Trump vs DeSantis 2024

Y'all can fight out over that, but I'd like to think that in a country of more than 330 million Americans and (let me check) 75 million voting Republicans, surely y'all can find someone better than these two statist idiots.
Y'all can fight out over that, but I'd like to think that in a country of more than 330 million Americans and (let me check) 75 million voting Republicans, surely y'all can find someone better than these two statist idiots.

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Good candidates like Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ross Perot, Tulsi Gabbard, Jim Webb, and Alan Keyes never stood a chance.

hey that is a list of most of my primary votes lol
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At this point I would take Gore over Bush. He may of been a dumbass, but those "New World Order" props by his CIA pops, give me pause
I assume our IA are for America, not anymore.
Gore and Bush are part of the same crowd. Both of their fathers were globalists.
At this point I would take Gore over Bush. He may of been a dumbass, but those "New World Order" props by his CIA pops, give me pause
I assume our IA are for America, not anymore.

One pushed a global war on terror as a reason to legitimize any legislation or executive action that restricted American freedoms "to keep us safe" while the
other pushed a global hoax on climate change as a reason to legitimize any legislation or executive action that restricted American freedoms "to literally save the world"

Either way, they are bending you over and ah... invading your freedoms - the only difference is the justifications they are whispering in your ear.
The jury is still out on Trump. I'm concerned because of the people he surrounded himself with during his presidency.

However, every other candidate since then has been just as bad as Bush and Gore.

Good candidates like Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ross Perot, Tulsi Gabbard, Jim Webb, and Alan Keyes never stood a chance.
Yeah because people have bought into the dichotomy element and only want to back a winner instead of actually voting their beliefs.
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Lord help the career politicians if Americans ever stop fighting with each other and actually start fighting them.
It's why the politicians keep us divided on all the issues. They know they have no inherent value so they manufacture a threat they want us to believe is extreme. That threat is the other party and anyone who votes with them.
Y'all can fight out over that, but I'd like to think that in a country of more than 330 million Americans and (let me check) 75 million voting Republicans, surely y'all can find someone better than these two statist idiots.

One would like to think so, but the Democrats didn’t and actually had a much worse line up to choose from and currently occupy the White House. So it really matters not, unless something drastically changes the nation’s electorate will remain partisanly ignorant.
One would like to think so, but the Democrats didn’t and actually had a much worse line up to choose from and currently occupy the White House. So it really matters not, unless something drastically changes the nation’s electorate will remain partisanly ignorant.
The jury is still out on Trump. I'm concerned because of the people he surrounded himself with during his presidency.

However, every other candidate since then has been just as bad as Bush and Gore.

Good candidates like Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ross Perot, Tulsi Gabbard, Jim Webb, and Alan Keyes never stood a chance.
Those aren’t “good candidates”.
What is Trump thinking? Bringing out Woody Johnson at his rally. Did anyone see the crowd reaction to that? There was none.

He is also endorsing Dr. Oz when he should be endorsing Kathy Barnette.

Trump is making some mistakes here. Has anyone else noticed?
What is Trump thinking? Bringing out Woody Johnson at his rally. Did anyone see the crowd reaction to that? There was none.

He is also endorsing Dr. Oz when he should be endorsing Kathy Barnette.

Trump is making some mistakes here. Has anyone else noticed?

The Oz endorsement is puzzling.
I say DeSantis if it comes down to those two. Not sure who would be willing to be Trump’s running mate. MTG, Gaetz? That would tank voter turnout, IMO. I think there will be a lot that say “don’t pick me” up front.
This would be the Palin moment. No way in hell anyone in their right mind would put MTG anywhere near the Oval Office as VP

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