Trump Secret police

Yes “terrorists” objecting to cops shooting unarmed blacks in the back. Trump showed them - he sent in Feds to crush them.

Democracy being flushed down the drain so Dotard can get re-elected
5 weeks of violence and chaos in the streets and the feds arrive in the last week and suddenly, they're responsible for this situation?

Local and state authorities have been unable to control this, or have been handcuffed by politicians in the region. Do we just stand by and watch Portland burn? No.

They're not fully responsible for the entire situation but they are responsible for the escalation that their presence incites. Try to understand this
5 weeks of violence and chaos in the streets and the feds arrive in the last week and suddenly, they're responsible for this situation?

Local and state authorities have been unable to control this, or have been handcuffed by politicians in the region. Do we just stand by and watch Portland burn? No.
Been plenty of folks on this forum that have called for Portland to burn because of ideological differences.
Yes “terrorists” objecting to cops shooting unarmed blacks in the back. Trump showed them - he sent in Feds to crush them.

Democracy being flushed down the drain so Dotard can get re-elected
Is that what those destroying/vandalizing property are doing, "objecting to cops shooting unarmed blacks in the back"?
5 weeks of violence and chaos in the streets and the feds arrive in the last week and suddenly, they're responsible for this situation?

Local and state authorities have been unable to control this, or have been handcuffed by politicians in the region. Do we just stand by and watch Portland burn? No.
Exactly ETV, huff is trying to justify the destruction by saying its because the feds have shown up. Talk about a strawman argument. Don't want them there quit destroying property, including federal property.
What makes you think he wasn’t a federal informant/ undercover agent that was being rescued?
They're not fully responsible for the entire situation but they are responsible for the escalation that their presence incites. Try to understand this

They're trying to put an end to this.

Imagine that you live in Portland and been unable to take your family out in the evening or even venture out by yourself due to the mayhem that's running the streets. What if it was occurirng on your city block and disrupting your life and the ones you cared about?

They're no longer protesting. This isn't about Mr Floyd, police reform, etc.
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It's sad that so many posters cheer on Gestapo tactics, would've loved Nazi Germany ala 1939.
Einsatzgruppen, I mean, “federal police“ roaming the streets is something every American should be worried about.
There won't be much sympathy on this forum. It is a strange combination of "it ain't my backyard", "yeah, stick it to those liberals on the West Coast", or basically wanting the city to burn because they lean left.

There was a very telling interview a few months back with a rather vehement Trump supporter that was surprisingly dissatisfied with Lord Red Hat. Her chief complaint was, and I quote because I will never forget this, "He isn't hurting the right people."

Some on this board have the same opinion. A poster I normally don't mind, and randomly agree with some times, went off on a rant the other day about how much he hates liberals, how much his Church hates liberals, and then proceeded to compare LGBTQ to pedophiles. He was channeling the same thought process that lady was.

And this isn't just a problem with Red Hats. There is hatred on the Left as well. Look at how the DSA has co-opted protests against police brutality into their normal game of "if you disagree with anything we say, you are a racist fascist that hates poor people and should be canceled and have no voice." Then there is BLM, which began as having a message that was absolutely worthy of discussion and protest. But there are fragments of the movement that are populist, Marxist idiots that have no issue being racist, misogynistic, or homophobic against anyone that disputes or disagrees with their views.

I wonder sometimes if we are just too far gone in our political differences. Sorry for the rant, but getting caught up on the forum today really makes me doubt things will ever chill out. There is just too much hate and anger in society.
If this disturbs the left, then they should be 100% against the defunding/abolishing of police departments because a federalized police force is the natural by-product of such actions.
It’s really not that hard to comprehend.
Everyone should have seen this coming
But the left says the police are the root of all evil in major cities!

Is it not true what the left are saying that if they disband the police it won't become a peaceful utopia?😪
There won't be much sympathy on this forum. It is a strange combination of "it ain't my backyard", "yeah, stick it to those liberals on the West Coast", or basically wanting the city to burn because they lean left.

There was a very telling interview a few months back with a rather vehement Trump supporter that was surprisingly dissatisfied with Lord Red Hat. Her chief complaint was, and I quote because I will never forget this, "He isn't hurting the right people."

Some on this board have the same opinion. A poster I normally don't mind, and randomly agree with some times, went off on a rant the other day about how much he hates liberals, how much his Church hates liberals, and then proceeded to compare LGBTQ to pedophiles. He was channeling the same thought process that lady was.

And this isn't just a problem with Red Hats. There is hatred on the Left as well. Look at how the DSA has co-opted protests against police brutality into their normal game of "if you disagree with anything we say, you are a racist fascist that hates poor people and should be canceled and have no voice." Then there is BLM, which began as having a message that was absolutely worthy of discussion and protest. But there are fragments of the movement that are populist, Marxist idiots that have no issue being racist, misogynistic, or homophobic against anyone that disputes or disagrees with their views.

I wonder sometimes if we are just too far gone in our political differences. Sorry for the rant, but getting caught up on the forum today really makes me doubt things will ever chill out. There is just too much hate and anger in society.
Naw just keep talking
There won't be much sympathy on this forum. It is a strange combination of "it ain't my backyard", "yeah, stick it to those liberals on the West Coast", or basically wanting the city to burn because they lean left.

There was a very telling interview a few months back with a rather vehement Trump supporter that was surprisingly dissatisfied with Lord Red Hat. Her chief complaint was, and I quote because I will never forget this, "He isn't hurting the right people."

Some on this board have the same opinion. A poster I normally don't mind, and randomly agree with some times, went off on a rant the other day about how much he hates liberals, how much his Church hates liberals, and then proceeded to compare LGBTQ to pedophiles. He was channeling the same thought process that lady was.

And this isn't just a problem with Red Hats. There is hatred on the Left as well. Look at how the DSA has co-opted protests against police brutality into their normal game of "if you disagree with anything we say, you are a racist fascist that hates poor people and should be canceled and have no voice." Then there is BLM, which began as having a message that was absolutely worthy of discussion and protest. But there are fragments of the movement that are populist, Marxist idiots that have no issue being racist, misogynistic, or homophobic against anyone that disputes or disagrees with their views.

I wonder sometimes if we are just too far gone in our political differences. Sorry for the rant, but getting caught up on the forum today really makes me doubt things will ever chill out. There is just too much hate and anger in society.
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5 weeks of violence and chaos in the streets and the feds arrive in the last week and suddenly, they're responsible for this situation?

Local and state authorities have been unable to control this, or have been handcuffed by politicians in the region. Do we just stand by and watch Portland burn? No.
I disagree, let it burn. Let all these dem led cities burn. The people voted for communist mayors and politicians so the voters deserve to be punished

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