Trump Secret police

I posted a couple of articles about it.

That is a lie. White racist are and have been.

So you support unconstitutional arrests. Cool

At least you are man enough to admit you are a WN. The others here are too scared to be honest.

But no. All aren't,but most domestic terrorist are.

That is a lie. And they aren't in unmarked government vehicles.

They are in rental cars and in uniforms with their agency identification hidden.
LOL. I love your retort when confronted with facts "ITS A LIE!!" Government vehicles are all pretty much unmarked, just like I said. IF they are using rental vehicles that means they need them to haul off street trash democrats. And their agency identification is hidden? Ok. LOL. They came out from a Federal courthouse. Only morons wouldnt know who they are. Glad this has you scared like the little wuss ass you are.
That hasn't always been the case. I have seen marked US Marshal cars and ATF trucks before.
Border Patrol is marked as well. I should have said 99% of US federal vehicles are unmarked. The tell is the front and rear license plates that say US government. In the Portland case it appears they are just using rentals to round up street trash. Saving their prisoner transfer vehicles for the day job.
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Border Patrol is marked as well. I should have said 99% of US federal vehicles are unmarked. The tell is the front and rear license plates that say US government. In the Portland case it appears they are just using rentals to round up street trash. Saving their prisoner transfer vehicles for the day job.
Kind of like Obama should have said "98.8% of the people will be able to keep their doctor."
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Your ability to have such labels and monikers and attempts at being righteous or correct are laughable, and I find most of what people do today to be more laughable, so take your brainwashed non independent thinking ego driven out of this world reality and go be the loser peasant serf following lemming that your system is all about, you are no individual or self standing righteous anything, you are insignificant and nothing, absolutely nothing guy.[/QUOTE]

You and I are very like minded for sure. I have prefaced several posts by saying I'm neither Dem or Rep and just wanted share info, but still get name called or attacked. It is very sad, but I do not see how anyone can support or totally be aligned to either party. In the past I considered myself to be a Republican, and admit I still lean conservative. But, after much studying of our history and our government I found that the Republican party was not what I was always told that it was, or led to believe.
In my family I have had one in the Senate (Rep), and one in Congress (Dem), plus a very successful lobbyist. (successful as far as getting rich) The things I learned from them alarmed me, and started me questioning just how our government does work. Actually, it was my cousin that was a Dem, who I was very close to that educated me the most on "how the system worked."

The main problem that I have with Democrats is how they can defend 100% of what the party represents, their beliefs, goals, and agenda. How can anyone believe everything and anything they are told or read 100%?
I have Democrat family members and friends that would not accept me even politely asking them to research or consider anything possibly questionable. I am immediately a racist, bigot, nazi. etc.
I now refuse to have any attempt to have any discussions with any of them. That alone drives them crazy as they think it is their responsibility to convince me, or "educate" me. Why is it that they can't be open or even curious about having a rational discussion? When I was a strong republican I called them out on issues, and would not defend them for anything that I thought was not right.

I consider myself a man without a party, but I'm not going to fund or be part of one that does not represent at least the majority of the ideas that I stand for.
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He didn't make the video. Don't try to deflect from the content.

Another conservative who cares more about his party being in power than freedom. You guys really do hate America.

Its an Executive Order. His administration had admitted to the military presence there under his order.

Don't be willfully ignorant.

Who cares who posted it. The video is the point.

Its sad that you guys hate America so much you concentrate on trying to discredit the messenger instead of receiving the message.
You realize they didn't cuff him... Right? What would that lead you to believe?
I posted a couple of articles about it.

That is a lie. White racist are and have been.

So you support unconstitutional arrests. Cool

At least you are man enough to admit you are a WN. The others here are too scared to be honest.

But no. All aren't,but most domestic terrorist are.

That is a lie. And they aren't in unmarked government vehicles.

They are in rental cars and in uniforms with their agency identification hidden.

Well hey you support violent racists and domestic terrorists who illegally occupy places. You also support Marxism, destruction of public property, intimidation of whites and violent riots and looting. All the while using racism as your crutch because you have no other defense.

I mean dude you defended those two idiots who were eating fruit and then putting it back with other fruit. You probably also supported the black woman who thought it was funny to lick ice cream and put it back so unsuspecting people could buy it. You have absolutely zero ground to call anyone else out and call them racist when you yourself are one of the biggest racist.
A change in tactics was inevitable.

This group has caused mayhem and chaos for almost 2 months straight and their response to local and state authorities was combative and refusing to disperse.

Those being taken into custody need to understand that mob rule will not be tolerated or the guys in multi cam will be escorting you to an undisclosed location.

Can't have anarchy in the streets and expect zero consequences for your actions. That's not how this works.
So you lack the ability to discern the difference between protesters and rioters? But I'm sure you can tell the difference between a bad cop and all the good ones out there, right? All this media hate has come from Faux News and the GOP. When you run a campaign based on "alternative facts" (which means lies and nonsense) and your propaganda machine blasts traditional journalistic news sources that weren't lying when they were reporting what Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, et al.. did.. and suddenly they're just out to slur this minority party that somehow runs a "democracy." Enough of my rant... the lesson here is, protesters are not rioters (though I am quite sure some have reacted to violence), not all cops are bad, but you'll sure say the latter before you'll ever admit the former.
Don't want to be associated then dont aassociate, period. If you're a protester and you go downtown Portland right now you know exactly what you're getting into.
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Don't want to be associated then dont aassociate, period. If you're a protester and you go downtown Portland right now you know exactly what you're getting into.

So just sit in your home and take whatever injustice is dished out to you? Instead of doing one of the things that made America what it is. Consider this: without protests, there would be no united States. No shot hears round the world. No voting rights for women. No voting rights for black people. No regulated employment environments. I can go on and on, but you're only going to hear what you want. And that's sad.
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I agree! You really think Trump's goons would be driving around in a Dodge Mini-Van? LOL.

This, most likely, was staged.
But if it was staged, it was done so that when the real agents come nobody will believe them and they can shoot the black peoples when they resist, I mean protest.

Or it was an asset extraction.

Or it was training.

Or what if BLM teamed up with white supremacist anarchists to form the Legion of Doom and Balkanize the country?

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Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon or constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

"In yet another..."

Another? What other unconstitutional acts has Trump allegedly done?
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So just sit in your home and take whatever injustice is dished out to you? Instead of doing one of the things that made America what it is. Consider this: without protests, there would be no united States. No shot hears round the world. No voting rights for women. No voting rights for black people. No regulated employment environments. I can go on and on, but you're only going to hear what you want. And that's sad.

Note to self..."Downtown, where all the crap is going on, is the ONLY place to protest"...Check!
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That is a lie. White racist are and have been.

That's your opinion. The poster you responded to also expressed an opinion. My opinion would probably be cartel associated gangs like MS-13. We all have different opinions.
Dispatched from the secret underground " Lair"

@Orangeslice13 has been talking about this in the "To Serve and Protect Thread". A Federal police force is not what we need or should want. This is bad juju.

Local politicians that refuse to quell domestic terrorism is also not what we want. I suspect this could and should have been circumvented.

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