Trump Secret police

Larger than most realize.
2008 when I first became aware of them.
I can remember they took a guy (former Marine I think) who only quoted a person who had posted lyrics to to System of a Down song (pretty sure that was the band). He did this on Facebook with no comment and was taken to a psychiatrist facility against his will by Federal Agents. He was never charged or diagnosed with any issues.
I want to make sure I understand your criticism. Is it your contention that you never argued that the Feds have no right to be there arresting citizens off of Federal property? Or are you just quibbling about the fact that I summarized that part of your argument and attributed it to you with quotation marks?

To show my point, will you be happier if I summarize by wrapping it in quote script blocks instead of quotation marks?

I wasn't "quibbling" at all. Quibbling as I hope you understand is pertaining to something "trivial". I do not consider what you tried to do as trivial. It was an all out attempt to create a faults statement. That is not trivial sir. You need to own it. I'm waiting to see if you are a gentleman or a low life. Your choice.

By claiming your understanding that they had gone "beyond the mandated jurisdictio for their presence in Portland", you weren't claiming they don't have the right to make the arrests they've made?

So, again, are you quibbling a punctuation issue, or claiming that I misrepresented your point? I need to know which you're doing, as my response will differ.

Don't try and go all dictionary on me I certainly didn't go dictionary on you for your errors. Also, you keep trying to say I made claims yet I didn't and you don't have a leg to stand on so I suggest you get a life.. Do some actual cognitive thinking please.

I'm an American Patriot and I will not step back from some anti-american low life attempting to damage the greatness of my country.
It'll be super meme worthy when Biden turns this task force loose on all the off-grid anti-gov right wingers that freak out the libs. You guys have no ability to look 1-4 years into the future
Bidens too busy fingerbanging unwilling women to win.
Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon or constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

And you thought our was spelled "or".
I see the **** birds are back in Portland. Watching one stream the cops have paintball guns just inside the perimeter. The "journalist" streaming starts going down the fence saying "this man has a rifle pointed at this protester's back, this man has a rifle pointed at this protester's back", etc. "They have their guns and bombs ready, they have used grenades on protesters". If these guys have guns and bombs then 15 year old me playing paintball was certified spec ops. These people spend 97% of their time yelling at the cops that they're protesting peacefully and about 3% actually protesting.
They are required to make it public, or disclose it to arrested and legal system as required?

Are you saying that, in active investigations, they are required to make the facts of their investigation public? Or they have the ability to play their card close with the public when going public would jeapordize parts of their investigation?
Yes and no.

The government can’t arrest and hold people for more than 48 hours without charging them, in a typical criminal context. I think this is what you’re saying in your first paragraph.

So, yes, the public/accused’s interest in limited disclosures supersedes the government’s interest in secrecy once an arrest is made. Obviously, “limited” means they don’t have to disclose everything, but the crimes alleged and the facts that give rise to probable cause should be disclosed in a charging instrument that should, at the very least, be made available to the accused.

These requirements should not be skirted solely because some government functionary unilaterally decided that the underlying facts fall under some code section where the government gave itself permission to ignore the constitution. There should be, at a minimum, some habeas corpus review of those arrests to appeal that decision.

I don’t know whether people are being charged, released, or “disappeared.” The US Attorney for the district is calling for an investigation as well, so he doesn’t seem to know exactly what’s going on either, which seems like evidence of released or disappeared, and there have been interviews with some who have been arrested so that would indicate release in at least some cases.

For example: US Attorney For Oregon Calls For Investigation Into Portland Protester Arrests

While grabbing people off the street and then releasing them without charges is not the worst case scenario, it’s unlikely to be constitutional and is not something I’m on board with.
Yes and no.

The government can’t arrest and hold people for more than 48 hours without charging them, in a typical criminal context. I think this is what you’re saying in your first paragraph.

So, yes, the public/accused’s interest in limited disclosures supersedes the government’s interest in secrecy once an arrest is made. Obviously, “limited” means they don’t have to disclose everything, but the crimes alleged and the facts that give rise to probable cause should be disclosed in a charging instrument that should, at the very least, be made available to the accused.

These requirements should not be skirted solely because some government functionary unilaterally decided that the underlying facts fall under some code section where the government gave itself permission to ignore the constitution. There should be, at a minimum, some habeas corpus review of those arrests to appeal that decision.

I don’t know whether people are being charged, released, or “disappeared.” The US Attorney for the district is calling for an investigation as well, so he doesn’t seem to know exactly what’s going on either, which seems like evidence of released or disappeared, and there have been interviews with some who have been arrested so that would indicate release in at least some cases.

For example: US Attorney For Oregon Calls For Investigation Into Portland Protester Arrests

While grabbing people off the street and then releasing them without charges is not the worst case scenario, it’s unlikely to be constitutional and is not something I’m on board with.

My point was, do they have to tell the accused what they are charged with, or hold media interviews and clear with people on the internet?

The reason for the question is, we're on page 17 of "trump's Secret Police" thread where outhouse investigators are claiming "disapperared" based solely on video snippets, without knowing why they were arrested, what investigation led up to it, or what charges give federal jurisdiction. This point is after I've posted numerous links to the US AG saying, "We have an ongoing federal investigation with evidence that the national violence is coordinated and foreign-supported/sponsored."

Just wanted clarity on your post.

There seems to be a lot agenda in here, with little actual knowledge, and a lot of ignoring what the Feds have actually claimed.

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