like cigarettes. Vaping damages your lungs nearly as bad as smoking and there may even be worse long term consequences that we dont know about yet.

I am not saying to make vaping illegal. That wont work. I like the fact that SOME people are able to use it as a means to wean themselves off of nicotine and quit smoking. The truth about vaping needs to get out there IS quite harmful to your lungs. It is not safe...and we do not yet even know the long term effects which I personally believe are gonna be very bad with cancer and emphysema just like smoking. Let adults vape. Let's do everything possible to keep this crap away from kids though just like Gov does with cigarettes.

Honestly I think this legislation can hurt Trump in an election year. I still agree with it though. Every backwoods gas station in the south has some shady brands of juice for these vapers. From China and other crap countries as well as startups here in the US. We need to get these unregulated products under the FDA or ATF and hold the producers accountable.
I am anti prohibition in most all cases but I agree with this one.

Kids are vaping these cotton candy...amazing mango...peach cobbler..etc. flavored nicotine juice and they are getting addicted...of course...just like cigarettes. Vaping damages your lungs nearly as bad as smoking and there may even be worse long term consequences that we dont know about yet.

I am not saying to make vaping illegal. That wont work. I like the fact that SOME people are able to use it as a means to wean themselves off of nicotine and quit smoking. The truth about vaping needs to get out there IS quite harmful to your lungs. It is not safe...and we do not yet even know the long term effects which I personally believe are gonna be very bad with cancer and emphysema just like smoking. Let adults vape. Let's do everything possible to keep this crap away from kids though just like Gov does with cigarettes.

Honestly I think this legislation can hurt Trump in an election year. I still agree with it though. Every backwoods gas station in the south has some shady brands of juice for these vapers. From China and other crap countries as well as startups here in the US. We need to get these unregulated products under the FDA or ATF and hold the producers accountable.
Vaping has been mainstream since '07, and there have been hundreds if not thousand of studies on its effect to the human body. The studies that survived peer review definitely refute your claim of vaping being nearly as dangerous as smoking.

Vapes already are under FDA jurisdiction, and they're making all manufacturers go through a bogus premarket tobacco application (PMTA) process that will put hundreds of companies out of business in a multi-billion dollar market.
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I am anti prohibition in most all cases but I agree with this one.

Kids are vaping these cotton candy...amazing mango...peach cobbler..etc. flavored nicotine juice and they are getting addicted...of course...just like cigarettes. Vaping damages your lungs nearly as bad as smoking and there may even be worse long term consequences that we dont know about yet.

I am not saying to make vaping illegal. That wont work. I like the fact that SOME people are able to use it as a means to wean themselves off of nicotine and quit smoking. The truth about vaping needs to get out there IS quite harmful to your lungs. It is not safe...and we do not yet even know the long term effects which I personally believe are gonna be very bad with cancer and emphysema just like smoking. Let adults vape. Let's do everything possible to keep this crap away from kids though just like Gov does with cigarettes.

Honestly I think this legislation can hurt Trump in an election year. I still agree with it though. Every backwoods gas station in the south has some shady brands of juice for these vapers. From China and other crap countries as well as startups here in the US. We need to get these unregulated products under the FDA or ATF and hold the producers accountable.

This isn't remotely true. In fact, every one of those people that died due the mysterious 'vaping' related hysteria was vaping non-regulated THC oil.
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This isn't remotely true. In fact, every one of those people that died due the mysterious 'vaping' related hysteria was vaping non-regulated THC oil.
I believe you are incorrect my friend.

The only thing that was common in the deaths is the chemical used to dilute “the flavor” of the vape
Nanny state.

At least the plastic straw band will have a miniscule impact.


This isn't remotely true. In fact, every one of those people that died due the mysterious 'vaping' related hysteria was vaping non-regulated THC oil.
I know in regular e-liquids, vegetable glycerin is used to tone down flavors and thicken the liquid up. Not sure why that wasn't used for that purpose in the killer cartridges unless something about it just doesn't work with THC.
I believe you are incorrect my friend.

The only thing that was common in the deaths is the chemical used to dilute “the flavor” of the vape

"Across the country, health officials have been investigating 450 cases in 33 states of a severe lung disease possibly tied to vaping. As many as six people have died.

"We are asking for assistance because this could go national," Beth said. "We are asking for assistance from federal agencies."

The sheriff has also asked for parents to keep a closer watch of their children in light of the growing vaping epidemic.

"The biggest factor in saving our kids from getting hurt are the parents," Beth said. "We need to get the parents involved."

Tyler Huffhines is due in court Friday.

An investigation into the scheme is ongoing, according to police."


I thought Huff lived in Arizona.

Free Huff!
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I believe you are incorrect my friend.

The only thing that was common in the deaths is the chemical used to dilute “the flavor” of the vape

They may have updated it and I’ve mossed it but the articles I read said they don’t know what caused it , just that the one common thing they had was vaping in the last 90 days . THC oil was mentioned but they were guessing .
That stuff works pretty well. Shame it took so long for society to accept an actually helpful and not harmful medicine.

I've been trying the oil, but when I was checking out - the owner gave me a couple of the capsules to try. They were the same brand as the oil (hempbomb?), I think I liked that better than the drops, seemed stronger...

I agree that its taken too long, just goes to show how powerful the pharma lobby is.
I keep a stainless steel straw in the Truck.
Hemp oil straws will soon make the straw issue irrelevant.

I figured since cbd was legal I could get that stuff delivered through Amazon Prime, turns out that all of the stuff on Amazon is hemp seed oil or extract which is sketchy.
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I figured since cbd was legal I could get that stuff delivered through Amazon Prime, turns out that all of the stuff on Amazon is hemp seed oil or extract which is sketchy.
You know this stuff is the future
There’s a hemp farm on HIXSON pike in Chattanooga. They’re growing specifically for the grade of oil to be used in plastic to make a biodegradable plastic. Supposed to break down in about 75 years in a landfill and eliminate micro plastic.
I've been trying the oil, but when I was checking out - the owner gave me a couple of the capsules to try. They were the same brand as the oil (hempbomb?), I think I liked that better than the drops, seemed stronger...

I agree that its taken too long, just goes to show how powerful the pharma lobby is.

Go back to the part about it working for the aches and pains . I don’t get headaches often but I’ve broken several bones over the years including my back and have the aches and pains part covered .
Go back to the part about it working for the aches and pains . I don’t get headaches often but I’ve broken several bones over the years including my back and have the aches and pains part covered .
Don’t do it. Buddy of mine just lost a 100k a year job because of it. Popped on a random.

There is some out there that’s clean of thc but be careful and be mindful of where you buy it.
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Don’t do it. Buddy of mine just lost a 100k a year job because of it. Popped on a random.

There is some out there that’s clean of thc but be careful and be mindful of where you buy it.

That was going to be one of my questions.
Don’t do it. Buddy of mine just lost a 100k a year job because of it. Popped on a random.

There is some out there that’s clean of thc but be careful and be mindful of where you buy it.

That sounds pretty unusual but could happen, you're right though - if getting 'popped' is an issue, better make sure you know what you're putting in your body. Many CBD products do not have any THC metabolites and are very effective, or so I've heard. The one I'm using doesn't and I'm all in.

Go back to the part about it working for the aches and pains . I don’t get headaches often but I’ve broken several bones over the years including my back and have the aches and pains part covered .

I broke my tibial plateau a few years ago in Vail and will need a knee replacement at some point. I've had a offloader brace to reduce the pressure on my now "without a meniscus" left knee. The CBD has pretty much made the need for the brace unnecessary, a lot less anxiety with the rest of Real Life™ as well.
That sounds pretty unusual but could happen, you're right though - if getting 'popped' is an issue, better make sure you know what you're putting in your body. Many CBD products do not have any THC metabolites and are very effective, or so I've heard. The one I'm using doesn't and I'm all in.

I broke my tibial plateau a few years ago in Vail and will need a knee replacement at some point. I've had a offloader brace to reduce the pressure on my now "without a meniscus" left knee. The CBD has pretty much made the need for the brace unnecessary, a lot less anxiety with the rest of Real Life™ as well.
The ex uses some that works and is free of thc.
She uses it for anxiety

My buddy was using some from a gas station I believe. Used it for pain relief of a bum shoulder.

He’s fighting the results. I don’t know how far he will get but it’s on his permanent record. (Hazmat driver)
Still not sure if he will get to keep his license.

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