Trump Secret police

And what news organizations are we to believe?

All of them have lied vehemently. It’s really bad. It’s getting extremely difficult to find any good, accurate info. Whatever side of the political isle you reside on usually dictates your media preference. Get this, my best friend is an infectious disease specialist in SC. He recently sent an email to the CDC asking for clarification on current events. Specifically the surge in hospitalizations and cases in some areas. I got to see the email. To paraphrase, the CDC said that any person who even shows the slightest symptoms of COVID, is to be deemed positive and reported immediately. If they turn out to be negative, it’s the hospitals discretion as to whether it’s reported but original positive diagnosis stands. My friend told me 3 of his colleagues across the country have quit their Jobs citing their disgust about how the CDC, Fauci, Birx and the medical scientific community has handled this situation.

It’s getting to the point to where we cannot believe anyone about anything.
All of them have lied vehemently. It’s really bad. It’s getting extremely difficult to find any good, accurate info. Whatever side of the political isle you reside on usually dictates your media preference. Get this, my best friend is an infectious disease specialist in SC. He recently sent an email to the CDC asking for clarification on current events. Specifically the surge in hospitalizations and cases in some areas. I got to see the email. To paraphrase, the CDC said that any person who even shows the slightest symptoms of COVID, is to be deemed positive and reported immediately. If they turn out to be negative, it’s the hospitals discretion as to whether it’s reported but original positive diagnosis stands. My friend told me 3 of his colleagues across the country have quit their Jobs citing their disgust about how the CDC, Fauci, Birx and the medical scientific community has handled this situation.

It’s getting to the point to where we cannot believe anyone about anything.
You let your own bias slip on the end there...
Yeah, no law expert here, but I'm not seeing the crime. Officers, federal or otherwise, do not have to tell you or your cronys what you are being arrested or detained for.

You are still operating under the assumption:

1) Those being arrested didn't commit a crime.
2) These people are those mythical "mostly peaceful protesters".

I doubt either are true, so I don't see the problem with waiting to see what the cause for arrest is when it comes out. Getting kept in a holding cell for a few hours is a far cry from being waterboarded and hooked up to a car battery like you guys are making this out to be.
I don't believe you.
First. All US Government vehicles are "unmarked". Look for the different license plate though.

Second. These are US marshals who were protecting a federal courthouse from re#ard democrats who were vandalizing it and trying to get inside.

gtfo with your nonsense.

That hasn't always been the case. I have seen marked US Marshal cars and ATF trucks before.
One, a social media post is not enough to convince me this is real.

Two, even if real, I'm sure this was thought up well before Trump. Probably some more Patriot Act BS. IF REAL.

Three, just in response to the specific targeting reference, remember when the IRS was used to target conservatives? Did that outrage you as well?

I posted a couple of articles about it.

BLM and antifa are the worst domestic terrorists in the country right now

That is a lie. White racist are and have been.
Maybe if people would actually protest peacefully it wouldn’t come to this. You and those who have supported these “protests/riots/criminals” are the ones who hate America. This was long overdue.

So you support unconstitutional arrests. Cool

Guess I’m a terrorist then, who knew.

At least you are man enough to admit you are a WN. The others here are too scared to be honest.

But no. All aren't,but most domestic terrorist are.

First. All US Government vehicles are "unmarked". Look for the different license plate though.

Second. These are US marshals who were protecting a federal courthouse from re#ard democrats who were vandalizing it and trying to get inside.

gtfo with your nonsense.

That is a lie. And they aren't in unmarked government vehicles.

They are in rental cars and in uniforms with their agency identification hidden.
Reports: Federal officers detain Portland protesters in unmarked vans

Federal law enforcement officers have used unmarked vehicles to detain protesters in Portland, according to news reports.

Videos shared online show officers driving up to people, detaining individuals without explanation, then driving off, Oregon Public Broadcastingfirst reported. Officers appeared to detain people who weren’t near federal property, and it isn't clear that all of those being arrested had committed a crime, according to OPB.

Mark Pettibone, 29, told the Washington Post and OPB that he was among those protesters grabbed off the streets of Portland. Pettibone said he was heading home from a protest with a friend early Wednesday morning when several men in green military fatigues jumped out of an unmarked gray van.

“I was terrified,” Pettibone told the Post. “It seemed like it was out of a horror/sci-fi, like a Philip K. Dick novel. It was like being preyed upon.”

He ran, but said he was caught, detained and searched. He was taken to a federal courthouse and placed in a holding cell. Officers read him his Miranda rights and he declined to waive those rights and answer questions. Then, he was released with no record of his arrest.

Nothing wrong with that huh?
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At this point let's just meet in a big old field and settle whatever it is everyone wants to.......figure out a narrative and anti narrative, and let's have at it. Winners choose for tomorrow.....
I posted a couple of articles about it.

That is a lie. White racist are and have been.

So you support unconstitutional arrests. Cool

At least you are man enough to admit you are a WN. The others here are too scared to be honest.

But no. All aren't,but most domestic terrorist are.

That is a lie. And they aren't in unmarked government vehicles.

They are in rental cars and in uniforms with their agency identification hidden.
“White nationalist” is largely a creation of the media.

How many people on here do you think are or know an actual “white nationalist” based on what the media’s definition of that term is?

It’s a fake boogeyman to create division and fear furthering the systemic racism narrative.

Most people in this country just want to live their lives and have the government leave them alone.
Reports: Federal officers detain Portland protesters in unmarked vans

Federal law enforcement officers have used unmarked vehicles to detain protesters in Portland, according to news reports.

Videos shared online show officers driving up to people, detaining individuals without explanation, then driving off, Oregon Public Broadcastingfirst reported. Officers appeared to detain people who weren’t near federal property, and it isn't clear that all of those being arrested had committed a crime, according to OPB.

Mark Pettibone, 29, told the Washington Post and OPB that he was among those protesters grabbed off the streets of Portland. Pettibone said he was heading home from a protest with a friend early Wednesday morning when several men in green military fatigues jumped out of an unmarked gray van.

“I was terrified,” Pettibone told the Post. “It seemed like it was out of a horror/sci-fi, like a Philip K. Dick novel. It was like being preyed upon.”

He ran, but said he was caught, detained and searched. He was taken to a federal courthouse and placed in a holding cell. Officers read him his Miranda rights and he declined to waive those rights and answer questions. Then, he was released with no record of his arrest.

Nothing wrong with that huh?
You don't see anything wrong with a bunch of spoiled ass white kids, running around Portland, destroying property?
The worst in the country now is the news media with their false and misleading narratives. They are controlling and influencing the thoughts of millions and democracy cannot survive without a free and unbiased media.

Although you did not mean to do it, you just described Donald Trump to a T (20,000 lies and counting).
I posted a couple of articles about it.

That is a lie. White racist are and have been.

So you support unconstitutional arrests. Cool

At least you are man enough to admit you are a WN. The others here are too scared to be honest.

But no. All aren't,but most domestic terrorist are.

That is a lie. And they aren't in unmarked government vehicles.

They are in rental cars and in uniforms with their agency identification hidden.
Over the last year who has caused more property damage, beat and killed more people? These white supremacists you have made up in your head or antifa/BLM?
Reports: Federal officers detain Portland protesters in unmarked vans

Federal law enforcement officers have used unmarked vehicles to detain protesters in Portland, according to news reports.

Videos shared online show officers driving up to people, detaining individuals without explanation, then driving off, Oregon Public Broadcastingfirst reported. Officers appeared to detain people who weren’t near federal property, and it isn't clear that all of those being arrested had committed a crime, according to OPB.

Mark Pettibone, 29, told the Washington Post and OPB that he was among those protesters grabbed off the streets of Portland. Pettibone said he was heading home from a protest with a friend early Wednesday morning when several men in green military fatigues jumped out of an unmarked gray van.

“I was terrified,” Pettibone told the Post. “It seemed like it was out of a horror/sci-fi, like a Philip K. Dick novel. It was like being preyed upon.”

He ran, but said he was caught, detained and searched. He was taken to a federal courthouse and placed in a holding cell. Officers read him his Miranda rights and he declined to waive those rights and answer questions. Then, he was released with no record of his arrest.

Nothing wrong with that huh?
Except the US Marshals said they didn't detain Mark Pettibone. Now what?
You don't see anything wrong with a bunch of spoiled ass white kids, running around Portland, destroying property?

So you lack the ability to discern the difference between protesters and rioters? But I'm sure you can tell the difference between a bad cop and all the good ones out there, right? All this media hate has come from Faux News and the GOP. When you run a campaign based on "alternative facts" (which means lies and nonsense) and your propaganda machine blasts traditional journalistic news sources that weren't lying when they were reporting what Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, et al.. did.. and suddenly they're just out to slur this minority party that somehow runs a "democracy." Enough of my rant... the lesson here is, protesters are not rioters (though I am quite sure some have reacted to violence), not all cops are bad, but you'll sure say the latter before you'll ever admit the former.

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