Trump plans ban on flavored e-cigs

That sounds pretty unusual but could happen, you're right though - if getting 'popped' is an issue, better make sure you know what you're putting in your body. Many CBD products do not have any THC metabolites and are very effective, or so I've heard. The one I'm using doesn't and I'm all in.

I broke my tibial plateau a few years ago in Vail and will need a knee replacement at some point. I've had a offloader brace to reduce the pressure on my now "without a meniscus" left knee. The CBD has pretty much made the need for the brace unnecessary, a lot less anxiety with the rest of Real Life™ as well.

If THC is not in it, what is? You mind sharing the brand you use?
If THC is not in it, what is? You mind sharing the brand you use?

I'm using the hempbomb brand. The product faq does show that there is some .3 THC and they don't guarantee it won't get picked up. That's really low, but still I think it's a prudent CYA by them.

There products are also tested pretty rigorously, not like the sht @n_huffhines is peddling out of the trunk of his car.

FYI, i'm no expert in this by any means, but have done a little reading.
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I'm using the hempbomb brand. The product faq does show that there is some .3 THC and they don't guarantee it won't get picked up. That's really low, but still I think it's a CYA.

There products are also tested pretty rigorously, not like the sht @n_huffhines is peddling out of the trunk of his car.

FYI, i'm no expert in this by any means, but have done a little reading.

I will be honest, I never even knew these products existed or even legal.
I will be honest, I never even knew these products existed or even legal.

My FIL is a soon to be retired plastic surgeon that works for a medical marijuana prescription joint on the side. He swears by the CBD products now, even has one of his old dogs taking it.
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My FIL is a soon to be retired plastic surgeon that works for a medical marijuana prescription joint on the side. He swears by the CBD products now, even has one of his old dogs taking it.
Tell your FIL to be careful. Today his old dog is using CBD products and tomorrow he is free basing crack. I have seen it happen.
If THC is not in it, what is? You mind sharing the brand you use?


Marijuana and hemp are both types of cannabis. Both have CBD. Both have THC but hemp has just a negligible amount. If you've smoked it, you know marijuana has a bunch of different effects, being high is just one of them. Hemp CBD has basically those same effects, minus the paranoia and psychedelic experience.

Our bodies actually produce CBD (endocannibnoids) and we have two different types of CBD receptors that do different things when they interact with exogenous CBD from hemp. We've only been able to study CBD for a few years, so we don't know a whole lot but preliminary research is pretty exciting. It shows promise in treating anxiety, stress, epilepsy (this is actually where some of the best science is found), pain, insomnia, etc. As far as negatives, we have preliminary research showing usage can increase liver enzymes in 3% of users, but just like with the positives, I would like to see more research here. Also, I can't stress this enough, anybody saying they treat cancer with CBD can **** off all the way to hell. There is nothing to support that this is a good idea. Treating symptoms of cancer/chemo with CBD = great. Replacing scientific cancer treatments with CBD = probably your only hope is your body was going to beat cancer anyway.

And I don't sell it (don't list to @Septic ), LOL. I work on a couple websites for a grow farm. It's not some small mom and pop operation, they have 1,000 acres and a 10,000 sq ft greenhouse, too. I also use CBD sometimes before going to bed. I like it.
Wife beater tee shirts would go away if the government banned alcohol and replaced it with doobies.

If it is from China..


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