Trump vs Pelosi and Schumer

I don't care what Trump is saying here, you are having a tough time let's start over. I know the liberal hero Kyle Griffin doesn't explain stuff either because he is a moron or he leads gullible democrats along.
Bill passed in the House
President Trump will sign the bill if approved by the Senate
Now, this is where you are having a hard time. The Republicans have 51 votes in the Senate let's assume he gets 50 that means he needs 10 from who? So if you can guess the who on that part you can figure out who their leader is.
Trumps dumbass shut the government down because he got hurt feelings about Coulter and Bongino being mean about the wall. He owns this, just as he said he would.
Continue to be willfully ignorant, the wall is never being built.
Trumps dumbass shut the government down because he got hurt feelings about Coulter and Bongino being mean about the wall. He owns this, just as he said he would.
Continue to be willfully ignorant, the wall is never being built.
Schumer's dumbass shut the government down because the far left base doesn't want a political victory for the President. And because the base doesn't want secured borders.

I have always said the wall will never get built. 2 reasons: far left open borders crowd and weak spineless Republicans.
Libs forget their messiah was the same acting this way behind closed doors & w/a media cover up.
This is for border security & Dems are too stupid to figure it out even after a map in crayons has been shown.
The Democratic Party wants blood-thirsty murder & chaos to run rampant in American streets if they don't get their way.
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If they want me to act as though the “shutdown” is anything more than politics they should make it where the government employees affected don’t receive back pay when the government reopens.
Then we will see who really wants a shutdown.
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Schumer's dumbass shut the government down because the far left base doesn't want a political victory for the President. And because the base doesn't want secured borders.

I have always said the wall will never get built. 2 reasons: far left open borders crowd and weak spineless Republicans.

You obviously fell for Trump's complete fabrication about the Democrat sponsored "Open Borders Bill". Of course, there was never any such bill.
You many be among the 0.2% of humans on the planet that believe that.

And like always your wild guess at % numbers miss the mark again by a large margin.
You should try something better than just throwing a % number out of your pea brain hoping it sticks.
Did you just call someone out for childish behavior and then actually write "Barry and his husband" in the same sentence? How to own yourself, you need a vacation.

Lighten up, Francis. It was a joke. Oh, that's right.....Dems can't take a joke when it's about them.
Dems are always acting like the "no fun party" for everyone in America. :p Merry Christmas, Ribs.
Corker and Flake both voted no on the cloture vote. Doesn’t even have the vote in his own party.

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