Trump vs DeSantis 2024

Assuming they’re the last two standing for the 2024 nomination, who ya got?

I say DeSantis if it comes down to those two. Not sure who would be willing to be Trump’s running mate. MTG, Gaetz? That would tank voter turnout, IMO. I think there will be a lot that say “don’t pick me” up front.
Can we all just admit we are screwed as a country and are sadly getting the candidates we deserve?

We have become a self centered nation that wines over everything and our leaders mirror that.

Absolutely. We 100% deserve the embarrassing mess we have now.

Every year, my requirements for candidates becomes less stringent. At this point, just a give me a candidate with a tad of common sense and can fog up a mirror.
Trump needs to go away. Just go away.

The republicans need a leader who is charismatic like Reagan and can make the press look stupid through humor and still come across as loveable.

Desantis isn’t that either and the media will eat him alive.

But between the two I am picking Desantis.
You usually seem reasonable, but I don't get this take from you. You know good and well that whoever is the GOP candidate will be called a racist, sexist, homophobe, elitist and the second coming of Hitler. So why does any of that nonsense even matter?
Absolutely. We 100% deserve the embarrassing mess we have now.

Every year, my requirements for candidates becomes less stringent. At this point, just a give me a candidate with a tad of common sense and can fog up a mirror.
I’ve said 1000 times I stopped voting major party because they gave us garbage candidates Bush Vs Gore. Now I long for the quality of Bush and Gore.
You usually seem reasonable, but I don't get this take from you. You know good and well that whoever is the GOP candidate will be called a racist, sexist, homophobe, elitist and the second coming of Hitler. So why does any of that nonsense even matter?

They will be smeared but charisma overcomes alot of that. We need a very sound person with great ideas but they must be able to control the room abs the narrative with smiles and laughter. Reagan destroyed peopled, absolutely humiliated people, but was able to pull it off because he did it with a joke. We need that.
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Stupid question. There is simply no chance of a primary of these two. Only people even asking are dem trolls who are trying to get Trump against Desantis.

If Trump decides to run, Desantis will wait. There is absolutely no upside for him to go against Trump. Trump either wins or loses and he is one more term.

Either way, Desantis is the leader of the party. Meanwhile, he is gov of Florida and a strong contender for 2028 with Trump solidly behind him.
Trump needs to go away. Just go away.

The republicans need a leader who is charismatic like Reagan and can make the press look stupid through humor and still come across as loveable.

Desantis isn’t that either and the media will eat him alive.

But between the two I am picking Desantis.
The media has been attacking DeSantis 24/7 for almost two years now and it hasn’t made a dent in his popularity. If anything, his popularity is increasing
I miss this guy. If we have to endure incompetent leadership, at least entertain us.

We can add it to all other areas he claims exclusive expertise:

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Bush and Gore are not quality. Both men are pure evil.

At this point I would take Gore over Bush. He may of been a dumbass, but those "New World Order" props by his CIA pops, give me pause
I assume our IA are for America, not anymore.
That’s kinda the point
By comparison bush and gore are dramatically better than what we have now and I consider them unworthy of a vote
The jury is still out on Trump. I'm concerned because of the people he surrounded himself with during his presidency.

However, every other candidate since then has been just as bad as Bush and Gore.

Good candidates like Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ross Perot, Tulsi Gabbard, Jim Webb, and Alan Keyes never stood a chance.

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