Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Because obviously Democrat infiltrators attending can’t be trusted. 🤦‍♀️

Have you missed the ads requesting CV-19 positives attend the rally specifically to try and infect Trump supporters?
This doesn't surprise me, in keeping with the actions of the other 12 year olds, par for the course.
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Lol. Did someone miss the non social distancing riotous morons the past few weeks?
You've seen it before and I'm not recounting it.
I'll just watch you get text slapped around.... Again.

Ha! So, in reality, we have the President of the United States holding a massive rally during the midst of a global pandemic that will ignore the advice (social distancing / masks) of his very administration.

That, sir, is the definition of hypocrisy.
Ha! So, in reality, we have the President of the United States holding a massive rally during the midst of a global pandemic that will ignore the advice (social distancing / masks) of his very administration.

That, sir, is the definition of hypocrisy.

Just shows he's a manly man. He ain't skeered of nuthin'!

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Ha! So, in reality, we have the President of the United States holding a massive rally during the midst of a global pandemic that will ignore the advice (social distancing / masks) of his very administration.

That, sir, is the definition of hypocrisy.

Come on now. Don't skip the question about are you ok with the protesters and rioters not practicing social distancing or how many people showed up at the Floyd funeral. Come on you can answer it
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Ha! So, in reality, we have the President of the United States holding a massive rally during the midst of a global pandemic that will ignore the advice (social distancing / masks) of his very administration.

That, sir, is the definition of hypocrisy.
Can you get any more dense as you stir the **** pot?
Ha! So, in reality, we have the President of the United States holding a massive rally during the midst of a global pandemic that will ignore the advice (social distancing / masks) of his very administration.

That, sir, is the definition of hypocrisy.
Protestors going ape sh!t already proved its not a big deal. Look elsewhere to peddle your fake rage and misguided virtue signaling.
I can see both sides of this argument honestly. The people who advocate the mass gatherings in protests have no room criticize this event. At the same time, the Trumpsters have to understand that there are WAY more people social distancing rather than participating in the mass protests.

Me personally, I'm pro-social distancing, but I'm not putting anyone through the ringer who chooses not to. Ideally, everyone would just do it to minimize the impact of COVID, but I'm not going to tell someone else how to live their life.
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So Trump will hold a political rally in Oklahoma this Saturday. It's expected to sell out the venue, and roughly 20K fans will attend.

The plan is to disregard all social distancing, scan people for fevers before allowing entry, provide hand sanitizer, provide optional masks.

What could possibly go wrong? Well, this is the chance for all those here who think CV19 is a scam to prove everyone else wrong.

Trump, obviously, won't wear a mask. I'm curious as to what % of attendees will, and how the organizers will arrange folks. Specifically, the folks behind Trump who appear on TV are, of course, hand-picked from attendees prior to the start of the rally. Will organizers target folks who won't wear a mask? This would drive home an intended statement that the virus is "done" and there's "nothing to worry about". Conversely, they could select mask wearers to convey "hey, still be safe". I suspect the former.

Will Trump's rally result in subsequent viral infections? If yes, on what scale?

The outcome could have bearing on stuff that's important to nearly everyone here: TN football.

MSM will no doubt track what happens with the virus post-rally, so please post updates here.

Place your bets.
Don’t you mean 1.2 million people?
Hearing alot of sand pounding here by the virus "hoax" fan club. Lots of angry rage, yet no substance. *sigh*
So Trump will hold a political rally in Oklahoma this Saturday. It's expected to sell out the venue, and roughly 20K fans will attend.

The plan is to disregard all social distancing, scan people for fevers before allowing entry, provide hand sanitizer, provide optional masks.

What could possibly go wrong? Well, this is the chance for all those here who think CV19 is a scam to prove everyone else wrong.

Trump, obviously, won't wear a mask. I'm curious as to what % of attendees will, and how the organizers will arrange folks. Specifically, the folks behind Trump who appear on TV are, of course, hand-picked from attendees prior to the start of the rally. Will organizers target folks who won't wear a mask? This would drive home an intended statement that the virus is "done" and there's "nothing to worry about". Conversely, they could select mask wearers to convey "hey, still be safe". I suspect the former.

Will Trump's rally result in subsequent viral infections? If yes, on what scale?

The outcome could have bearing on stuff that's important to nearly everyone here: TN football.

MSM will no doubt track what happens with the virus post-rally, so please post updates here.

Place your bets.

Hopefully they all get a non-deadly version of the virus that does something to their brains that makes them vote for small government.

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