Trump vs DeSantis 2024

You usually seem reasonable, but I don't get this take from you. You know good and well that whoever is the GOP candidate will be called a racist, sexist, homophobe, elitist and the second coming of Hitler. So why does any of that nonsense even matter?
I know they will. But I want a nominee this time with an attention span longer than that of a goldfish and the ability to at least work a plan. Lashing out reflexively at anyone opposing you might feel good. But it is not a plan
I know they will. But I want a nominee this time with an attention span longer than that of a goldfish and the ability to at least work a plan. Lashing out reflexively at anyone opposing you might feel good. But it is not a plan

Good luck with that. Trump and DeSantis are both all about lashing out, just for the shock and entertainment value. Worked for Trump already once. Sadly.
Good luck with that. Trump and DeSantis are both all about lashing out, just for the shock and entertainment value. Worked for Trump already once. Sadly.
If you can’t see the difference between Trumps undisciplined and reflexive fits of petulance and DeSantis’ carefully chosen and calibrated battles designed specifically to achieve a political goal you need to look again. Don’t underestimate DeSantis. He is making all the right moves to win over the people he needs to in order to win the nomination.
If you can’t see the difference between Trumps undisciplined and reflexive fits of petulance and DeSantis’ carefully chosen and calibrated battles designed specifically to achieve a political goal you need to look again. Don’t underestimate DeSantis. He is making all the right moves to win over the people he needs to in order to win the nomination.

By banning math books for effectively no reason? By punishing Disney for daring to disagree with him on what was a goofy (pun intended) showmanship bill to begin with?

Sorry, but painting him as a smart politician maneuvering on substance is just ridiculous. He's another carnival barker, just like Trump. That he plans out his feigned outrage is not a selling point.
Candace Owens is totally unqualified and unfit for public office… which in this day and age makes her a shoo in candidate for at least a House seat.
How is she unqualified and unfit? At this point I'm starting to find it hilarious some of you guys have this unexplained hatred for her.
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If you can’t see the difference between Trumps undisciplined and reflexive fits of petulance and DeSantis’ carefully chosen and calibrated battles designed specifically to achieve a political goal you need to look again. Don’t underestimate DeSantis. He is making all the right moves to win over the people he needs to in order to win the nomination.
Desantis also comes across as more competent than Trump and this terrifies democrats and leftists even more.
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Good luck with that. Trump and DeSantis are both all about lashing out, just for the shock and entertainment value. Worked for Trump already once. Sadly.
Are you trying to tell us that democrat candidates aren't guilty of lashing out just for shock and entertainment value? Like Liz Warren often does.
I only know Oz is a complete loon who believes kids were secretly being trafficked online as furniture. No wonder Trump digs him
Okay let's talk about Kathy Barnette then. Since my question was about her. What do you think about her?
Candace Owens is totally unqualified and unfit for public office… which in this day and age makes her a shoo in candidate for at least a House seat.
Please provide your own list of people you feel are qualified and fit for public office. I for one would like to see it.

Also. What qualifications are listed in the constitution for someone to be able to run for public office?
I’d settle for someone who isn’t a total buffoon or actively trying to destroy the country, which is what we have now.
I’d settle for someone who isn’t a total buffoon or actively trying to destroy the country, which is what we have now.
Yeah. But these people who are actively trying to destroy the country and qualified and fit. No need to worry.
Please provide your own list of people you feel are qualified and fit for public office. I for one would like to see it.

Also. What qualifications are listed in the constitution for someone to be able to run for public office?
How about some general guidelines. ANYBODY that’s run a small business. Had to make payroll, manage a budget, handle a staff, deal with quarterly taxes. Let’s start there.

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