Trump to be indicted in GA?

I trust Maddow like I trust Travis. They are the same. desperately reaching and grabbing at bits and pieces and putting them together to serve thier own agendas. I do not trust or care what the far left says any more than I trust what the far right says. She is giving hope to the desperate. She is also doing her job. The truth is always... the truth is ALWAYS somewhere in the middle. ALWAYS. I will believe it when I see it, but I think it's more cherry picking than facts.
That is my point
Many tens of millions do not think he is the crap sandwich
I thought he was a good President

His surge in 2016 was because of his outsider status and the fact that the left nominated Hilary. He failed those that supported him because he couldn't get out of his own way.

I'm not arguing 2020 swinging away from Trump was due to which is worse vote. Though I do believe there was a large portion of the country that held their nose and voted for Biden.

What I'm saying is until we withhold support for the two party stooges we will continue to be fed crap sandwiches and we are to blame until we change it.
Let me tell you something I learned early on if you will allow me. YOU ARE BEING USED. But, not how you think. Trump is a complete imbecile, but it would not surprise me if he was more a victim than a leader. I just think he's that dumb. Easily manipulated.

Guess who put him in office? Bernie Bros. The far left. The new york bernie bros wrote bernie in, who was not on the ballot. See how that works?
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There was a good thread earlier about "what kind of advice did your dad give you?" I said my pop taught me "if you hit your head against a brick wall you get a bloody nose." My pop was a dairy farming, naval officer from 40's alabama. He taught me that. Not many got it... but you know what that means? It means you have to work within a system to change a system. There is no left and right. There are only Americans.
That's bs Luther. If anyone wants to vote they can, they have 4 damn years to make the needed arrangements and there are plenty of resources to help. Requiring an ID does nothing to suppress voting.

Remember you were just lecturing others about buying into their parties propoganda. This is a perfect example of taking your own medicine.
It seems you missed the bigger picture.
Let me tell you something I learned early on if you will allow me. YOU ARE BEING USED. But, not how you think. Trump is a complete imbecile, but it would not surprise me if he was more a victim than a leader. I just think he's that dumb. Easily manipulated.

Guess who put him in office? Bernie Bros. The far left. The new york bernie bros wrote bernie in, who was not on the ballot. See how that works?

That directed at me, because I don't need your advice.

And what in hades do Bernie write ins in NY have to do with anything? Trump never took NY
It seems you missed the bigger picture.
Respectfully, I think you're blinded by the political ideologies you cling to.

You see the political world through the spectrum of the left being mostly good and the right being mostly bad. I see it for what it is..... They are all mostly bad
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Why has the Dims not started a campaign?
Holding out until closer to mid terms?
I am curious why riots and protests have not started yet.
Media would be all over it.
It is unlike them to miss a opportunity.
Why has the Dims not started a campaign?
Holding out until closer to mid terms?
I am curious why riots and protests have not started yet.
Media would be all over it.
It is unlike them to miss a opportunity.

Luther is one of the few dumb enough to believe that his parties political leaders are actually principled individuals
You dummy’s on the left just continue to try to cut your own throats and make a folk hero out of Trump. The absolute best things you can do as a party is to forget about him .
I said when he was elected it was the best thing that could happen to the Blue party.
Luther is one of the few dumb enough to believe that his parties political leaders are actually principled individuals
You're one of the few dumb enough to make that comment.
Here's what I know.
They do not all have equal principles.
Which necessarily means, follow me now, that some are more principled than others.
You may be new around here, but if not, you should have heard me mention something called continuums.

There's this thing, evidently in very short supply, called discernment. Give it a shot.
Respectfully, I think you're blinded by the political ideologies you cling to.

You see the political world through the spectrum of the left being mostly good and the right being mostly bad. I see it for what it is..... They are all mostly bad
I see the world as what it is and what I wish it to be.
My political views and actions are based on doing my little part to move the world in the direction I think it should move.
You can indict a ham sandwich is what one AG once said. Trump comments were toward finding invalid votes (there were 10s of thousands). Dems and many Reps are desperate to prevent him from regaining the office cause they know the house of cards could fall this time. They desperately tried fake Russian collusion, the Ukraine fiasco (crazy Joe admitted to breaking the law) now this.
Wait where's all the posts about Brandon's long list of successes?

Oh, I see, you're STILL obsessing over Trump. Admit it. You are in love with Trump. What started as hate has morphed into a compulsive involuntary and probably NSFW deviant love affair complete with a Helga from Hey Arnold like shrine and blow up doll. I'm betting you do more than sleep with it.

This is Biden's time to shine. C'mon Fat!
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You're one of the few dumb enough to make that comment.
Here's what I know.
They do not all have equal principles.
Which necessarily means, follow me now, that some are more principled than others.
You may be new around here, but if not, you should have heard me mention something called continuums.

There's this thing, evidently in very short supply, called discernment. Give it a shot.
Yes but the principles you care about is the image and what they say, not actual substance.
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